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Created April 17, 2023 03:07
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type Action uint32

const (
	// ActionBlock blocks a packet or session.
	ActionBlock Action = 0x1001
	// ActionPermit permits a packet or session.
	ActionPermit Action = 0x1002
	// ActionCalloutTerminating invokes a callout that must return a
	// permit or block verdict.
	ActionCalloutTerminating Action = 0x5003
	// ActionCalloutInspection invokes a callout that is expected to
	// not return a verdict (i.e. a read-only callout).
	ActionCalloutInspection Action = 0x6004
	// ActionCalloutUnknown invokes a callout that may return a permit
	// or block verdict.
	ActionCalloutUnknown Action = 0x4005


这里定义了一些 过滤引擎 可以执行的动作。


type CalloutID windows.GUID

func (id CalloutID) String() string {
	if s := guidNames[windows.GUID(id)]; s != "" {
		return s
	return windows.GUID(id).String()

// IsZero reports whether id is nil or the zero GUID.
func (id *CalloutID) IsZero() bool {
	return id == nil || *id == CalloutID{}


用于标识 WFP 调用函数(Callout)


// ConditionFlag represents special conditions that can be tested.
type ConditionFlag uint32 // do not change type, used in C calls

const (
	ConditionFlagIsLoopback             ConditionFlag = 0x00000001
	ConditionFlagIsIPSecSecured         ConditionFlag = 0x00000002
	ConditionFlagIsReauthorize          ConditionFlag = 0x00000004
	ConditionFlagIsWildcardBind         ConditionFlag = 0x00000008
	ConditionFlagIsRawEndpoint          ConditionFlag = 0x00000010
	ConditionFlagIsFragmant             ConditionFlag = 0x00000020
	ConditionFlagIsFragmantGroup        ConditionFlag = 0x00000040
	ConditionFlagIsIPSecNATTReclassify  ConditionFlag = 0x00000080
	ConditionFlagIsRequiresALEClassify  ConditionFlag = 0x00000100
	ConditionFlagIsImplicitBind         ConditionFlag = 0x00000200
	ConditionFlagIsReassembled          ConditionFlag = 0x00000400
	ConditionFlagIsNameAppSpecified     ConditionFlag = 0x00004000
	ConditionFlagIsPromiscuous          ConditionFlag = 0x00008000
	ConditionFlagIsAuthFW               ConditionFlag = 0x00010000
	ConditionFlagIsReclassify           ConditionFlag = 0x00020000
	ConditionFlagIsOutboundPassThru     ConditionFlag = 0x00040000
	ConditionFlagIsInboundPassThru      ConditionFlag = 0x00080000
	ConditionFlagIsConnectionRedirected ConditionFlag = 0x00100000




type DropEvent struct {
	Timestamp  time.Time
	IPProtocol uint8
	LocalAddr  netip.AddrPort
	RemoteAddr netip.AddrPort
	AppID      string

	LayerID  uint16
	FilterID uint64


DropEvent 是一个结构体类型,用于表示一个网络包被丢弃的事件。
包当 WF 处理网络数据包时,如果遇到了某些条件(例如与某些规则不符合),会将该数据包丢弃并生成一个 DropEvent 事件。这个事件会记录该数据包的相关信息,例如时间戳、协议类型、源地址、目标地址等,以便后续的分析和处理。
DropEvent 事件是 WF 包中的一个重要的概念,用于在网络安全监控和管理中追踪和记录丢弃的数据包。在 WF 中,管理员可以根据 DropEvent 事件来了解网络中的问题,例如网络流量异常、攻击事件等,从而采取相应的措施来保护网络的安全性。


type Field struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for the field.
	ID FieldID
	// Type is the type of the field.
	Type reflect.Type




// IPProto represents the protocol being used.
type IPProto uint8 // do not change type, used in C calls

// From:
const (
	IPProtoICMP   IPProto = 1
	IPProtoICMPV6 IPProto = 58
	IPProtoTCP    IPProto = 6
	IPProtoUDP    IPProto = 17


在 Windows Filtering Platform 中,当需要根据协议类型对网络数据包进行过滤或者匹配时,就会使用 IPProto 类型及其常量。


// Layer is a point in the packet processing path where filter rules
// can be applied.
type Layer struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for this layer.
	ID LayerID
	// KernelID is the internal kernel ID for this layer.
	KernelID uint16
	// Name is a short descriptive name.
	Name string
	// Description is a longer description of the layer's function.
	Description string
	// DefaultSublayer is the ID for the default sublayer into which
	// filter rules are added.
	DefaultSublayer SublayerID
	// Fields describes the fields that are available in this layer to
	// be matched against.
	Fields []*Field



