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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save Yukaii/b03283ef1f2802944c1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Yukaii/b03283ef1f2802944c1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"course_title": "控制系統分析與設計",
"course_code": "AC5009701",
"lecturer": "楊振雄",
"credits": "3",
"required_or_elective": "選",
"full_or_half_semester": "半",
"semester": "1032",
"course_limitations": null,
"people_in_course": "0",
"course_time_location": {
"TA": "",
"TB": "",
"TC": ""
"english_course_title": "Control System Analysis and Design",
"prerequisites": "",
"course_website": "",
"course_objective": "1.基本轉換理論 (Fundamental Transformation Theory):拉式轉換 (Laplace Transform)、Z轉換 (Z-Transform)、傅立葉轉換(Fourier Transform)與不連續傅立葉轉換(Discrete Fourier Transform)\r\n2.系統鑑定 (System Identification ) :包含時域及頻域系統識別\r\n3.控制器設計 (Controller Design)\r\n4.Lyapunov穩定性分析理論 (Lyapunov Stability Analysis Theory)\r\n5.現代控制理論簡介 (Modern Control theory) – Fuzzy Control, Variable Structure Control...etc.\r\n6.以電腦模擬軟體進行控制系統分析及設計(Control System Analysis and Design – with Software)\r\n7.控制系統動態模擬 (Dynamic Simulation of Control System)\r\n8.論文研讀 (Paper Study)//1.Laplace Transform / Z-Transform / Fourier Transform\r\n2.Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) / Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)\r\n3.System Identification Theory and Application\r\n4.State Variable Theory\r\n5.Liapunov Stability Analysis \r\n6.Control System Analysis and Design – with MATLAB\r\n7.Modern Control Theory and Application– Adaptive Control, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy, Variable Structure Control...etc.\r\n8. Paper Study",
"outline": "1.基本轉換理論 (Fundamental Transformation Theory):拉式轉換 (Laplace Transform)、Z轉換 (Z-Transform)、傅立葉轉換(Fourier Transform)與不連續傅立葉轉換(Discrete Fourier Transform)\r\n2.系統鑑定 (System Identification ) :包含時域及頻域系統識別\r\n3.控制器設計 (Controller Design)\r\n4.Lyapunov穩定性分析理論 (Lyapunov Stability Analysis Theory)\r\n5.現代控制理論簡介 (Modern Control theory) – Fuzzy Control, Variable Structure Control...etc.\r\n6.以電腦模擬軟體進行控制系統分析及設計(Control System Analysis and Design – with Software)\r\n7.控制系統動態模擬 (Dynamic Simulation of Control System)\r\n8.論文研讀 (Paper Study)//1.Laplace Transform / Z-Transform / Fourier Transform\r\n2.Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) / Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)\r\n3.System Identification Theory and Application\r\n4.State Variable Theory\r\n5.Liapunov Stability Analysis \r\n6.Control System Analysis and Design – with MATLAB\r\n7.Modern Control Theory and Application– Adaptive Control, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy, Variable Structure Control...etc.\r\n8. Paper Study",
"textbook": "",
"references": "",
"notice": "",
"grading": "",
"note": "",
"about": "限在職班學生選課",
"url": null
"course_title": "型樣識別與機器學習",
"course_code": "AC5413701",
"lecturer": "徐勝均",
"credits": "3",
"required_or_elective": "選",
"full_or_half_semester": "半",
"semester": "1032",
"course_limitations": null,
"people_in_course": "0",
"course_time_location": {
"R2": "",
"R3": "",
"R4": ""
"english_course_title": "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning",
"prerequisites": "",
"course_website": "",
"course_objective": "本課程可協助學生了解型樣識別與機器學習之專業知識,與其在工程上的應用。\r\nThis course can help students understand the professional knowledge of pattern recognition and machine learning with applications to engineering.",
