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Last active December 27, 2015 11:09
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  • Save YoshitsuguFujii/7315972 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save YoshitsuguFujii/7315972 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ ->
jQuery.extend jQuery.fn,
toggle_value: ->
obj = jQuery(this)
obj.val ((if obj.val() is "true" then "false" else "true"))
exists: ->
@length > 0
enable: ->
$(this).removeAttr "disabled"
disabled: ->
$(this).attr "disabled", "disabled"
member: (str) ->
$(this).html().indexOf(str) isnt -1
checked: (str) ->
$(this).attr "checked"
check: (str) ->
$(this).attr "checked", "checked"
uncheck: (str) ->
$(this).removeAttr "checked"
only_one_inputable: ->
$(@).bind "change", ->
entered_input = null
$(@).find("input").each ->
if $(@).val() != ''
entered_input = $(@)
if entered_input
$(@).find("input").each ->
clear_input: ->
$(@).find("textarea, :text, select").val("").end().find(":checked").prop("checked", false)
clear_text_input: ->
$(@).find("textarea, :text").val("").end()
check_radio_first: ->
$(@).find("input:radio:first").prop("checked", true)
exists_text_val: ->
vals = $(@).find("textarea, :text"), (elem) ->
return $(elem).val()
not _.isEmpty(_.compact(vals))
serializeHash: ->
attrs = {}
_.each $(@).serializeArray(), (field) ->
attrs[] = field.value
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