  1. 提供一组可用于过滤规则匹配的字段。Layer 类型的 Fields 字段描述了这些字段。
  2. 管理默认子层级。Layer 类型的 DefaultSublayer 字段表示默认的子层级 ID。
  3. 提供一些元数据。Layer 类型的 IDNameDescription 字段提供了该阶段的元数据信息,方便开发人员对其进行识别和管理。

总之,Layer 类型在 wf 包中起到了关键的作用,是开发人员用来添加和管理过滤规则的重要工具之一。


// Match is a matching test that gets run against a layer's field.
type Match struct {
	Field FieldID
	Op    MatchType
	Value interface{}

func (m Match) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %v (%T)", m.Field, m.Op, m.Value, m.Value)




// MatchType is the operator to use when testing a field in a Match.
type MatchType uint32 // do not change type, used in C calls

const (
	MatchTypeEqual MatchType = iota
	MatchTypeRange // true if the field value is within the Range.
	MatchTypeEqualCaseInsensitive // only valid on strings, no string fields exist
	MatchTypePrefix    // TODO: not well documented. Is this prefix.Contains(ip) ?
	MatchTypeNotPrefix // TODO: see above.

var mtStr = map[MatchType]string{
	MatchTypeEqual:                "==",
	MatchTypeGreater:              ">",
	MatchTypeLess:                 "<",
	MatchTypeGreaterOrEqual:       ">=",
	MatchTypeLessOrEqual:          "<=",
	MatchTypeRange:                "in",
	MatchTypeFlagsAllSet:          "F[all]",
	MatchTypeFlagsAnySet:          "F[any]",
	MatchTypeFlagsNoneSet:         "F[none]",
	MatchTypeEqualCaseInsensitive: "i==",
	MatchTypeNotEqual:             "!=",
	MatchTypePrefix:               "pfx",
	MatchTypeNotPrefix:            "!pfx",

func (m MatchType) String() string {
	return mtStr[m]


MatchTypewf 包中用来表示匹配操作符的枚举类型,其中包含了常见的匹配操作符,如等于、大于、小于等,还包括用于匹配二进制位的操作符,以及匹配字符串的操作符等。它被用在 Match 类型中,用于描述如何对数据包中的字段进行匹配。同时,MatchType 类型还实现了 String() 方法,可以将枚举值转化为相应的字符串表示。


// Options configures a Session.
type Options struct {
	// Name is a short name for the session, shown in Windows
	// administrative tools.
	Name string
	// Description is a short description for the session, shown in
	// Windows administrative tools.
	Description string
	// Dynamic, if true, indicates that all objects created during the
	// session should be removed when the session is closed or the
	// current process terminates. Dynamic sessions are meant for
	// adding firewall configuration that should not outlast your
	// program's execution.
	Dynamic bool
	// TransactionStartTimeout is how long the session is willing to
	// wait to acquire the global transaction lock. If zero, WFP's
	// default timeout (15 seconds) is used.
	TransactionStartTimeout time.Duration

// New connects to the WFP API.
func New(opts *Options) (*Session, error) {
	if opts == nil {
		opts = &Options{}

	var a arena
	defer a.Dispose()

	s0 := toSession0(&a, opts)

	var handle windows.Handle
	err := fwpmEngineOpen0(nil, authnServiceWinNT, nil, s0, &handle)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ret := &Session{
		handle:     handle,
		layerTypes: layerTypes{},

	// Populate the layer type cache.
	layers, err := ret.Layers()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	for _, layer := range layers {
		fields := fieldTypes{}
		for _, field := range layer.Fields {
			fields[field.ID] = field.Type
		ret.layerTypes[layer.ID] = fields

	return ret, nil


用于配置一个SessionSession是与Windows策略防火墙(WFP)交互的主要对象。Options 类包括以下选项:

  • Name:会话的短名称,在Windows管理工具中显示。
  • Description:会话的短描述,在Windows管理工具中显示。
  • Dynamic:如果为 true,则表示在会话关闭或当前进程终止时应删除在会话期间创建的所有对象。动态会话适用于添加不应超过程序执行期间的防火墙配置。
  • TransactionStartTimeout:表示会话愿意等待获取全局事务锁的时间。如果为零,则使用WFP的默认超时(15秒)。