"outline": "1.簡介\r\n2.機率分佈\r\n3.線性模型回歸與分類\r\n4.類神經網路\r\n5.支持向量機\r\n6.主成分分析 \r\n7.隱馬可夫模型\r\n8.專題與論文研讀//1.Introduction\r\n2.Probability Distributions\r\n3.Linear Models for Regression and Classification\r\n4.Neural Networks\r\n5.Support Vector Machine\r\n6.Principal Component Analysis\r\n7.Hidden Markov Models\r\n8.Project & Paper Study\r\n參考書籍:Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 2011 Edition, Springer.",
"textbook": "",
"references": "",
"notice": "",
"grading": "",
"note": "",
"about": " ",
"url": null
"course_title": "微機電製程分析及控制",
"course_code": "AC5515701",
"lecturer": "李敏凡",
"credits": "3",
"required_or_elective": "選",
"full_or_half_semester": "半",
"semester": "1032",
"course_limitations": null,
"people_in_course": "0",
"course_time_location": {
"R6": "",
"R7": "",
"R8": ""
"english_course_title": "Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Technology",
"prerequisites": "",
"course_website": "",
"course_objective": "1.微機電系統設計原理\r\n2.機械傳感器的設計\r\n3.微型壓力感測器的設計\r\n4.微型加速感測器的設計\r\n5.無線電頻率轉化的設計\r\n6.微熱感應裝置的設計\r\n7.半導體材料\r\n8.微機電系統製造原理\r\n9.材料移除\r\n10.塗佈與沉積\r\n11.氧化及擴散\r\n12.IC加工\r\n13.IC封裝\r\n14.接合與封裝\r\n15.微機電組裝及自動化\r\n16.微型設備及系統之未來展望//1. Introduction to MEMS -history and applications\r\n2. Introduction to MEMS fabrication methods and materials\r\n3. Review of essential electrical and mechanical concept\r\n4. ElectrostaticSensing and Actuation\r\n5. ThermalSensing and Actuation\r\n6. Piezoresistivity\r\n7. Piezoelectric Sensing and Actuation\r\n8. Magnetic Actuation\r\n9. Micromachining, bulk and surface\r\n10. Microfluidics\r\n11. Optical MEMS",
"outline": "1.微機電系統設計原理\r\n2.機械傳感器的設計\r\n3.微型壓力感測器的設計\r\n4.微型加速感測器的設計\r\n5.無線電頻率轉化的設計\r\n6.微熱感應裝置的設計\r\n7.半導體材料\r\n8.微機電系統製造原理\r\n9.材料移除\r\n10.塗佈與沉積\r\n11.氧化及擴散\r\n12.IC加工\r\n13.IC封裝\r\n14.接合與封裝\r\n15.微機電組裝及自動化\r\n16.微型設備及系統之未來展望//1. Introduction to MEMS -history and applications\r\n2. Introduction to MEMS fabrication methods and materials\r\n3. Review of essential electrical and mechanical concept\r\n4. ElectrostaticSensing and Actuation\r\n5. ThermalSensing and Actuation\r\n6. Piezoresistivity\r\n7. Piezoelectric Sensing and Actuation\r\n8. Magnetic Actuation\r\n9. Micromachining, bulk and surface\r\n10. Microfluidics\r\n11. Optical MEMS",
"textbook": "",
"references": "",
"notice": "",
"grading": "",
"note": "",
"about": "英語授課",
"url": null
"course_title": "智慧控制導論",
"course_code": "AC5520701",
"lecturer": "蘇順豐",
"credits": "3",
"required_or_elective": "選",
"full_or_half_semester": "半",
"semester": "1032",
"course_limitations": null,
"people_in_course": "0",
"course_time_location": {
"W2": "",
"W3": "",
"W4": ""
"english_course_title": "Introduction to Intelligent Control",
"prerequisites": "",
"course_website": "",
"course_objective": "智慧型系統之架構,模糊控制器理論,類神經控制器,專家系統控制器,學習控制之分析與效能。//",
"outline": "智慧型系統之架構,模糊控制器理論,類神經控制器,專家系統控制器,學習控制之分析與效能。//",
"textbook": "",
"references": "",
"notice": "",
"grading": "",
"note": "",
"about": " ★合班上課★",
"url": null
"course_title": "自主移動機器人",
"course_code": "AC5607701",
"lecturer": "李敏凡",
"credits": "3",
"required_or_elective": "選",
"full_or_half_semester": "半",
"semester": "1032",
"course_limitations": null,
"people_in_course": "0",
"course_time_location": {
"RA": "",
"RB": "",
"RC": ""
"english_course_title": "Autonomous Mobile Robot",
"prerequisites": "",
"course_website": "",
