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Created January 10, 2015 19:01
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Save YoungjaeKim/e5d76f476a19224daf0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.NET Framework 3.5 Installation script for Azure Roles
# original:
# Method that returns path to the directory holding 'installnet35.ps1' script.
function Get-ScriptDirectory
$Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path
# Gets path to the local resource we reserved for manipulating the zip file.
$localStoreRoot = ([Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment]::GetLocalResource("net35resource")).RootPath.TrimEnd('\\')
# .NET 3.5 source (in blob storage)
# Note that you can also include the .NET 3.5 source zip file in the package
$net35Source = "http://<your_blob_storage_address>"
# Destination path for the zip file
$net35ZipDestination = Join-Path $localStoreRoot ""
# Use WebClient to download the the zip file
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.DownloadFile($net35Source, $net35ZipDestination)
# Destination path to hold the extracted files
$net35ExtractDestination = Join-Path $localStoreRoot "net35"
$pathExists = Test-Path $net35ExtractDestination
if (!$pathExists)
new-item $net35ExtractDestination -itemtype directory
# Build command to unzip
$zipTool = (Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) "\7za.exe")
$unzipCommandArgs = "x " + $net35ZipDestination + " -o$net35ExtractDestination -y"
# Unzip the file
Start-Process $zipTool $unzipCommandArgs -NoNewWindow -Wait
$net35ExtractDestination = Join-Path $net35ExtractDestination "net35"
# Install .NET 3.5 using -Source option
Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core –Source $net35ExtractDestination
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