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Created February 24, 2021 07:02
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// ==========================================
// RULE: Must use correct property ordering
// ==========================================
// Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
// ==========================================
// (ref:
'use strict'
var _ = require('underscore')
, util = require('../util')
, RULE = {
type: 'strictPropertyOrder'
, message: 'Incorrect property order for rule'
// vendor prefix order
, vendorPrefixes = [
, '-khtml-'
, '-epub-'
, '-moz-'
, '-ms-'
, '-o-'
// hack prefix order
, hackPrefixes = [
'_' // ie7
, '*' // ie6
// css property order
, order = [
, 'top'
, 'right'
, 'bottom'
, 'left'
, 'z-index'
, 'display'
, 'float'
, 'width'
, 'height'
, 'max-width'
, 'max-height'
, 'min-width'
, 'min-height'
, 'padding'
, 'padding-top'
, 'padding-right'
, 'padding-bottom'
, 'padding-left'
, 'margin'
, 'margin-top'
, 'margin-right'
, 'margin-bottom'
, 'margin-left'
, 'margin-collapse'
, 'margin-top-collapse'
, 'margin-right-collapse'
, 'margin-bottom-collapse'
, 'margin-left-collapse'
, 'overflow'
, 'overflow-x'
, 'overflow-y'
, 'clip'
, 'clear'
, 'font'
, 'font-family'
, 'font-size'
, 'font-smoothing'
, 'osx-font-smoothing'
, 'font-style'
, 'font-weight'
, 'hyphens'
, 'src'
, 'line-height'
, 'letter-spacing'
, 'word-spacing'
, 'color'
, 'text-align'
, 'text-decoration'
, 'text-indent'
, 'text-overflow'
, 'text-rendering'
, 'text-size-adjust'
, 'text-shadow'
, 'text-transform'
, 'word-break'
, 'word-wrap'
, 'white-space'
, 'vertical-align'
, 'list-style'
, 'list-style-type'
, 'list-style-position'
, 'list-style-image'
, 'pointer-events'
, 'cursor'
, 'background'
, 'background-attachment'
, 'background-color'
, 'background-image'
, 'background-position'
, 'background-repeat'
, 'background-size'
, 'border'
, 'border-collapse'
, 'border-top'
, 'border-right'
, 'border-bottom'
, 'border-left'
, 'border-color'
, 'border-image'
, 'border-top-color'
, 'border-right-color'
, 'border-bottom-color'
, 'border-left-color'
, 'border-spacing'
, 'border-style'
, 'border-top-style'
, 'border-right-style'
, 'border-bottom-style'
, 'border-left-style'
, 'border-width'
, 'border-top-width'
, 'border-right-width'
, 'border-bottom-width'
, 'border-left-width'
, 'border-radius'
, 'border-top-right-radius'
, 'border-bottom-right-radius'
, 'border-bottom-left-radius'
, 'border-top-left-radius'
, 'border-radius-topright'
, 'border-radius-bottomright'
, 'border-radius-bottomleft'
, 'border-radius-topleft'
, 'content'
, 'quotes'
, 'outline'
, 'outline-offset'
, 'opacity'
, 'filter'
, 'visibility'
, 'size'
, 'zoom'
, 'transform'
, 'box-align'
, 'box-flex'
, 'box-orient'
, 'box-pack'
, 'box-shadow'
, 'box-sizing'
, 'table-layout'
, 'animation'
, 'animation-delay'
, 'animation-duration'
, 'animation-iteration-count'
, 'animation-name'
, 'animation-play-state'
, 'animation-timing-function'
, 'animation-fill-mode'
, 'transition'
, 'transition-delay'
, 'transition-duration'
, 'transition-property'
, 'transition-timing-function'
, 'background-clip'
, 'backface-visibility'
, 'resize'
, 'appearance'
, 'user-select'
, 'interpolation-mode'
, 'direction'
, 'marks'
, 'page'
, 'set-link-source'
, 'unicode-bidi'
, 'speak'
// regex tests
, HACK_PREFIX = new RegExp('^(' + hackPrefixes.join('|').replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$#\s]/g, "\\$&") + ')')
, VENDOR_PREFIX = new RegExp('^(' + vendorPrefixes.join('|').replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$#\s]/g, "\\$&") + ')')
// validation method
module.exports = function (def, data) {
// // default validation to true
var isValid = true
, dict = {}
, index = 0
, cleanRules
, sortedRules
, firstLine
, extract
, selector
// return if no rules to validate
if (!def.rules) return isValid
// recurse over nested rulesets
def.rules.forEach(function (rule) {
if (rule.selectors) module.exports(rule, data)
cleanRules = (rule) {
return && rule
}).filter(function (item) { return item })
// sort rules
sortedRules = _.sortBy(cleanRules, function (rule) {
// pad value of each rule position to account for vendor prefixes
var padding = (vendorPrefixes.length + 1) * 10
, root
, val
// strip vendor prefix and hack prefix from rule name to find root
root =
.replace(VENDOR_PREFIX, '')
.replace(HACK_PREFIX, '')
// find value of order of the root css property
val = order.indexOf(root)
// if property is not found, exit with property not found error
if (!~val) {
return util.throwError(def, {
type: 'propertyNotFound'
, message: 'Unknown property name: "' + + '"'
// pad value
val = (val * padding) + 10
// adjust value based on prefix
val += VENDOR_PREFIX.exec( ? vendorPrefixes.indexOf(RegExp.$1) : (vendorPrefixes.length + 1)
// adjust value based on css hack
val += HACK_PREFIX.exec( ? (hackPrefixes.indexOf(RegExp.$1)) : 0
// return sort value
return val
// check to see if sortedRules has same order as provided rules
isValid = _.isEqual(sortedRules, cleanRules)
// return if sort is correct
if (isValid) return isValid
// get the line number of the first rule
firstLine = util.getLine(def.rules[0].index, data)
// generate a extract what the correct sorted rules would look like
extract = (rule) {
if (! return
return util.padLine(firstLine + index++)
+ ' ' + + ': '
+ (typeof rule.value == 'string' ? rule.value : rule.value.toCSS({}))
+ ';'
}).filter(function (item) { return item }).join('\n')
// extract selector for error message
selector = (' "' + (selector) {
return selector.toCSS && selector.toCSS({}).replace(/^\s/, '')
}).join(', ') + '"').magenta
// set error object on defintion token
util.throwError(def, {
type: RULE.type
, message: RULE.message + selector + '\n\n Correct order below:\n'.grey
, extract: extract
, sortedRules: sortedRules
, line: firstLine
// return valid state
return isValid
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