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Last active March 12, 2017 23:10
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Let's F# tell us if you're surname is Polish!
// Check out the associated blog post at:
open System
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Return the number of occurrences of a given char within a word (case-insensitive)
let countCharCI char word =
|> Seq.filter (fun current -> Char.ToLower current = Char.ToLower char)
|> Seq.length
countCharCI 'C' "ccc" // 3
countCharCI 'c' "cCc" // 3
countCharCI 'c' "" // 0
countCharCI '2' "145" // 0
countCharCI '3' "3f3sdf" // 2
/// Apply a function to all elements of a list, sum the results and multiply by the number of points
let computePointsFor func elems points word =
|> (fun e -> func e word)
|> List.reduce (+)
|> (*) points
let polishChars = ['ą';'ć';'ę';'ł';'ń';'ó';'ś';'ż';'ź']
computePointsFor countCharCI polishChars 1 "Bob Johnson" // 0
computePointsFor countCharCI polishChars 1 "Robert Jonsłon" // 1
computePointsFor countCharCI polishChars 2 "Stanisław Wójcik" // 4
computePointsFor countCharCI polishChars 1 "" // 0
// Helper function with pre-baked parameters
let checkPolishChars points word =
computePointsFor countCharCI polishChars points word
checkPolishChars 3 "Józef Gwóźdź" // 12
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A digraph is a combination of letters that represent a single sound!
let polishDigraphs = ["ch";"cz";"dz";"dż";"dź";"rz";"sz"]
/// Return the number of occurrences of a given digraph within a word (case-insensitive)
/// The function ignores overlaps (countDigraphCI "cc" "cccc" returns 2 and not 3)
let countDigraphCI (digraph:string) (word:string) =
let wordCI = word.ToLower()
let digraphCI = digraph.ToLower()
let rec loop occurrences index =
if index >= String.length wordCI then occurrences
match wordCI.IndexOf(digraphCI, index) with
| -1 -> occurrences // -1 means the substring was not found
| indexFound -> loop (occurrences + 1) (indexFound + String.length digraphCI)
if String.length word = 0 then 0
else loop 0 0
countDigraphCI "cz" "Szczerba" // 1
countDigraphCI "cz" "szCZerba" // 1
countDigraphCI "sz" "Szczerba" // 1
countDigraphCI "sz" "" // 0
countDigraphCI "cz" "Wieczorkiewicz" // 2
/// Apply computePointsFor to our countDigraphCI function
let checkPolishDigraphs points word =
computePointsFor countDigraphCI polishDigraphs points word
checkPolishDigraphs 1 "szczrz" // 3
checkPolishDigraphs 2 "Dziurdź" // 4
checkPolishDigraphs 3 "Szczerba" // 6
checkPolishDigraphs 1 "Błaszczyszyn" // 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Apply a list of criteria on a subject and return as soon as one matches the given condition
let checkConditions criteria condition subject =
let rec loop remainingElems = // sub-function, loop over the criteria
match remainingElems with
| [] -> (false, None)
| c::r ->
match condition c subject with
| true -> (true, Some c) // exit as soon as we get a positive result
| false -> loop r // else loop over the next element
loop criteria
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Check whether a word has the given ending (case-insensitive)
let finishWithCI (suffix:string) (word:string) = word.ToLower().EndsWith(suffix.ToLower())
finishWithCI "ski" "kowalski" // true
finishWithCI "SKi" "kowalsKI" // true
finishWithCI "wicz" "Nowak" // false
finishWithCI "" "Nowak" // true
finishWithCI "" "" // true
finishWithCI "ski" "" // false
let polishEndings = ["wicz";"czyk";"wski";"wska";"ński";"ńska";"ski";"ska";"cki";"cka";"ło";"ła";"ak";"rz"]
checkConditions polishEndings finishWithCI "Kowalski" // (true, Some "ski")
/// Return a certain amount of points if the given word has one of the most common Polish endings
let checkPolishEndings points word =
let success, _ = checkConditions polishEndings finishWithCI word
if success then points else 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions to facilitate composition
let checkPolishCharsPipe points (word, initialPoints) =
(word, checkPolishChars points word + initialPoints)
let checkPolishEndingsPipe points (word, initialPoints) =
(word, checkPolishEndings points word + initialPoints)
let checkPolishDigraphsPipe points (word, initialPoints) =
(word, checkPolishDigraphs points word + initialPoints)
let checkAllPolishConditions pointsPerChar pointsPerEnding pointsPerDigraph =
checkPolishCharsPipe pointsPerChar
>> checkPolishEndingsPipe pointsPerEnding
>> checkPolishDigraphsPipe pointsPerDigraph
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type NameOrigin = DefinitelyPolish | ProbablyPolish | NotPolish
/// Divide the number of points obtained for a given word by the length of the word itself
let calculatePolishDensity (word:string, points) =
match word.Length with
| 0 -> (word, 0.)
| len -> (word, float points / float len)
/// Decide if a word is Polish based on its density
let decideIfPolish (word, density) =
if (density < 0.2) then (word, NameOrigin.NotPolish, density)
else if (density >= 0.2 && density <= 0.8) then (word, NameOrigin.ProbablyPolish, density)
else (word, NameOrigin.DefinitelyPolish, density)
/// A test method
let getPointsFor name =
(name, 0)
|> checkAllPolishConditions 1 6 3
getPointsFor "Młynarczyk" // 10 (1 for ł, 3 for cz, 6 for czyk)
getPointsFor "Włudzik" // 3 (1 for ł, 3 for dz)
// The magic function that decides if the given surname is Polish or not.
let isNamePolish name =
(name, 0)
|> checkAllPolishConditions 1 6 3
|> calculatePolishDensity
|> decideIfPolish
isNamePolish "Kowalski" // ProbablyPolish
isNamePolish "Młynarczyk" // DefinitelyPolish
isNamePolish "Lisiewicz" // DefinitelyPolish
isNamePolish "Johnson" // NotPolish
isNamePolish "Nowak" // DefinitelyPolish
isNamePolish "Młynarz" // DefinitelyPolish
isNamePolish "Kozak" // DefinitelyPolish
isNamePolish "Bouglouan" // NotPolish
isNamePolish "Włudzik" // ProbablyPolish
isNamePolish "Urbaniak" // ProbablyPolish
isNamePolish "Brzęczyszczykiewicz" // DefinitelyPolish
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