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Last active April 26, 2020 04:41
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JustFont frontend script study

JustFont frontend code analysis

這份 gist 是 JustFont 前端程式碼的分析,包含後端和一些資料的草稿可以看: 就其實一直對這種 web font hosting 的技術有些興趣,就心血來潮開坑啦,其實也是想做一個最簡單的 Open source POC 這樣。不考慮效能的後端 XD


基本上就是用人腦 De-Uglify (or prettify) 經過混淆的 JavaScript 程式碼 XD,過程如下

  1. Prettier JavaScript
  2. 過 standard lint
  3. 閱讀程式碼,看 Function 的意圖重新命名變數
  4. 重構

藉助 IDE 工具其實還挺有效率的,大概半小時兩百行,熟悉的話應該可以更快 (跳過一些不重要的部分),font-loader 的部分有將近兩千行。


  • addScript (script loader) 80% 完成,就繼續下一步
  • main (font loader) -> 還沒開始


確實是用了 Dynamic Subsetting 技術,讀取所有 HTML Tag 的文字(justfont-main.js#processHTMLTextToFontCharacters),並把它送到後端要求字型檔。不過首頁的字型檔還是有 125KB * 3,而且不知道是否常用字都包進來了,需要拆字體研究。

而 Dynamic Augmentation 因為在編輯文字時不會有額外的 Request 產生,從程式碼看起來也沒有監聽此事件,應該是沒實作了


現在新的 DevTool 有辦法做到 Column(Inline) breakpoint,這對於直接在 Production 解析十分有用啊,既然我們知道 minified 對應邏輯了,就可以手動對回去。直接存取變數值也能幫助我們更好理解程式碼 (詳見 note.js)

// TODO(rsheeter) scope
let currentFont = null;
let fontInfos = null;
let host = '';
let defaultContent = 'Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky '
+ 'was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts '
+ 'the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside, the sable cloud '
+ 'beneath was dished out, and the car seemed to float in the middle of an immense '
+ 'dark sphere, whose upper half was strewn with silver.';
function div() {
return document.createElement('div');
function removeAllChildren(el) {
while (el.lastChild) {
function codepoints(str) {
return new Set(Array.from(str).map(s => s.codePointAt(0)));
function prepend(el, str) {
let newDiv = div();
newDiv.innerText = str;
el.insertBefore(newDiv, el.firstChild);
function log(str) {
let d = new Date();
console.log(`${d.getHours()}:${d.getMinutes()}:${d.getSeconds()}.${d.getMilliseconds()} `
+ str);
function createFontInfo(font_size, woff2_size, patch_size, codepoint_size,
gf_subsets, woff2_delta_size) {
return {
'font_size': font_size,
'woff2_size': woff2_size,
'patch_size': patch_size,
'codepoint_size': codepoint_size,
'gf_subsets': gf_subsets,
'woff2_delta_size': woff2_delta_size
function appendSizeSeq(suffix_fn, max_sz, seq) {
let container = document.getElementById('metric_container');
let metrics = div();
metrics.className = 'metrics';
seq.forEach((byte_size) => {
let metric = div();
metric.className = 'metric';
let kb_sz = (byte_size / 1024.0).toFixed(1);
let desc = `[${kb_sz} KB ${suffix_fn()}]`; = `width: ${100.0 * byte_size / max_sz}%;`;
metric.title = desc;
metric.innerText = desc;
function addFontInfo(fontInfo) {
let container = document.getElementById('metric_container');
let cp_desc = div();
let num_cp = fontInfos.reduce((a, c) => a + c.codepoint_size, 0);
cp_desc.innerText = '' + num_cp + ' codepoints'
+ (fontInfos.length > 1 ? ` (${ => f.codepoint_size).join(' + ')})` : '')
+ ' in Demo Content';
let xfer_opts = div();
xfer_opts.innerText = 'Options:';
xfer_opts.className = 'transfer_options';
let gf_desc = div();
let gf_subset_seq = => s.woff2_size);
let gf_xfer_sz = gf_subset_seq.reduce((a,c) => a + c);
gf_desc.innerText = 'A) What Google Fonts would send today, '
+ `∑size ${(gf_xfer_sz / 1024.0).toFixed(1)} KB:`;
let patch_seq = => fi.patch_size);
let woff2_delta_seq = => fi.woff2_delta_size);
let max_sz = Math.max(fontInfo.woff2_size,
patch_seq.reduce((a, c) => a+c),
gf_subset_seq.reduce((a,c) => a+c),
woff2_delta_seq.reduce((a,c) => a+c));
let gf_subset_names = =>;
appendSizeSeq(() => gf_subset_names.shift(), max_sz, gf_subset_seq);
let patch_sz = (patch_seq.reduce((a,c) => a + c) / 1024.0).toFixed(1);
let woff2_delta_sz = (woff2_delta_seq.reduce((a,c) => a + c) / 1024.0).toFixed(1);
let woff2_delta = div();
woff2_delta.innerText = `B) woff2 of each segment, ∑segments ${woff2_delta_sz} KB:`
appendSizeSeq(() => 'woff2', max_sz, woff2_delta_seq);
let desc = div();
desc.innerText = `C) Incremental Transfer. ∑patches ${patch_sz} KB:`;
appendSizeSeq(() => 'patch', max_sz, patch_seq);
let woff2_desc = div();
woff2_desc.innerText = 'D) Optimal, woff2 of the exact subset:';
appendSizeSeq(() => 'woff2', max_sz, [fontInfo.woff2_size]);
function addDemoText(str) {
if (!!!str) return;
log('Add "' + str + '"');
let demo_text = document.getElementById('demo_text');
let add_container = document.getElementById('add_container');
let cp_current = codepoints(demo_text.innerText);
prepend(add_container, str);
let cp_needed = codepoints(demo_text.innerText);
cp_current.forEach(c => cp_needed.delete(c));
if (cp_needed.size > 0) {
beginUpdateFont(document.getElementById('font_spec').value, cp_current, cp_needed);
} else {
log('nop, same cps');
function requestBinary(path, method='GET') {
let url = host + path;
let req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';, url, true);
log(method + ' ' + url);
return req;
function updateFont(new_font) {
currentFont = new_font;
let blob = new Blob([currentFont]);
let fontDataUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
log(currentFont.byteLength + ' byte current font, data url ' + fontDataUrl);
let face = document.createTextNode('@font-face {\
font-family: "IncXFer";\
src: url(\'' + fontDataUrl + '\');\
let faceStyle = document.getElementById('face_holder');
while (faceStyle.hasChildNodes()) {
function applyPatch(fontInfo, patch, diff_type) {
let data = new Uint8Array(currentFont.byteLength + patch.byteLength);
for (i = 0; i < currentFont.byteLength; i++) {
data[i] = currentFont[i];
for (i = 0; i < patch.byteLength; i++) {
data[currentFont.byteLength + i] = patch[i];
let params = [
'source_length=' + currentFont.byteLength,
'diff_type=' + diff_type
let req = requestBinary('/experimental/patch?' + params.join('&'), 'POST');
req.onload = function(e) {
if (req.status != 200) {
log('Error, response code ' + req.status);
if (!req.response) {
log('Error, empty response');
let raw_response = new Uint8Array(req.response);
log(raw_response.byteLength + ' byte patched font. Woff2 size ' + fontInfo.woff2_size);
fontInfo.font_size = currentFont.byteLength;
fontInfo.patch_size = patch.byteLength;
function beginUpdateFont(font_spec, cp_current, cp_needed) {
let diff_type = document.querySelector('input[name="difftype"]:checked').value;
let subsetter_type = document.querySelector('input[name="subsettertype"]:checked').value;
let retain_gids = document.querySelector('input[name="retaingids"]:checked').value;
let params = [
'font=' + font_spec,
'cp_current=' + Array.from(cp_current).join(','),
'cp_needed=' + Array.from(cp_needed).join(','),
'diff_type=' + diff_type,
'subsetter=' + subsetter_type,
'retain_gids=' + retain_gids
if (cp_current.size == 0) {
log('Request initial font, ' + cp_needed.size + ' codepoints from ' + font_spec);
} else {
log('Request delta using ' + diff_type + ', +' + cp_needed.size + ' codepoints from ' + font_spec);
let req = requestBinary('/experimental/incxfer?' + params.join('&'));
req.onload = function(e) {
if (req.status != 200) {
log('Error, response code ' + req.status);
if (!req.response) {
log('Error, empty response');
let raw_response = new Uint8Array(req.response);
let mode = req.getResponseHeader('incxfer_mode');
let woff2_sz = parseInt(req.getResponseHeader('incxfer_woff2_needed'));
