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Last active October 2, 2020 12:07
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pattern-match.rkt - implementation of basic pattern match
#lang racket
; pattern-match.rkt - implementation of basic pattern match
(define (conbining-cond-and-match-list ls)
(cons 'cond ls))
(define (convert-match input)
(define pattern-list (cddr input))
[(not (eq? (car input) 'match)) (error "the head of input is not \"match\". Exit.")]
[(eq? pattern-list '()) (error "the patterns are not listed.")]
(else (conbining-cond-and-match-list (convert-match-main pattern-list (list-ref input 1) empty)))))
(define (convert-match-main pattern-list input-var result)
(let ((head-line-result (convert-match-line input-var (car pattern-list) (cdr pattern-list))))
(if (eq? (cdr pattern-list) '())
(cons head-line-result (convert-match-main (cdr pattern-list) input-var result)))
;; storing match-line result
(struct match-result (LetBindingLst ConstraintLst) #:mutable)
; convert-match-line
(define (convert-match-line input-var match-line rest-match-lines)
;(display match-line)
(define pattern (car match-line))
(define binding-pattern-and-constraint-list (binding-pattern (cdr pattern) input-var))
(define binded-variable-pair (match-result-LetBindingLst binding-pattern-and-constraint-list))
(define constraint-list (match-result-ConstraintLst binding-pattern-and-constraint-list))
; (id x) = get the struct identifier of the variable x; (const-id x) = get the constructor identifier of the constructor x
(define type-condition `(eq? (id ,input-var) (const-id ,(car pattern))))
(if (eq? constraint-list empty)
`[ ,type-condition ,(append `(let ,binded-variable-pair) (cdr match-line))]
`[ ,type-condition (if ,(cons 'and constraint-list)
,(append `(let ,binded-variable-pair) (cdr match-line))
,(conbining-cond-and-match-list (convert-match-main rest-match-lines input-var empty)))]
; binding pattern to variable
(define (binding-pattern list input-var) (binding-pattern-0 list 0 input-var empty empty))
(define (binding-pattern-0 list ctr input-var binding-result constraint-results) ; ctr = counter
((eq? list empty) (match-result binding-result constraint-results))
((not (symbol? (car list)))
(cdr list)
(+ ctr 1)
(append constraint-results `((eq? (get-ref ,input-var ,ctr) ,(car list))))))
(else (binding-pattern-0
(cdr list)
(+ ctr 1)
(append binding-result `((,(car list) (get-ref ,input-var ,ctr))))
;; example
(define match-example '(match x
[(list1 p1 p11 p12) body1]
;[(list2 p2 p21 p22) body2]
;;'(cond ((eq? (id x) (const-id list1))
;; (let ((p1 (get-ref x 0)) (p11 (get-ref x 1)) (p12 (get-ref x 2))) body1)))
(convert-match match-example)
(define match-example2 '(match x
[(list1 p1 p11 p12) body1]
[(list2 p2 p20) body2]
[(atom3) body3]
;; ((eq? (id x) (const-id list1)) (let ((p1 (get-ref x 0)) (p11 (get-ref x 1)) (p12 (get-ref x 2))) body1))
;; ((eq? (id x) (const-id list2)) (let ((p2 (get-ref x 0)) (p20 (get-ref x 1))) body2))
;; ((eq? (id x) (const-id atom3)) (let () body3)))
(convert-match match-example2)
(define match-example3 '(match y
[(list1 p1 p11 p12) body1]
[(list2 p2 x 2) body2]
[(list3 p3 x y) body3]
[(atom4) body4]
;; '(cond
;; ((eq? (id y) (const-id list1)) (let ((p1 (get-ref y 0)) (p11 (get-ref y 1)) (p12 (get-ref y 2))) body1))
;; ((eq? (id y) (const-id list2))
;; (if (and (eq? (get-ref y 2) 2))
;; (let ((p2 (get-ref y 0)) (x (get-ref y 1))) body2)
;; (cond
;; ((eq? (id y) (const-id list3)) (let ((p3 (get-ref y 0)) (x (get-ref y 1)) (y (get-ref y 2))) body3))
;; ((eq? (id y) (const-id atom4)) (let () body4)))))
;; ((eq? (id y) (const-id list3)) (let ((p3 (get-ref y 0)) (x (get-ref y 1)) (y (get-ref y 2))) body3))
;; ((eq? (id y) (const-id atom4)) (let () body4)))
(convert-match match-example3)
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