// A Provider is an entity that owns sublayers and filtering rules.
type Provider struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for this provider.
	ID ProviderID
	// Name is a short descriptive name.
	Name string
	// Description is a longer description of the provider.
	Description string
	// Persistent indicates whether the provider is preserved across
	// restarts of the filtering engine.
	Persistent bool
	// Data is optional opaque data that can be held on behalf of the
	// Provider.
	Data []byte
	// ServiceName is an optional Windows service name. If present,
	// the rules owned by this Provider are only activated when the
	// service is active.
	ServiceName string

	// Disabled indicates whether the rules owned by this Provider are
	// disabled due to its associated service being
	// disabled. Read-only, ignored on Provider creation.
	Disabled bool


Provider类是一个拥有子层和过滤规则的实体。它用于表示 Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) 中的提供程序(provider),提供程序是一组可用于构建网络策略的 WFP 组件。Provider类包含提供程序的唯一标识符、名称、描述、持久性等信息,同时还可以包含与提供程序相关的数据和服务名称。该类还提供了一个Disabled属性,表示由于关联的服务被禁用而禁用该Provider拥有的规则,该属性只读,不影响Provider创建。


type Range struct {
	From, To interface{}




// A Rule is an action to take on packets that match a set of
// conditions.
type Rule struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for this rule.
	ID RuleID
	// KernelID is the kernel ID for this rule.
	KernelID uint64
	// Name is a short descriptive name.
	Name string
	// Description is a longer description of the rule.
	Description string
	// Layer is the ID of the layer in which the rule runs.
	Layer LayerID
	// Sublayer is the ID of the sublayer in which the rule runs.
	Sublayer SublayerID
	// Weight is the priority of the rule relative to other rules in
	// its sublayer.
	Weight uint64
	// Conditions are the tests which must pass for this rule to apply
	// to a packet.
	Conditions []*Match
	// Action is the action to take on matching packets.
	Action Action
	// Callout is the ID of the callout to invoke. Only valid if
	// Action is ActionCalloutTerminating, ActionCalloutInspection, or
	// ActionCalloutUnknown.
	Callout CalloutID
	// PermitIfMissing, if set, indicates that a callout action to a
	// callout ID that isn't registered should be translated into an
	// ActionPermit, rather than an ActionBlock. Only relevant if
	// Action is ActionCalloutTerminating or ActionCalloutUnknown.
	PermitIfMissing bool
	// HardAction, if set, indicates that the action type is hard and cannot
	// be overridden except by a Veto.
	HardAction bool

	// Persistent indicates whether the rule is preserved across
	// restarts of the filtering engine.
	Persistent bool
	// BootTime indicates that this rule applies only during early
	// boot, before the filtering engine fully starts and hands off to
	// the normal runtime rules.
	BootTime bool

	// Provider optionally identifies the Provider that manages this
	// rule.
	Provider ProviderID
	// ProviderData is optional opaque data that can be held on behalf
	// of the Provider.
	ProviderData []byte

	// Disabled indicates whether the rule is currently disabled due
	// to its provider being associated with an inactive Windows
	// service. See Provider.ServiceName for details.
	Disabled bool


Rule 是 Windows Filtering Platform(WFP)中使用的一种过滤规则类型。过滤规则指定要对匹配一组条件的数据包执行的操作。 Rule 对象包含 ID、名称、描述、层、子层、权重、条件和规则动作等信息。条件是必须满足的测试,才能将规则应用于数据包,规则动作指定匹配规则条件的数据包的操作。 Provider 字段可选择地标识管理此规则的提供程序,ProviderData 字段是可选的不透明数据,可以代表提供程序保存。 Disabled 字段指示规则是否因其提供程序关联的未激活 Windows 服务而当前被禁用。 Persistent 字段指示规则是否在过滤引擎重新启动时保留。 BootTime 字段表示此规则仅在引导过程中适用,即在过滤引擎完全启动并移交给正常运行时规则之前。


type Session struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (s *Session) AddProvider(p *Provider) error {
	if p.ID.IsZero() {
		return errors.New("Provider.ID cannot be zero")

	var a arena
	defer a.Dispose()

	p0 := toProvider0(&a, p)

	return fwpmProviderAdd0(s.handle, p0, nil)