let woff2_delta_size = parseInt(req.getResponseHeader('incxfer_woff2_delta_font'));
let gf_subsets = req.getResponseHeader('incxfer_subset_sizes')
.split(', ')
.map(s => s.split(': '))
.map(arr => ({'name': arr[0], 'woff2_size': parseInt(arr[1])}));
log('Received ' + raw_response.byteLength + ' byte ' + mode);
log('A woff2 of the font is ' + woff2_sz + ' bytes');
let fontInfo = createFontInfo(raw_response.byteLength, woff2_sz, woff2_sz, cp_needed.size, gf_subsets, woff2_delta_size);
if (mode === 'font') {
} else {
applyPatch(fontInfo, raw_response, diff_type);
function fullReset(content) {
currentFont = null;
fontInfos = [];
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
let samples = {
'Add Latin 1': 'HARFBUZZ FTW',
'Add Latin 2': 'I used to be a coder like you until I took an ARROW in the KNEE!',
'Add Latin 3': 'All their equipment and instruments are alive.',
'Add Latin 4': 'It was going to be a lonely trip back.',
'Add Cyrillic 1': 'Развернувшееся зрелище и впрямь было грандиозным.',
'Add Cyrillic 2': 'Я дивився на шторм – неймовірно красивий і жахаючий.',
'Add Vietnamese 1': 'Vật thể giống một mảng cỏ màu tím, rộng năm foot vuông, đang di chuyển trên cát về phía họ. Khi nó đến gần, anh thấy không phải là cỏ; không có lá mà chỉ là chùm rễ màu tím. Chùm rễ đang xoay tròn như những nan hoa của bánh xe không vành.',
'Add Vietnamese 2': 'Đó là hành trình tuyệt vời. Tôi gặp nhiều người tôi quý mến ngay từ đầu nhưng cũng có người tôi không muốn gặp lại; họ đều phải bảo vệ Redoubt. Ở mọi nơi tôi đặt chân tới, chúng tôi đi nhiều và có rất nhiều người để gặp nhưng thời gian thì có hạn.',
'Add Japanese 1': '各部位を正確に作るには時間がかかるので、当初の意図とは異なるが、巨大な人体を作ることにした。高さは約 8 フィートで、これに釣り合う体格だ。これを決断し、数か月にわたって材料を集め整理した後、作業を開始した。',
'Add Japanese 2': '5 平方フィート程度の紫色の草むらのようなものが、砂地を横切ってこちらに向かってきた。近くから見ると草ではないようだった。葉はなく紫色の根だけがある。その根が回転し、小さな草の集まりがそれぞれ縁のない車輪のようだった。',
'Add Arabic 1': 'ظهرت الأرض تحت السفينة الطائرة في البعد على شكل هلال متلألئ .',
'Add Arabic 2': 'رأيت العاصفة؛ كم كانت مرعبة بقدر ما كانت رائعة!',
'Add Devanagari 1': 'आकाश में बादल नहीं थे और उसका रंग गहरा नीला था ।',
'Add Devanagari 2': 'उनके सभी औज़ार और उपकरण किसी ना किसी स्वरूप में ज़िंदा हैं ।'
sample_container = document.getElementById('add_samples');
for (label in samples) {
let sample = samples[label];
btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.addEventListener('click', function() { addDemoText(sample); });
.addEventListener('click', function() { addDemoText(document.getElementById('arbitrary').value); });
.addEventListener('change', () => fullReset(defaultContent));
.addEventListener('click', () => fullReset(''));
.addEventListener('change', () => fullReset(''));
.addEventListener('change', () => fullReset(''));
.addEventListener('change', () => fullReset(''));
.addEventListener('change', () => fullReset(''));
var _jf = _jf || []
_jf.push(['p', '58317']),
_jf.push(['initAction', true])
var a = (function (a, e) {
var i = [
{ family: 'genyogothictw', weight: { regular: 400, medium: 500 } }
e &&
e.forEach(function (t) {
typeof t.weight === 'number' && (t.weight = { '': t.weight })
var n = i.filter(function (e) {
return ==
? Object.keys(t.weight).forEach(function (e) {
n[0].weight[e] = t.weight[e]
: i.push(t)
i.forEach(function (i) {
i.alias || (i.alias =,
Object.keys(i.weight).forEach(function (e) {
var t =
e && e.length && (t += '-' + e)
var n = i.weight[e]
typeof n === 'number' && (n = { value: n, css: !1 }),
typeof n.css === 'boolean' && n.css && (n.css = '.' + t),
n.css && a.push(['_setFont', t, 'css', n.css]),
a.push(['_setFont', t, 'alias', i.alias]),
a.push(['_setFont', t, 'weight', n.value])
})(_jf, typeof __jfwf !== 'undefined' ? __jfwf : null),
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var JFCore = window._jf
if (JFCore.constructor !== Object) {
var addScript, eventIndex, runInit = true,
consume = function (fnName) {
var key, result = true
for (key in JFCore) {
JFCore[key][0] == fnName &&
(result && (result = result && false !== JFCore[key][1].call(JFCore)),
(JFCore[key] = null),
delete JFCore[key])
nonWhitespaceRegex = /\S+/g,
tabLinebreakRegex = /[\t\r\n\f]/g,
emptyRegex = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
trimString = ''.trim,
trimPolyfilled =
trimString && !'\ufeff ')
? function (e) {
return e == null ? '' :
: function (e) {
return e == null ? '' : (e + '').replace(emptyRegex, '')
setClassNameForHTML = function (className) {
var temp, n, i
if (
typeof className === 'string' &&
className &&
((className = (className || '').match(nonWhitespaceRegex) || []),
(temp = htmlNode[classNameKeyForNode] ? (' ' + htmlNode[classNameKeyForNode] + ' ').replace(tabLinebreakRegex, ' ') : ' '))
) {
for (i = 0; (n = className[i++]);) {
temp.indexOf(' ' + n + ' ') < 0 && (temp += n + ' ')
htmlNode[classNameKeyForNode] = trimPolyfilled(temp)
anotherSetClassNameForHTML = function (e) {
var t, n, i
if (arguments.length === 0 || (typeof e === 'string' && e)) {
var a = (e || '').match(nonWhitespaceRegex) || []
if ((t = htmlNode[classNameKeyForNode] ? (' ' + htmlNode[classNameKeyForNode] + ' ').replace(tabLinebreakRegex, ' ') : '')) {
for (i = 0; (n = a[i++]);) {
for (; t.indexOf(' ' + n + ' ') >= 0;) { t = t.replace(' ' + n + ' ', ' ') }
htmlNode[classNameKeyForNode] = e ? trimPolyfilled(t) : ''
function addScript (scriptURL, t, n, timeout, successCallback, errorCallback) {
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(errorCallback = errorCallback || function () {})
var timeoutID,
scriptNode = document.createElement('script'),
firstScriptNode = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
loaded = !1,
removeScript = function () {
(scriptNode.src = ''),
(scriptNode = scriptNode.onerror = scriptNode.onload = scriptNode.onreadystatechange = null)
timeout &&
(timeoutID = setTimeout(function () {
}, timeout)),
(scriptNode.type = t || 'text/javascript'),
(scriptNode.async = n),
(scriptNode.onload = scriptNode.onreadystatechange = function (e, t) {
loaded ||
(scriptNode.readyState && !/loaded|complete/.test(scriptNode.readyState)) ||
((loaded = !0), timeout && clearTimeout(timeoutID), removeScript(), t || successCallback())
(scriptNode.onerror = function (e, t, n) {
return timeout && clearTimeout(timeoutID), removeScript(), errorCallback(), !0
(scriptNode.src = scriptURL),
firstScriptNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptNode, firstScriptNode)
(JFCore.addScript = addScript)
for (eventIndex in JFCore) {
JFCore[eventIndex][0] == 'initAction' && (runInit = JFCore[eventIndex][1])
function () {
runInit == 1 && setClassNameForHTML('jf-loading'),
addScript( '//', null, false, 3000, null,
function () {
function () {
anotherSetClassNameForHTML(inactiveClassName), anotherSetClassNameForHTML('jf-active'), setClassNameForHTML(reloadingClassName)
function () {
anotherSetClassNameForHTML('jf-loading'), anotherSetClassNameForHTML(reloadingClassName), setClassNameForHTML('jf-active')
function () {
anotherSetClassNameForHTML('jf-loading'), anotherSetClassNameForHTML(reloadingClassName), setClassNameForHTML(inactiveClassName)
})( window, document, 'className', 0, 'jf-reloading', 0, 'jf-inactive', document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0])
* justfont Font Loader
* v5.0.6 justfont (
* Copyright 2013-2014 (c)
* justfont Development Team ( and Benjamin Peng (
* Licensed under the Affero General Public License.
