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Created May 29, 2018 13:05
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public import std.typecons: Yes, No;
struct ClampedNumber(NumericT)
import std.traits: isNumeric;
import std.typecons: Flag;
alias Numeric = NumericT;
alias TrackUnclamped = Flag!"trackUnclamped";
static assert(isNumeric!Numeric, Numeric.stringof ~ " is not a numeric type!");
private Numeric _value;
private Numeric _unclampedValue;
Numeric min;
Numeric max;
TrackUnclamped trackUnclamped;
@disable this();
this(Numeric value, Numeric min, Numeric max, TrackUnclamped trackUnclamped = No.trackUnclamped)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.trackUnclamped = trackUnclamped;
this = value;
Other opCast(Other)()
return cast(Other)value;
Numeric opAssign(Other)(Other value)
import std.algorithm: min, max;
this._unclampedValue = value;
return this._value = max(min(value, this.max), this.min);
template opOpAssign(string op)
mixin clampedNumberArithmetic!(op, false);
alias opOpAssign = opArithmetic;
template opBinary(string op)
mixin clampedNumberArithmetic!(op, true);
alias opBinary = opArithmetic;
bool opEquals(Other)(Other value)
return this.value == value;
bool opEquals(OtherNumeric)(ClampedNumber!OtherNumeric other)
auto thisValue = trackUnclamped ? _unclampedValue : _value;
auto thatValue = other.trackUnclamped ? other._unclampedValue : other._value;
this.trackUnclamped == other.trackUnclamped &&
thisValue == thatValue &&
this.max == other.max &&
this.min == other.min
@property Numeric value()
return this._value;
@property Numeric unclampedValue()
return this._unclampedValue;
private mixin template clampedNumberArithmetic(string op, bool copy)
typeof(this) opArithmetic(Other)(Other value)
static if(copy)
enum target = "result";
typeof(this) result = this;
enum target = "this";
mixin(target ~ " = _unclampedValue " ~ op ~ " value;");
mixin(target ~ " = _value " ~ op ~ " value;");
mixin("return " ~ target ~ ";");
typeof(this) opArithmetic(OtherNumeric)(ClampedNumber!OtherNumeric other)
static if(copy)
enum target = "result";
typeof(this) result = this;
enum target = "this";
auto thisValue = trackUnclamped ? _unclampedValue : _value;
auto thatValue = other.trackUnclamped ? other._unclampedValue : other._value;
mixin(target ~ " = thisValue " ~ op ~ " thatValue;");
mixin("return " ~ target ~ ";");
///Test clamping.
auto num = ClampedNumber!int(1, 0, 10);
num = -1;
assert(num == 0);
num = 20;
assert(num == 10);
///Test operators.
auto num = ClampedNumber!int(1, 0, 10);
num -= 2;
assert(num == 0);
assert(num == ClampedNumber!int(0, 0, 10));
assert(num == 0);
num += 20;
assert(num == 10);
num -= 1;
assert(num == 9);
///Test unclamped tracking.
auto num = ClampedNumber!int(1, 0, 10, Yes.trackUnclamped);
num -= 1;
assert(num == 0);
assert(num.unclampedValue == 0);
num -= 1;
assert(num == 0);
assert(num.unclampedValue == -1);
num += 1;
assert(num == 0);
assert(num.unclampedValue == 0);
num += 1;
assert(num == 1);
assert(num.unclampedValue == 1);
num = -1;
assert(num == 0);
assert(num.unclampedValue == -1);
///Test arithmetic on pairs of ClampedNumbers
auto x = ClampedNumber!int(1, 0, 10, Yes.trackUnclamped);
auto y = ClampedNumber!int(2, 0, 10, Yes.trackUnclamped);
auto z = x + y;
assert(z == 3);
x = 20;
y = 20;
z = x + y;
assert(z.value == 10);
assert(z.unclampedValue == 40);
y.trackUnclamped = No.trackUnclamped;
z = x + y;
assert(z.value == 10);
assert(z.unclampedValue == 30);
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