"course_objective": "Theory: This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of mobile robotics. It aim to allow robot autonomously moving through a real environment to perform its tasks. The autonomous behavior include trajectory tracking, obstacle avoidance, formation keeping and goal seeking. It include locomotion, kinematics, sensing, control, localization, mapping and path planning. \r\nPractical: Student will experience in actual autonomous mobile robots (ground two wheel differential drive and aerial rotorcraft locomotion) and divided to teams for lab assignments and final project (team competition).\r\nPublication: Student will learn the academic writing in English and generate the final conference paper to submit by summarize the achievement of the final robot competition.\r\n理論:本課程介紹移動機器人的基礎知識。目標是讓學習如何讓機器人自主地在一個真實的環境中移動以執行其任務。自主行為,包括軌跡跟?,避障,隊型保持和目標搜尋。課程內容包括運動機制,運動學,感測,控制,定位,建圖和路徑規劃。\r\n實務:學生將使用實際的自主移動機器人(地面兩輪差分驅動和空中旋翼機運動機制),並分成小組進行實驗任務和期末機器人競賽。\r\n論文:課程並教授學術英語寫作方法,學生將期末機器人競賽成果產生會議論文。",
"outline": "1.概論\r\n2.移動機器人和感測器教學和程式。\r\n3.運動機制:各種運動機制教學。三種地形執行運動包括空中,地面和水下進行更深入講解設計概念。\r\n4.感測:各式傳感器的原理教學,不確定性和特徵提取。\r\n5.定位: 討論在不確定性的定位誤差。基於地圖的定位方式和其他定位系統。自主地圖的建構也將綜述。\r\n6.導航:鑑於僅有局部知識(機器人的環境和目標或一系列位置)的導航方式,導航包含機器人根據其知識庫和感測器值產生能力來運動,從而盡可能有效和可靠地達到其目標位置。//Part I.Introduction\r\nPart II.Mobile Robot and Sensors Tutorial and Programming.\r\nPart III.Locomotion: Various locomotion are overviewed. The locomotion to execute in tree terrains include aerial, ground and underwater will be overviewed.\r\nPart IV.Perception: Discusses various sensors for mobile robot, uncertainties and feature extraction.\r\nPart V.Localization: The challenge of localization (noise and aliasing) will be discussed. Map representation, map-based localization and other localization system will be introduced. The autonomous map building will also be overviewed.\r\nPart VI.Navigation: Given partial knowledge about robot’s environment and a goal or series of positions, navigation encompassed the ability of the robot to act based on its knowledge and sensor values so as to reach its goal positions as efficiently and reliably as possible.",
"textbook": "",
"references": "",
"notice": "",
"grading": "",
"note": "",
"about": "限在職班學生選課",
"url": null
"course_title": "平面顯示科技實務",
"course_code": "AC5701701",
"lecturer": "蔡明忠",
"credits": "3",
"required_or_elective": "選",
"full_or_half_semester": "半",
"semester": "1032",
"course_limitations": null,
"people_in_course": "0",
"course_time_location": {
"M6": "T4-306",
"M7": "T4-306",
"M8": "T4-306"
"english_course_title": "Flat Panel Display Technology - Introduction and Case Study",
"prerequisites": "",
"course_website": "",
"course_objective": "1.平面顯示科技之發展介紹2.平面顯示器原理及組成-LCD、PDP、FED3.液晶材料及光學特性4.平面顯示背光模組與色彩學5.OLED/PLED顯示技術及檢測6.DLP&TV投影顯示7.平面顯示製程自動化設備8.平面顯示系統測試及檢測9.雷射修補應用10.專題討論//1.Introduction of Flat panel Display\r\n2.Introduction of TFT LCD\r\n3.Manufacturing process of a TFT LCD \r\n4.LC material and applications\r\n5.polarizer and applications\r\n6.LC alignment\r\n7.Color engineering\r\n8.Color filter (CF) \r\n9.TFT LCD Back Light(BL)\r\n10.OLED/PLED/LED Display Technology\r\n11.TV & Projector display (DLP)\r\n12.Flat panel display equipment and inspection\r\n13.Case study: FPD manufacturing automation process\r\n14.Taiwan display show\r\n15.Paper reading & Video",
"outline": "1.平面顯示科技之發展介紹2.平面顯示器原理及組成-LCD、PDP、FED3.液晶材料及光學特性4.平面顯示背光模組與色彩學5.OLED/PLED顯示技術及檢測6.DLP&TV投影顯示7.平面顯示製程自動化設備8.平面顯示系統測試及檢測9.雷射修補應用10.專題討論//1.Introduction of Flat panel Display\r\n2.Introduction of TFT LCD\r\n3.Manufacturing process of a TFT LCD \r\n4.LC material and applications\r\n5.polarizer and applications\r\n6.LC alignment\r\n7.Color engineering\r\n8.Color filter (CF) \r\n9.TFT LCD Back Light(BL)\r\n10.OLED/PLED/LED Display Technology\r\n11.TV & Projector display (DLP)\r\n12.Flat panel display equipment and inspection\r\n13.Case study: FPD manufacturing automation process\r\n14.Taiwan display show\r\n15.Paper reading & Video",
"textbook": "",
"references": "",
"notice": "",
"grading": "",
"note": "",
"about": " ",
"url": null
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