* justfont dom Ready
* Modified from jQuery
* Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* justfont Promise Object Modified from promisejs
* Copyright 2012-2013 (c) Pierre Duquesne <>
* Licensed under the New BSD License.
* Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v1.9.3 (
* Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
(function (global, document, da) {
var JFCore = global._jf,
location = global.location;
if (JFCore.constructor !== Object) {
var Promise = function () {
return {
resolved: false,
resolved_arguments: null,
queue: [],
done: function (b) {
? b.apply(this, this.resolved_arguments)
: this.queue.push(b);
resolve: function () {
this.resolved = !0;
this.resolved_arguments = arguments;
for (var b = 0; b < this.queue.length; ++b)
this.queue[b].apply(this, this.resolved_arguments);
userAgent = global.navigator.userAgent,
X = /MSIE/g.test(userAgent),
sa = false,
ta = /Android/g.test(userAgent),
Y = X ? parseInt(userAgent.split(';')[1].split(' ')[2], 10) : '',
ba = X && 9 > Y,
supportFontFormat = ba ? 'eot' : ta ? 'ttf' : 'woff',
fontLoadData = {
addScript: JFCore.addScript,
p: '',
t: supportFontFormat,
location.origin ||
location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''),
delete JFCore.addScript;
(function (root, doc, f) {
var h = 1,
run = false,
v = function (b) {
if (true === b ? !--h : !run) {
if (!doc.body) return setTimeout(v);
run = true;
(true !== b && 0 < --h) || promise.resolve();
E = function () {
if (!promise)
if (((promise = Promise()), 'complete' === doc.readyState)) setTimeout(v);
else if (doc.addEventListener)
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, !1),
root.addEventListener('load', onLoad, !1);
else {
doc.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', onLoad);
root.attachEvent('onload', onLoad);
var f = false;
try {
f = null == root.frameElement && doc.documentElement;
} catch (m) {}
f &&
f.doScroll &&
(function Ha() {
if (!run) {
try {
} catch (J) {
return setTimeout(Ha, 50);
return promise;
onLoad = function (b) {
if (
doc.addEventListener ||
'load' === b.type ||
'complete' === doc.readyState
Ea(), v();
Ea = function () {
? (doc.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false),
root.removeEventListener('load', onLoad, false))
: (doc.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', onLoad),
root.detachEvent('onload', onLoad));
fontLoadData.DomReady = function (b, e) {
})(this, this.document);
//# region Promise reqeust module?
(function (b) {
var e = function (b, f) {
var k = new p();
0 === b.length
? k.done.apply(k, f)
: b[0].apply(null, f).then(function () {
b.splice(0, 1);
e(b, arguments).then(function () {
k.done.apply(k, arguments);
return k;
f = function (b) {
var e = '';
if ('string' === typeof b) e = b;
else {
var f = encodeURIComponent,
for (h in b)
b.hasOwnProperty(h) && (e += '&' + f(h) + '=' + f(b[h]));
e = e ? e.substr(1) : '';
return e;
request = function (e, h, k, u) {
var v = new p();
k = k || {};
k = 'string' == typeof k ? k : f(k);
'GET' === e && k && ((h += '?' + k), (k = null));
try {
var m =
b.XDomainRequest && X && 10 > Y
? new XDomainRequest()
: b.XMLHttpRequest
? new XMLHttpRequest()
: null;
if (!m) return v.done(Promise.ENOXHR, ''), v;
} catch (n) {
return v.done(Promise.ENOXHR, ''), v;
}, h);
var E = Promise.ajaxTimeout,
b.XDomainRequest && X && 10 > Y
? (E && (m.timeout = E),
(m.ontimeout = function () {
v.done(Promise.ETIMEOUT, '');
m.ontimeout = m.onerror = m.onload = m.onprogress = null;
(m.onerror = function () {
v.done(Promise.EONERROR, m.responseText);
m.ontimeout = m.onerror = m.onload = m.onprogress = null;
(m.onload = function () {
v.done(null, m.responseText);
m.ontimeout = m.onerror = m.onload = m.onprogress = null;
(m.onprogress = function () {}))
: b.XMLHttpRequest &&
E &&
(J = setTimeout(function () {
v.done(Promise.ETIMEOUT, '');
}, E)),
(m.onreadystatechange = function () {
4 === m.readyState &&
(E && clearTimeout(J),
(m.onreadystatechange = null),
!m.status ||
((200 >= m.status || 300 <= m.status) && 304 !== m.status)
? v.done(null, m.responseText)
: v.done(Promise.EONERROR, m.responseText));
return v;
p = function () {
this._callbacks = [];
p.prototype = {
constructor: p,
then: function (b, e) {
if (this._isdone) var f = b.apply(e, this.result);
(f = new p()),
this._callbacks.push(function () {
var h = b.apply(e, arguments);
h && 'function' === typeof h.then && h.then(f.done, f);
return f;
done: function () {
this.result = arguments;
this._isdone = !0;
for (var b = 0; b < this._callbacks.length; b++)
this._callbacks[b].apply(null, arguments);
this._callbacks = [];
var Promise = {
Promise: p,
join: function (b) {
function e(b) {
return function () {
y += 1;
m[b] =;
y === h && f.done(m);
for (var f = new p(), h = b.length, y = 0, m = [], v = 0; v < h; v++)
return f;
chain: e,
encode: f,
get: function (b, e, f) {
return request('GET', b, e, f);
post: function (b, e, f) {
return request('POST', b, e, f);
ajaxTimeout: 0,
fontLoadData.promise = Promise;
//# endregion
//# region Some DOM library
(function (b, e) {
function f(a, c, d, r) {
var b, l, q, e;
(c ? c.ownerDocument || c : Q) !== C && ca(c);
c = c || C;
d = d || [];
if (!a || 'string' !== typeof a) return d;
if (1 !== (e = c.nodeType) && 9 !== e) return [];
if (P && !r) {
if ((b = Ca.exec(a)))
if ((q = b[1]))
if (9 === e)
if ((l = c.getElementById(q)) && l.parentNode) {
if ( === q) return d.push(l), d;
} else return d;
else {
if (
c.ownerDocument &&
(l = c.ownerDocument.getElementById(q)) &&
K(c, l) && === q
return d.push(l), d;
else {
if (b[2]) return T.apply(d, c.getElementsByTagName(a)), d;
if (
(q = b[3]) &&
A.getElementsByClassName &&
return T.apply(d, c.getElementsByClassName(q)), d;
if (A.qsa && (!L || !L.test(a))) {
l = b = D;
q = c;
var f = 9 === e && a;
if (1 === e && 'object' !== c.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
e = n(a);
(b = c.getAttribute('id'))
? (l = b.replace(Ia, '\\$&'))
: c.setAttribute('id', l);
l = "[id='" + l + "'] ";
for (q = e.length; q--; ) e[q] = l + w(e[q]);
q = (ua.test(a) && c.parentNode) || c;
f = e.join(',');
if (f)
try {
return T.apply(d, q.querySelectorAll(f)), d;
} catch (Ma) {
} finally {
b || c.removeAttribute('id');
var g;
a: {
a = a.replace(ma, '$1');
l = n(a);
if (!r && 1 === l.length) {
b = l[0] = l[0].slice(0);
if (
2 < b.length &&
'ID' === (g = b[0]).type &&
A.getById &&
9 === c.nodeType &&
P &&
) {
c = (x.find.ID(g.matches[0].replace(U, V), c) || [])[0];
if (!c) {
g = d;
break a;
a = a.slice(b.shift().value.length);
for (e = na.needsContext.test(a) ? 0 : b.length; e--; ) {
g = b[e];
if (x.relative[(q = g.type)]) break;
if ((q = x.find[q]))
if (
(r = q(
g.matches[0].replace(U, V),
