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Last active March 28, 2024 17:16
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  • Save YukiGasai/e26bda9ef3072590ac550cd62f391634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save YukiGasai/e26bda9ef3072590ac550cd62f391634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
:: Create the _dev folder
echo Creating the _dev folder
mkdir C:\_dev
echo _dev folder created
:: Open the browser at the Github Token page
start "" ""
:: Prompt for Github username and private token
set /p token=Enter your Github private token:
echo Downloading L7Tools
powershell -Command "$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Headers @{'Authorization'='token %token%'} -OutFile ''"
:: Unzip the L7Tools folder and move it to the _dev folder
echo Unzipping L7Tools
tar -xf
echo L7Tools unzipped
echo Moving L7Tools to the _dev folder
move L7Tools-main C:\_dev\L7Tools
echo L7Tools moved
::Start the install script
echo Starting the install script
cd C:\_dev\L7Tools
call install.bat %*
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