func (s *Session) AddRule(r *Rule) error {
	if r.ID.IsZero() {
		return errors.New("Provider.ID cannot be zero")

	var a arena
	defer a.Dispose()

	f, err := toFilter0(&a, r, s.layerTypes)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := fwpmFilterAdd0(s.handle, f, nil, &f.FilterID); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func (s *Session) AddSublayer(sl *Sublayer) error {
	// the WFP API accepts zero GUIDs and interprets it as "give me a
	// random GUID". However, we can't get that GUID back out, so it
	// would be pointless to make such a request. Stop it here.
	if sl.ID.IsZero() {
		return errors.New("Sublayer.ID cannot be zero")

	var a arena
	defer a.Dispose()

	sl0 := toSublayer0(&a, sl)
	return fwpmSubLayerAdd0(s.handle, sl0, nil) // TODO: security descriptor

// Close implements io.Closer.
func (s *Session) Close() error {
	if s.handle == 0 {
		return nil
	err := fwpmEngineClose0(s.handle)
	s.handle = 0
	return err

// DeleteProvider deletes the Provider whose GUID is id. A provider
// can only be deleted once all the resources it owns have been
// deleted.
func (s *Session) DeleteProvider(id ProviderID) error {
	if id.IsZero() {
		return errors.New("GUID cannot be zero")

	return fwpmProviderDeleteByKey0(s.handle, &id)


Session类是一个Windows过滤平台(Windows Filtering Platform,WFP)的会话,用于与操作系统内核通信以创建、配置和删除网络过滤规则。通过Session类,用户可以添加、删除和修改网络过滤规则、提供程序和子层,并且可以与内核进行通信以获取有关网络数据包的信息。Session类的方法包括添加提供程序(AddProvider)、添加规则(AddRule)、添加子层(AddSublayer)、删除提供程序(DeleteProvider)等。用户可以通过创建Session类来与Windows过滤平台进行交互,以便在网络数据包进出计算机时进行网络过滤和安全控制。


type Sublayer struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for this sublayer.
	ID SublayerID
	// Name is a short descriptive name.
	Name string
	// Description is a longer description of the Sublayer.
	Description string
	// Persistent indicates whether the sublayer is preserved across
	// restarts of the filtering engine.
	Persistent bool
	// Provider optionally identifies the Provider that manages this
	// sublayer.
	Provider ProviderID
	// ProviderData is optional opaque data that can be held on behalf
	// of the Provider.
	ProviderData []byte
	// Weight specifies the priority of this sublayer relative to
	// other sublayers. Higher-weighted sublayers are invoked first.
	Weight uint16


在 Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) 中,Sublayer 是在 Filter Engine 启动时注册到内核中的用于组织规则的组件。Sublayer 允许管理者组织规则以便更好的进行过滤和管理。Sublayer 可以根据优先级进行排序,具有更高优先级的 Sublayer 将先于优先级低的 Sublayer 处理规则。Sublayer 可以由 Provider 进行管理,每个 Sublayer 都具有唯一的标识符。Sublayer 类中包含了 Sublayer 的各种属性信息,如名称、描述、优先级、Provider 等。


// TokenAccessInformation represents all the information in a token
// that is necessary to perform an access check.
// This type is only present in Layer fields, and cannot be used
// directly as a value in firewall rules.
type TokenAccessInformation struct{}


在 Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) 中,访问控制是通过访问令牌 (access token) 实现的。TokenAccessInformation 类型表示用于执行访问检查所需的令牌中的所有信息。在 WFP 规则中,TokenAccessInformation 类型仅作为 Layer 字段的一部分出现,不能直接用作防火墙规则的值。TokenAccessInformation 类型提供了一种指定需要的访问令牌信息的方法,从而使网络流量的访问控制更加灵活。


// TokenInformation defines a set of security identifiers.
// This type is only present in Layer fields, and cannot be used
// directly as a value in firewall rules.
type TokenInformation struct{}


在Windows防火墙策略的领域中,TokenInformation类型用于表示一组安全标识符(Security Identifiers,SIDs),这些标识符可以用于检查访问控制列表(Access Control List,ACL)是否允许或拒绝一个访问请求。它通常被用作防火墙规则中的目标以及在访问检查过程中进行匹配。但需要注意的是,TokenInformation类型仅出现在Layer字段中,不能直接用作防火墙规则中的值。

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