(ua.test(b[0].type) && c.parentNode) || c
) {
b.splice(e, 1);
a = r.length && w(b);
if (!a) {
T.apply(d, r);
g = d;
break a;
Fa(a, l)(r, c, !P, d, ua.test(a));
g = d;
return g;
function h() {
function a(d, b) {
c.push((d += ' ')) > x.cacheLength && delete a[c.shift()];
return (a[d] = b);
var c = [];
return a;
function p(a) {
a[D] = !0;
return a;
function y(a) {
var c = C.createElement('div');
try {
return !!a(c);
} catch (d) {
return !1;
} finally {
c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c);
function v(a, c, d) {
a = a.split('|');
var b,
z = a.length;
for (d = d ? null : c; z--; )
((b = x.attrHandle[a[z]]) && b !== c) || (x.attrHandle[a[z]] = d);
function E(a, c) {
var d = a.getAttributeNode(c);
return d && d.specified
? d.value
: !0 === a[c]
? c.toLowerCase()
: null;
function k(a, c) {
return a.getAttribute(c, 'type' === c.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 2);
function H(a) {
if ('input' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return a.defaultValue;
function I(a, c) {
var d = c && a,
b =
d &&
1 === a.nodeType &&
1 === c.nodeType &&
(~c.sourceIndex || -2147483648) - (~a.sourceIndex || -2147483648);
if (b) return b;
if (d) for (; (d = d.nextSibling); ) if (d === c) return -1;
return a ? 1 : -1;
function m(a) {
return function (c) {
return 'input' === c.nodeName.toLowerCase() && c.type === a;
function N(a) {
return function (c) {
var d = c.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ('input' === d || 'button' === d) && c.type === a;
function J(a) {
return p(function (c) {
c = +c;
return p(function (d, b) {
for (var r, e = a([], d.length, c), q = e.length; q--; )
d[(r = e[q])] && (d[r] = !(b[r] = d[r]));
function n(a, c) {
var d, b, e, l, q;
if ((l = S[a + ' '])) return c ? 0 : l.slice(0);
l = a;
var n = [];
for (q = x.preFilter; l; ) {
if (!g || (d = ra.exec(l)))
d && (l = l.slice(d[0].length) || l), n.push((b = []));
var g = !1;
if ((d = sa.exec(l)))
(g = d.shift()),
b.push({ value: g, type: d[0].replace(ma, ' ') }),
(l = l.slice(g.length));
for (e in x.filter)
!(d = na[e].exec(l)) ||
(q[e] && !(d = q[e](d))) ||
((g = d.shift()),
b.push({ value: g, type: e, matches: d }),
(l = l.slice(g.length)));
if (!g) break;
return c ? l.length : l ? f.error(a) : S(a, n).slice(0);
function w(a) {
for (var c = 0, d = a.length, b = ''; c < d; c++) b += a[c].value;
return b;
function G(a, c, d) {
var b = c.dir,
e = d && 'parentNode' === b,
l = X++;
return c.first
? function (d, c, r) {
for (; (d = d[b]); ) if (1 === d.nodeType || e) return a(d, c, r);
: function (d, c, r) {
var n,
z = R + ' ' + l;
if (r)
for (; (d = d[b]); ) {
if ((1 === d.nodeType || e) && a(d, c, r)) return !0;
for (; (d = d[b]); )
if (1 === d.nodeType || e) {
var f = d[D] || (d[D] = {});
if ((g = f[b]) && g[0] === z) {
if (!0 === (n = g[1]) || n === oa) return !0 === n;
} else if (
((g = f[b] = [z]), (g[1] = a(d, c, r) || oa), !0 === g[1])
return !0;
function g(a) {
return 1 < a.length
? function (c, d, b) {
for (var r = a.length; r--; ) if (!a[r](c, d, b)) return !1;
return !0;
: a[0];
function pa(a, c, d, b, e) {
for (var r, g = [], n = 0, f = a.length, z = null != c; n < f; n++)
if ((r = a[n])) if (!d || d(r, b, e)) g.push(r), z && c.push(n);
return g;
function va(a, c, d, b, e, n) {
b && !b[D] && (b = va(b));
e && !e[D] && (e = va(e, n));
return p(function (r, n, g, l) {
var z,
q = [],
h = [],
G = n.length,
if (!(m = r)) {
m = c || '*';
for (
var w = g.nodeType ? [g] : g, t = [], x = 0, p = w.length;
x < p;
f(m, w[x], t);
m = t;
m = !a || (!r && c) ? m : pa(m, q, a, g, l);
w = d ? (e || (r ? a : G || b) ? [] : n) : m;
d && d(m, w, g, l);
if (b) {
var k = pa(w, h);
b(k, [], g, l);
for (g = k.length; g--; ) if ((z = k[g])) w[h[g]] = !(m[h[g]] = z);
if (r) {
if (e || a) {
if (e) {
k = [];
for (g = w.length; g--; ) (z = w[g]) && k.push((m[g] = z));
e(null, (w = []), k, l);
for (g = w.length; g--; )
(z = w[g]) &&
-1 < (k = e ?, z) : q[g]) &&
(r[k] = !(n[k] = z));
} else (w = pa(w === n ? w.splice(G, w.length) : w)), e ? e(null, n, w, l) : T.apply(n, w);
function wa(a) {
var c,
b = a.length,
e = x.relative[a[0].type];
var n = e || x.relative[' '];
for (
var f = e ? 1 : 0,
h = G(
function (a) {
return a === c;
m = G(
function (a) {
return -1 <, a);
k = [
function (a, d, b) {
return (
(!e && (b || d !== F)) ||
((c = d).nodeType ? h(a, d, b) : m(a, d, b))
f < b;
if ((n = x.relative[a[f].type])) k = [G(g(k), n)];
else {
n = x.filter[a[f].type].apply(null, a[f].matches);
if (n[D]) {
for (d = ++f; d < b && !x.relative[a[d].type]; d++);
return va(
1 < f && g(k),
1 < f &&
.slice(0, f - 1)
.concat({ value: ' ' === a[f - 2].type ? '*' : '' })
).replace(ma, '$1'),
f < d && wa(a.slice(f, d)),
d < b && wa((a = a.slice(d))),
d < b && w(a)
return g(k);
function Ja(a, c) {
var d = 0,
b = 0 < c.length,
e = 0 < a.length,
g = function (g, r, n, l, z) {
var h,
w = [],
G = 0,
q = '0',
k = g && [],
t = null != z,
p = F,
y = g || (e && x.find.TAG('*', (z && r.parentNode) || r)),
v = (R += null == p ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1);
t && ((F = r !== C && r), (oa = d));
for (; null != (z = y[q]); q++) {
if (e && z) {
for (h = 0; (m = a[h++]); )
if (m(z, r, n)) {
t && ((R = v), (oa = ++d));
b && ((z = !m && z) && G--, g && k.push(z));
G += q;
if (b && q !== G) {
for (h = 0; (m = c[h++]); ) m(k, w, r, n);
if (g) {
if (0 < G) for (; q--; ) k[q] || w[q] || (w[q] =;
w = pa(w);
T.apply(l, w);
t && !g && 0 < w.length && 1 < G + c.length && f.uniqueSort(l);
t && ((R = v), (F = p));
return k;
return b ? p(g) : g;
function Ga() {}
var t,
D = 'sizzle' + -new Date(),
Q = b.document,
R = 0,
X = 0,
Y = h(),
S = h(),
ba = h(),
fa = !1,
qa = function () {
return 0;
ha = typeof e,
ea = {}.hasOwnProperty,
W = [],
ia = W.pop,
la = W.push,
T = W.push,
da = W.slice,
Z =
W.indexOf ||
function (a) {
for (var c = 0, d = this.length; c < d; c++)
if (this[c] === a) return c;
return -1;
ja = '(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+'.replace('w', 'w#'),
ka =
'\\[[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]*((?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+)[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]*(?:([*^$|!~]?=)[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]*(?:([\'"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(' +
ja +
xa =
':((?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+)(?:\\((([\'"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|' +
ka.replace(3, 8) +
ma = RegExp(
ra = /^[\x20\t\r\n\f]*,[\x20\t\r\n\f]*/,
sa = /^[\x20\t\r\n\f]*([>+~]|[\x20\t\r\n\f])[\x20\t\r\n\f]*/,
ua = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[+~]/,
ta = RegExp(
Aa = new RegExp(xa),
Ba = new RegExp('^' + ja + '$'),
na = {
ID: /^#((?:\\.|[\w-]|[^\x00-\xa0])+)/,
CLASS: /^\.((?:\\.|[\w-]|[^\x00-\xa0])+)/,
TAG: new RegExp(
'^(' + '(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+'.replace('w', 'w*') + ')'
ATTR: new RegExp('^' + ka),
PSEUDO: new RegExp('^' + xa),
CHILD: /^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\([\x20\t\r\n\f]*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\d*)n|)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*(?:([+-]|)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*(\d+)|))[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\)|)/i,
bool: /^(?:checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped)$/i,
needsContext: /^[\x20\t\r\n\f]*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\([\x20\t\r\n\f]*((?:-\d)?\d*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\)|)(?=[^-]|$)/i,
ya = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
Ca = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
Da = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
Ka = /^h\d$/i,
Ia = /'|\\/g,
U = RegExp(
V = function (a, c, d) {
a = '0x' + c - 65536;
return a !== a || d
? c
: 0 > a
? String.fromCharCode(a + 65536)
: String.fromCharCode((a >> 10) | 55296, (a & 1023) | 56320);
try {
T.apply((W =, Q.childNodes),
} catch (a) {
T = {
apply: W.length
? function (a, d) {
: function (a, d) {
for (var c = a.length, b = 0; (a[c++] = d[b++]); );
a.length = c - 1;
var La = (f.isXML = function (a) {
return (a = a && (a.ownerDocument || a).documentElement)
? 'HTML' !== a.nodeName
: !1;
var A = ( = {});
var ca = (f.setDocument = function (a) {
var c = a ? a.ownerDocument || a : Q;
a = c.parentWindow;
if (c === C || 9 !== c.nodeType || !c.documentElement) return C;
C = c;
O = c.documentElement;
P = !La(c);
a &&
a.attachEvent &&
a !== &&
a.attachEvent('onbeforeunload', function () {
A.attributes = y(function (a) {
a.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
'#' === a.firstChild.getAttribute('href')
null == a.getAttribute('disabled')
a.className = 'i';
return !a.getAttribute('className');
A.input = y(function (a) {
a.innerHTML = '<input>';
a.firstChild.setAttribute('value', '');
return '' === a.firstChild.getAttribute('value');
v('value', H, A.attributes && A.input);
A.getElementsByTagName = y(function (a) {
return !a.getElementsByTagName('*').length;
A.getElementsByClassName = y(function (a) {
a.innerHTML = "<div class='a'></div><div class='a i'></div>";
a.firstChild.className = 'i';
return 2 === a.getElementsByClassName('i').length;
A.getById = y(function (a) {
O.appendChild(a).id = D;
return !c.getElementsByName || !c.getElementsByName(D).length;
? ((x.find.ID = function (a, c) {
if (typeof c.getElementById !== ha && P) {
var d = c.getElementById(a);
return d && d.parentNode ? [d] : [];
(x.filter.ID = function (a) {
var d = a.replace(U, V);
return function (a) {
return a.getAttribute('id') === d;
: (delete x.find.ID,
(x.filter.ID = function (a) {
var d = a.replace(U, V);
return function (a) {
return (
(a =
typeof a.getAttributeNode !== ha &&
a.getAttributeNode('id')) && a.value === d
x.find.TAG = A.getElementsByTagName
? function (a, c) {
if (typeof c.getElementsByTagName !== ha)
return c.getElementsByTagName(a);
: function (a, c) {
var d,
b = [],
e = 0,
g = c.getElementsByTagName(a);
if ('*' === a) {
for (; (d = g[e++]); ) 1 === d.nodeType && b.push(d);
return b;
return g;
x.find.CLASS =
A.getElementsByClassName &&
function (a, c) {
if (typeof c.getElementsByClassName !== ha && P)
return c.getElementsByClassName(a);
B = [];
L = [];
if ((A.qsa = ya.test(c.querySelectorAll + '')))
y(function (a) {
a.innerHTML = "<select><option selected=''></option></select>";
a.querySelectorAll('[selected]').length ||
a.querySelectorAll(':checked').length || L.push(':checked');
y(function (a) {
var d = c.createElement('input');
d.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
a.appendChild(d).setAttribute('t', '');
a.querySelectorAll("[t^='']").length &&
a.querySelectorAll(':enabled').length ||
L.push(':enabled', ':disabled');
(A.matchesSelector = ya.test(
(M =
O.webkitMatchesSelector ||
O.mozMatchesSelector ||
O.oMatchesSelector ||
O.msMatchesSelector) + ''
)) &&
y(function (a) {
A.disconnectedMatch =, 'div');, "[s!='']:x");
B.push('!=', xa);
L = L.length && new RegExp(L.join('|'));
B = B.length && new RegExp(B.join('|'));
K =
ya.test(O.contains + '') || O.compareDocumentPosition
? function (a, c) {
var d = 9 === a.nodeType ? a.documentElement : a,
b = c && c.parentNode;
return (
a === b ||
b &&
1 === b.nodeType &&
? d.contains(b)
: a.compareDocumentPosition &&
a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16)
: function (a, c) {
if (c) for (; (c = c.parentNode); ) if (c === a) return !0;
return !1;
A.sortDetached = y(function (a) {
return a.compareDocumentPosition(c.createElement('div')) & 1;
qa = O.compareDocumentPosition
? function (a, b) {
if (a === b) return (fa = !0), 0;
var d =
b.compareDocumentPosition &&
a.compareDocumentPosition &&
return d
? d & 1 ||
(!A.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition(a) === d)
? a === c || K(Q, a)
? -1
: b === c || K(Q, b)
? 1
: aa
?, a) -, b)
: 0
: d & 4
? -1
: 1
: a.compareDocumentPosition
? -1
: 1;
: function (a, b) {
var d = 0;
var e = a.parentNode;
var g = b.parentNode,
n = [a],
f = [b];
if (a === b) return (fa = !0), 0;
if (!e || !g)
return a === c
? -1
: b === c
? 1
: e
? -1
: g
? 1
: aa
?, a) -, b)
: 0;
if (e === g) return I(a, b);
for (e = a; (e = e.parentNode); ) n.unshift(e);
for (e = b; (e = e.parentNode); ) f.unshift(e);
for (; n[d] === f[d]; ) d++;
return d ? I(n[d], f[d]) : n[d] === Q ? -1 : f[d] === Q ? 1 : 0;
return c;
f.matches = function (a, c) {
return f(a, null, null, c);
f.matchesSelector = function (a, c) {
(a.ownerDocument || a) !== C && ca(a);
c = c.replace(ta, "='$1']");
if (!(!A.matchesSelector || !P || (B && B.test(c)) || (L && L.test(c))))
try {
var d =, c);
if (
d ||
A.disconnectedMatch ||
(a.document && 11 !== a.document.nodeType)
return d;
} catch (r) {}
return 0 < f(c, C, null, [a]).length;
f.contains = function (a, c) {
(a.ownerDocument || a) !== C && ca(a);
return K(a, c);
f.attr = function (a, c) {
(a.ownerDocument || a) !== C && ca(a);
var d = x.attrHandle[c.toLowerCase()];
d = d &&, c.toLowerCase()) ? d(a, c, !P) : e;
return d === e
? A.attributes || !P
? a.getAttribute(c)
: (d = a.getAttributeNode(c)) && d.specified
? d.value
: null
: d;
f.error = function (a) {
throw Error('Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ' + a);
f.uniqueSort = function (a) {
var c,
d = [],
b = 0,
e = 0;
fa = !A.detectDuplicates;
aa = !A.sortStable && a.slice(0);
if (fa) {
for (; (c = a[e++]); ) c === a[e] && (b = d.push(e));
for (; b--; ) a.splice(d[b], 1);
return a;
var za = (f.getText = function (a) {
var c = '',
d = 0;
var b = a.nodeType;
if (!b) for (; (b = a[d]); d++) c += za(b);
else if (1 === b || 9 === b || 11 === b) {
if ('string' === typeof a.textContent) return a.textContent;
for (a = a.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling) c += za(a);
} else if (3 === b || 4 === b) return a.nodeValue;
return c;
var x = (f.selectors = {
cacheLength: 50,
createPseudo: p,
match: na,
attrHandle: {},
find: {},
relative: {
'>': { dir: 'parentNode', first: !0 },
' ': { dir: 'parentNode' },
'+': { dir: 'previousSibling', first: !0 },
'~': { dir: 'previousSibling' },
preFilter: {
ATTR: function (a) {
a[1] = a[1].replace(U, V);
a[3] = (a[4] || a[5] || '').replace(U, V);
'~=' === a[2] && (a[3] = ' ' + a[3] + ' ');
return a.slice(0, 4);
CHILD: function (a) {
a[1] = a[1].toLowerCase();
'nth' === a[1].slice(0, 3)
? (a[3] || f.error(a[0]),
(a[4] = +(a[4]
? a[5] + (a[6] || 1)
: 2 * ('even' === a[3] || 'odd' === a[3]))),
(a[5] = +(a[7] + a[8] || 'odd' === a[3])))
: a[3] && f.error(a[0]);
return a;
PSEUDO: function (a) {
var c,
d = !a[5] && a[2];
if (na.CHILD.test(a[0])) return null;
a[3] && a[4] !== e
? (a[2] = a[4])
: d &&
Aa.test(d) &&
(c = n(d, !0)) &&
(c = d.indexOf(')', d.length - c) - d.length) &&
((a[0] = a[0].slice(0, c)), (a[2] = d.slice(0, c)));
return a.slice(0, 3);
filter: {
TAG: function (a) {
var c = a.replace(U, V).toLowerCase();
return '*' === a
? function () {
return !0;
: function (a) {
return a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === c;
CLASS: function (a) {
var c = Y[a + ' '];
return (
c ||
((c = new RegExp(
'(^|[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f])' + a + '([\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]|$)'
Y(a, function (a) {
return c.test(
('string' === typeof a.className && a.className) ||
(typeof a.getAttribute !== ha && a.getAttribute('class')) ||
ATTR: function (a, c, d) {
return function (b) {
b = f.attr(b, a);
if (null == b) return '!=' === c;
if (!c) return !0;
b += '';
return '=' === c
? b === d
: '!=' === c
? b !== d
: '^=' === c
? d && 0 === b.indexOf(d)
: '*=' === c
? d && -1 < b.indexOf(d)
: '$=' === c
? d && b.slice(-d.length) === d
: '~=' === c
? -1 < (' ' + b + ' ').indexOf(d)
: '|=' === c
? b === d || b.slice(0, d.length + 1) === d + '-'
: !1;
CHILD: function (a, c, b, e, g) {
var d = 'nth' !== a.slice(0, 3),
n = 'last' !== a.slice(-4),
f = 'of-type' === c;
return 1 === e && 0 === g
? function (a) {
return !!a.parentNode;
: function (c, b, h) {
var l;
b = d !== n ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
var w = c.parentNode,
m = f && c.nodeName.toLowerCase();
h = !h && !f;
if (w) {
if (d) {
for (; b; ) {
for (l = c; (l = l[b]); )
if (
? l.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m
: 1 === l.nodeType
return !1;
var G = (b = 'only' === a && !G && 'nextSibling');
return !0;
G = [n ? w.firstChild : w.lastChild];
if (n && h) {
h = w[D] || (w[D] = {});
var k = h[a] || [];
var r = k[0] === R && k[1];
var q = k[0] === R && k[2];
for (
l = r && w.childNodes[r];
(l = (++r && l && l[b]) || (q = r = 0) || G.pop());
if (1 === l.nodeType && ++q && l === c) {
h[a] = [R, r, q];
} else if (
h &&
(k = (c[D] || (c[D] = {}))[a]) &&
k[0] === R
q = k[1];
for (
(l = (++r && l && l[b]) || (q = r = 0) || G.pop()) &&
? l.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== m
: 1 !== l.nodeType) ||
!++q ||
(h && ((l[D] || (l[D] = {}))[a] = [R, q]), l !== c));
q -= g;
return q === e || (0 === q % e && 0 <= q / e);
PSEUDO: function (a, c) {
var b =
x.pseudos[a] ||
x.setFilters[a.toLowerCase()] ||
f.error('unsupported pseudo: ' + a);
if (b[D]) return b(c);
if (1 < b.length) {
var e = [a, a, '', c];
return x.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(a.toLowerCase())
? p(function (a, d) {
for (var e, g = b(a, c), n = g.length; n--; )
(e =, g[n])), (a[e] = !(d[e] = g[n]));
: function (a) {
return b(a, 0, e);
return b;
pseudos: {
not: p(function (a) {
var b = [],
d = [],
e = Fa(a.replace(ma, '$1'));
return e[D]
? p(function (a, b, c, d) {
d = e(a, null, d, []);
for (var g = a.length; g--; )
if ((c = d[g])) a[g] = !(b[g] = c);
: function (a, c, g) {
b[0] = a;
e(b, null, g, d);
return !d.pop();
has: p(function (a) {
return function (b) {
return 0 < f(a, b).length;
contains: p(function (a) {
return function (b) {
return -1 < (b.textContent || b.innerText || za(b)).indexOf(a);
lang: p(function (a) {
Ba.test(a || '') || f.error('unsupported lang: ' + a);
a = a.replace(U, V).toLowerCase();
return function (b) {
var c;
if (
(c = P
? b.lang
: b.getAttribute('xml:lang') || b.getAttribute('lang'))
return (
(c = c.toLowerCase()), c === a || 0 === c.indexOf(a + '-')
while ((b = b.parentNode) && 1 === b.nodeType);
return !1;
target: function (a) {
var c = b.location && b.location.hash;
return c && c.slice(1) ===;
root: function (a) {
return a === O;
focus: function (a) {
return (
a === C.activeElement &&
(!C.hasFocus || C.hasFocus()) &&
!!(a.type || a.href || ~a.tabIndex)
enabled: function (a) {
return !1 === a.disabled;
disabled: function (a) {
return !0 === a.disabled;
checked: function (a) {
var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return (
('input' === b && !!a.checked) || ('option' === b && !!a.selected)
selected: function (a) {
a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex;
return !0 === a.selected;
empty: function (a) {
for (a = a.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling)
if ('@' < a.nodeName || 3 === a.nodeType || 4 === a.nodeType)
return !1;
return !0;
parent: function (a) {
return !x.pseudos.empty(a);
header: function (a) {
return Ka.test(a.nodeName);
input: function (a) {
return Da.test(a.nodeName);
button: function (a) {
var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ('input' === b && 'button' === a.type) || 'button' === b;
text: function (a) {
var b;
return (
'input' === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() &&
'text' === a.type &&
(null == (b = a.getAttribute('type')) ||
b.toLowerCase() === a.type)
first: J(function () {
return [0];
last: J(function (a, b) {
return [b - 1];
eq: J(function (a, b, d) {
return [0 > d ? d + b : d];
even: J(function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < b; c += 2) a.push(c);
return a;
odd: J(function (a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < b; c += 2) a.push(c);
return a;
lt: J(function (a, b, d) {
for (b = 0 > d ? d + b : d; 0 <= --b; ) a.push(b);
return a;
gt: J(function (a, b, d) {
for (d = 0 > d ? d + b : d; ++d < b; ) a.push(d);
return a;
//# endregion
for (t in { radio: !0, checkbox: !0, file: !0, password: !0, image: !0 })
x.pseudos[t] = m(t);
for (t in { submit: !0, reset: !0 }) x.pseudos[t] = N(t);
var Fa = (f.compile = function (a, b) {
var c,
e = [],
g = [],
f = ba[a + ' '];
if (!f) {
b || (b = n(a));
for (c = b.length; c--; )
(f = wa(b[c])), f[D] ? e.push(f) : g.push(f);
f = ba(a, Ja(g, e));
return f;
x.pseudos.nth = x.pseudos.eq;
Ga.prototype = x.filters = x.pseudos;
x.setFilters = new Ga();
A.sortStable = D.split('').sort(qa).join('') === D;
[0, 0].sort(qa);
A.detectDuplicates = fa;
fontLoadData.find = f;
fontLoadData.getText = f.getText;
fontLoadData.initAction = !0;
var Font = function (fontName, fontAlias, fontSelectors, fontEnglish, fontWeight) {
this.fontName = fontName;
this.fontAlias = fontAlias || [];
this.fontSelectors = fontSelectors || [];
this.fontEnglish = fontEnglish || [];
this.fontWeight = fontWeight;
this.fontUrl = [];
this.flag = {};
this.chars = [];
this.string = '';
Font.prototype = {
constructor: Font,
toString: function () {
return null !== this.string
? this.string
: (this.string = this.chars.join(''));
flush: function () {
this.fontUrl = [];
this.flag = {};
this.chars = [];
this.fontEnglish = [];
this.string = '';
fontAliasRegex: function () {
var b = this.fontAlias.join('|');
return b ? new RegExp(b, '') : null;
getFontSelectors: function () {
return this.fontSelectors;
getFontAlias: function () {
return this.fontAlias;
getFontEnglish: function () {
return this.fontEnglish;
getFontWeight: function () {
return this.fontWeight ? this.fontWeight : null;
getFontUrl: function (b) {
var fontUrls = [],
f = this.fontUrl.length;
b = !0 !== b && null !== b ? !1 : b;
for (var h = 0; h < f; h += 1)
(null !== b && this.fontUrl[h].loaded !== b) ||
name: this.fontName,
index: h,
url: this.fontUrl[h].url,
loaded: this.fontUrl[h].loaded,
return fontUrls;
setFontUrlLoaded: function (b) {
b in this.fontUrl && this.fontUrl[b] && (this.fontUrl[b].loaded = !0);
updateAliasFont: function () {
var b = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
e = b.length,
f = this.fontAliasRegex(),
if (f)
for (var p = 0; p < e; p += 1)
(h = getFontFamily(b[p])) && f.test(h) && this.uniqueChars(fontLoadData.getText(b[p]));
updateSelectorsFont: function () {
var selectorsString = this.fontSelectors.join(', ');
(selectorsString = selectorsString ? fontLoadData.find(selectorsString, document) : []) && this.uniqueChars(fontLoadData.getText(selectorsString));
addSelectors: function (selectors) {
if (0 <= selectors.indexOf(',')) {
selectors = selectors.split(',');
var selectorLength = selectors.length;
for (var f = 0; f < selectorLength; f += 1) this.fontSelectors.push(trim(selectors[f]));
} else this.fontSelectors.push(trim(selectors));
addAlias: function (b) {
this.fontAlias && this.fontAlias.pop();
addEnglish: function (b) {
this.fontEnglish.push('"' + b + '"');
addWeight: function (b) {
this.fontWeight = b;
addFontUrl: function (b) {
this.fontUrl.push({ url: b, loaded: !1 });
uniqueChars: function (chars) {
var e = '';
var match = chars.match(aToZRegex);
for (var h in match) match.hasOwnProperty(h) && (e += match[h].toUpperCase());
chars = (chars + e).replace(unicodeChar, '');
chars = chars.replace(spaceRegex, '').split('');
match = chars.length;
e = !1;
for (h = 0; h < match; h += 1)
chars[h] in this.flag ||
((e = !0), (this.flag[chars[h]] = !0), this.chars.push(chars[h]));
e && (this.string = null);
var bodyHasCurrentStyle = true,
spaceRegex = /^[\s]+|[\s]+|&nbsp;|\u3000+/gi,
unicodeChar = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]+/gi,
emptyOrSpaceRegex = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
aToZRegex = /[A-Za-z]+/gi,
trimFn = ''.trim,
trim =
trimFn && !'\ufeff\u00a0')
? function (b) {
return null == b ? '' :;
: function (b) {
return null == b ? '' : (b + '').replace(emptyOrSpaceRegex, '');
getFontFamily = function (b) {
return b
? (b = bodyHasCurrentStyle ? b.currentStyle : global.getComputedStyle(b, null))
? b.fontFamily || ''
: ''
: '';
global._jf = JFCore = (function (b) {
var fontStore = {},
events = {
Preload: Promise(),
Reload: Promise(),
DomReady: Promise(),
SettingsLoaded: Promise(),
Actived: Promise(),
Inactived: Promise(),
h = {
p: function (b) {
fontLoadData.p = b;
initAction: function (action) {
fontLoadData.initAction = action;
_setFont: function (name, attribute, selectors) {
fontStore[name] = fontStore[name] || new Font(name);
switch (attribute) {
case 'css':
case 'alias':
case 'english':
case 'weight':
_event: function (eventName, callback) {
eventName && events[eventName] && events[eventName].done(callback);
processHTMLTextToFontCharacters = function () {
var allTags = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
tagsLength = allTags.length,
allNonInputTags = /^(?:input|textarea)$/i,
fontRegexStore = {};
bodyHasCurrentStyle = !!document.body.currentStyle;
for (var fontName in fontStore) {
fontStore.hasOwnProperty(fontName) &&
(fontAliasRegex = fontStore[fontName].fontAliasRegex()) &&
(fontRegexStore[fontName] = fontAliasRegex);
for (var i = 0; i < tagsLength; i += 1)
if (1 == allTags[i].nodeType && (h = getFontFamily(allTags[i])))
for (fontName in fontRegexStore)
fontRegexStore.hasOwnProperty(fontName) &&
fontRegexStore[fontName].test(h) &&
? fontStore[fontName].uniqueChars(allTags[i].value)
: fontStore[fontName].uniqueChars(fontLoadData.getText(allTags[i])));
updateAllSelectorsFontInFontStore = function () {
for (var fontName in fontStore) {
fontStore.hasOwnProperty(fontName) && fontStore[fontName].updateSelectorsFont();
getFontUrlsByLoadingState = function (loaded) {
var allFontUrls = [],
for (n in fontStore)
if (fontStore.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
var fontUrls = fontStore[n].getFontUrl(loaded);
for (var h in fontUrls) allFontUrls.push(fontUrls[h]);
return allFontUrls;
resolveEvent = function (eventName) {
eventName && events[eventName] && events[eventName].resolve();
fetchFontData = function () {
var payload = [],
f = '',
h = 0,
for (g in fontStore)
fontStore.hasOwnProperty(g) &&
(fontString = fontStore[g].toString()) &&
((h += fontString.length),
(f += '&' + fontLoadData.promise.encode({ fn: g, fs: fontString })));
if ('' == f) return global.jfgetData({ err: { code: 1109 } });
payload.o = fontLoadData.origin;
payload.p = fontLoadData.p;
payload.t = fontLoadData.t;
!(X && 10 > Y) && 300 < h
? ((fontLoadData.promise.ajaxTimeout = 1e4),
'//' + fontLoadData.promise.encode(payload),
.then(function (b, e) {
if (b || J(e)) return resolveEvent('Inactived'), !1;
return !0;
: ((payload.callback = 'jfgetData'),
'//' + fontLoadData.promise.encode(payload) + f,
function () {
K = function (b, e) {
var f = fontLoadData.promise.get(b);
f.then(function (b, f) {
if (b) return !1;
return !0;
return f;
M = function (b) {
if ('true' == b.enable) {
var e = {
position: 'fixed',
zIndex: '2000000000',
right: '0px',
bottom: '0px',
cursor: 'pointer',
borderWidth: '0px',
borderStyle: 'initial',
borderColor: 'initial',
borderImage: 'initial',
content: 'none',
display: 'inline',
float: 'none',
height: '32px',
left: 'auto',
margin: '0px',
maxHeight: '32px',
maxWidth: '83px',
minHeight: '32px',
minWidth: '83px',
orphans: '2',
outlineStyle: 'none',
outlineWidth: 'initial',
outlineColor: 'initial',
overflowX: 'visible',
overflowY: 'visible',
padding: '0px',
pageBreakAfter: 'auto',
pageBreakBefore: 'auto',
pageBreakInside: 'auto',
tableLayout: 'auto',
textIndent: '0px',
top: 'auto',
unicodeBidi: 'normal',
verticalAlign: 'baseline',
visibility: 'visible',
widows: '2',
width: '83px',
var f = document.createElement('img');
f.width = 83;
f.height = 32;
f.src = b.pic;
f.title = 'Information about the fonts used on this site';
f.alt = 'Fonts by justfont'; = 'justfont-badge';
for (var g in e)
e.hasOwnProperty(g) &&[g] !== da && ([g] = e[g]);
f.onclick = function () {, 'Continue_to_Application');
return !1;
m = function () {
for (var b = getFontUrlsByLoadingState(!1), e = b.length, f = [], g = 0; g < e; g += 1)
'object' == typeof b[g] && f.push(S(b[g]));
fontLoadData.promise.join(f).then(function (b) {
for (var e = !0, g = b.length, f = 0; f < g; f += 1)
b[f] || (e = !1);
e ? resolveEvent('Actived') : resolveEvent('Inactived');
S = function (b) {
return K(b.url, function () {
fontStore[] && fontStore[].setFontUrlLoaded(b.index);
J = function (b) {
var e = {}.hasOwnProperty;
if (null == b) return !0;
if (b.length && 0 < b.length) return !1;
if (0 === b.length) return !0;
for (var f in b) if (, f)) return !1;
return !0;
(function (b) {
var e = b.length,
if (b.constructor === Array)
for (var n = 0; n < e; n++)
n in b &&
(f = b[n]) &&
f.constructor === Array &&
(g = f.splice(0, 1)) &&
g[0] &&
((g = g[0]),
? h[g].apply(null, f)
: 0 == g.indexOf('_event') &&
(f.splice(0, 0, g.substr(6)), h._event.apply(null, f)));
global.jfgetData = function (data) {
var f = !0;
for (var h in data)
if (data.hasOwnProperty(h)) {
var g = data[h];
switch (h) {
case 'b':
case 'fn':
if ('object' != typeof g) f = !1;
else {
var n = data.fu;
if (n.length != g.length) f = !1;
else {
var k = g;
var p = n;
g = [];
n = [];
for (
var y = 'justfont-styleSheet' + new Date().getTime(),
v = 0;
v < k.length;
) {
var t = k[v];
var u = fontStore[t];
var F = p[v];
1 == sa &&
(F = p[v]
.replace('//', '//')
.replace('//', '//'));
var B =
'eot' == supportFontFormat
? 'url(' + F + ')'
: 'ttf' == supportFontFormat
? 'url(' + F + ') format("truetype")'
: 'url(' + F + ') format("woff")';
F = u.getFontAlias();
J(F) && (F = [t]);
for (t = 0; t < F.length; t += 1)
? g.push([
'{ font-family: "' +
F[t] +
'";font-weight: ' +
u.getFontWeight() +
';src: ' +
B +
: g.push([
'{ font-family: "' + F[t] + '";src: ' + B + ';}',
var C = u.getFontSelectors() || [];
B = [];
for (t = 0; t < C.length; t += 1)
B.push('.jf-active ' + C[t]);
C = u.getFontEnglish() || [];
for (t = 0; t < F.length; t += 1)
C.push('"' + F[t] + '"'),
B.join(', '),
' { font-family: ' +
C.join(', ') +
'; font-weight: ' +
u.getFontWeight() +
ba ||
N ||
((N = document.createElement('style')),
(N.title = y),
global.createPopup || N.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')));
k = g.length;
u = ba || null === N.sheet;
for (t = 0; t < k; t += 1)
if (!u)
if (N.sheet.insertRule)
try {
g[t][0] + g[t][1],
} catch (O) {}
try {
N.sheet.addRule(g[t][0], g[t][1]);
} catch (O) {}
if (u) {
k = document.createDocumentFragment();
g = k.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
g.innerHTML =
"X<div><style type='text/css'></style></div>";
g = g.lastChild;
u = n;
p = g.childNodes;
y = p.length;
v = u.length;
t = 0;
if ('number' === typeof y)
for (; t < y; t++) u[v++] = p[t];
else for (; p[t] !== da; ) u[v++] = p[t++];
for (u.length = v; g.firstChild; )
(g = k.lastChild) && k.removeChild(g);
case 'err':
f = !1;
f || resolveEvent('Inactived');
fontLoadData.DomReady(function () {
fontLoadData.initAction && (resolveEvent('DomReady'), processHTMLTextToFontCharacters(), updateAllSelectorsFontInFontStore(), fetchFontData());
return {
push: function (b) {
(method =, 0, 1)) &&
method[0] &&
((method = method[0]),
method.indexOf &&
0 == method.indexOf('_event') &&
(, 0, 0, method.substr(6)),
h._event.apply(null, b)),
method.indexOf &&
0 == method.indexOf('_setFont') &&
h._setFont.apply(null, b));
flush: function () {
for (var b in fontStore) fontStore.hasOwnProperty(b) && fontStore[b].flush();
})(this, this.document);
/* internal representation of font store */
const fontStore = {
"genyogothictw-regular": {
"fontName": "genyogothictw-regular",
"fontAlias": [
"fontSelectors": [],
"fontEnglish": [],
"fontWeight": 400,
"fontUrl": [],
"flag": {
"0": true, "1": true, "2": true, "3": true, "5": true, "6": true, "7": true, "8": true, "j": true, "u": true, "s": true, "t": true, "f": true, "o": true, "n": true, "S": true, "i": true, "e": true, "M": true, "字": true, "型": true, "金": true, "萱": true, "那": true, "提": true, "p": true, "粉": true, "事": true, "媒": true, "客": true, "戶": true, "服": true, "v": true, "通": true, "授": true, "權": true, "頻": true, "道": true, "_": true, "做": true, "哪": true, "嗨": true, "戀": true, "鮮": true, "營": true, "直": true, "送": true, "箱": true, "別": true, "再": true, "臉": true, "書": true, "害": true, "錯": true, "訊": true, "焦": true, "電": true, "郵": true, "名": true, "稱": true, "訂": true, "閱": true, ",": true, "$": true, "q": true, "(": true, ")": true, "{": true, "=": true, "C": true, ";": true, "E": true, ":": true, "\"": true, "#": true, "x": true, "b": true, "k": true, "!": true, "}": true, "T": true, "y": true, "<": true, "h": true, "/": true, "?": true, "G": true, "P": true, ">": true, "U": true, "F": true, "O": true, "I": true, "W": true, "A": true, "D": true, "B": true, "Y": true
"chars": [ "j", "u", "s", "t", "f", "o", "n", "S", "i", "e", "M", "字", "型", "金", "萱", "那", "提", "p", "粉", "圓", "N", "w", "列", "表", "雲", "端", "教", "育", "推", "廣", "認", "識", "體", "研", "修", "專", "業", "輔", "導", "參", "與", "活", "動", "關", "於", "我", "們", "登", "入", "更", "好", "的", "文", "風", "景", "黑", "白", "之", "間", "訊", "焦", "電", "郵", "名", "稱", "訂", "閱", ",", "$", "q", "(", ")", "{", "=", "C", ";", "E", ":", "\"", "#", "x", "b", "k", "!", "}", "T", "y", "<", "h", "/", "?", "G", "P", ">", "U", "F", "O", "I", "W", "A", "D", "B", "Y" ],
"string": null
"genyogothictw-medium": {
"fontName": "genyogothictw-medium",
"fontAlias": [
"fontSelectors": [],
"fontEnglish": [],
"fontWeight": 500,
"fontUrl": [],
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