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Created October 6, 2020 03:04
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Wrapper script for ld-decode toolset.
#exit script if an error occurs
set -e
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then \
echo Syntax: $0 inputFile.ldf cavOrClv ntscOrPal combFilter digitalOrAnalogAudio length startAt white ntscj
echo Examples:
echo $0 /home/user/Downloads/ clv ntsc
echo $0 cav ntsc ntsc3d digital 1000 500 true true
echo $0 myFile.ldf clv pal pal2d none 0 500
echo There must not be any spaces in "myFile.ldf".
exit 0
#default settings
#ntsc, pal
#ntsc1d, ntsc2d, ntsc3d, pal2d, transform2d, transform3d
#ffv1, ffvhuff, huffyuv, libx264, libx264rgb, libx265, libvpx-vp9, vp9_vaapi, h264_nvenc, hevc_nvenc, utvideo
#444, 422, 420; used in yuv420p, yuv422p, yuv444p
#digital,analog, none
#flac,aac, libopus, ac3
#0,200,500,1000,any non-negative integer; "0" means no length limit=process entire disc, Also valid: full, all, entire, fullLength
#0,200,500,1000,any non-negative integer; "0" means 0, This is the amount of frames to skip. This might need to be a float instead of integer.
#0, 1; Use 0 for CLV, Use 1 for CAV. Instead of using seek and to start at the first frame, sometimes --start may need to be adjusted manually instead.
#This might be better off as true/false is there are no exceptions.
miscLdDecodeSettings=" --start 500"
#--NTSCJ, for CLV use seek=0 for , or for CAV use --seek 1
#static variables, #this is for NTSC, what are the formats for PAL?
rawVideoFormatNtsc="rawvideo -pix_fmt gray16le -s 910x263 -r 60000/1001"
rawVideoFormatPal="rawvideo -pix_fmt gray16le -s 1135x313 -r 50000/1000"
#should resolution not instead be "910x525"? "[ld-decode outputs] 910x525 16-bit values [for NTSC]"
rawVideoFormatAfterChromaNtsc="rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb48 -s 760x488 -r 30000/1001"
rawVideoFormatAfterChromaPal="rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb48 -s ------- -r 25000/1000"
#signed pcm 16-bit stereo little endian "s16le" @ 44.1 kHz, is PAL digital or PAL/NTSC analog audio different?
rawAudioFormat="s16le -ac 2 -r 44.1k"
#function definitions, these have to be defined prior to being invoked :-(
#usage: myVar=$(makeLowercaseFunct $myVar)
function makeLowercaseFunct() { echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
} inputFile.ldf cavOrClv ntscOrPal combFilter digitalOrAnalogAudio length startAt seekFrame white #choose to include seek frame or not inputFile.ldf cavOrClv ntscOrPal combFilter digitalOrAnalogAudio length startAt white ntscj #always include seek frame 1)inputFile.ldf 2)cavOrClv 3)ntscOrPal 4)combFilter 5)digitalOrAnalogAudio 6)length 7)startAt 8)white 9)ntscj
#not included: wibble, 8)seekFrame cav ntsc ntsc3d
#read input and assign variables
#debug code
echo User first entered:\"$1\"
echo second variable \"$2\"
echo third variable \"$3\"
echo fourth variable \"$4\"
echo fifth variable \"$5\"
echo sixth variable \"$6\"
echo seventh variable \"$7\"
echo eighth variable \"$8\"
echo ninth variable \"$9\"
#read input
#"-z" means "if the variable is empty", might want to make this output clearer to the user at some point
if [ ! -z "$1" ] ; then rawFileName=$1 ; echo Using file: \"$1\" ; else echo Error. Please specify a file. ; exit ; fi
if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then cavOrClv=$2 ; echo Decoding as RF capture of \"$2\" disc. ; else echo Error. Please specify an LD format, cav or clv. ; exit ; fi
if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then ntscOrPal=$3 ; echo Decoding disc as \"$3\". ; else echo Error. Please specify television standard, ntsc or pal. ; exit ; fi
if [ ! -z "$4" ] ; then combFilter=$4 ; echo Using CombFilter \"$4\" ; combFilterSpecified=true ; else echo No comb filter specified. ; combFilterSpecified=false ; fi
if [ ! -z "$5" ] ; then digitalOrAnalogAudio=$5 ; echo Audio mode:\"$5\". ; \
else echo Audio mode not specified. Defaulting to \"$defaultDigitalOrAnalogAudioMode\". ; digitalOrAnalogAudio=$defaultDigitalOrAnalogAudioMode ; fi
if [ ! -z "$6" ] ; then length=$6 ; echo Length=\"$6\". ; else echo Length not specified. Using length=\"$defaultLength\". ; length=$defaultLength ; fi
if [ ! -z "$7" ] ; then startAt=$7 ; echo Starting at frame=\"$7\". ; startAtSpecified=true ; \
else echo Seek amount not specified. ; startAt=$defaultStartAt ; startAtSpecified=false ; fi
#Using default of \"$defaultStartAt\". If a startAt was not specified, should there be a default startAt regardless?
#if [ ! -z "$8" ] ; then seekFrame=$8 ; echo Seeking to frame=\"$8\". ; seekFrameSpecified=true; else echo Seek frame not specified. Using default for CAV/CLV. ; seekFrameSpecified=false; fi
#same as above. If not specified, should this be included?, currently *always* being included as derivative value of $2 cavOrClv.
if [ ! -z "$8" ] ; then white=$8 ; echo "Use White point at 75%? "\"$8\". ; else echo 75% white point not specified. Defaulting to \"$defaultWhite\". ; white=$defaultWhite ; fi
if [ ! -z "$9" ] ; then ntscj=$9 ; echo "NTSCJ disc? "\"$9\". ; else echo NTSCJ not specified. Defaulting to \"$defaultNtscjSetting\". ; ntscj=$defaultNtscjSetting ; fi
#Validate input 1)inputFile.ldf 2)cavOrClv 3)ntscOrPal 4)combFilter 5)digitalOrAnalogAudio 6)length 7)startAt 8)white 9)ntscj
#-e means "if exists"
if [ ! -e "$rawFileName" ] ; then echo "Error: \"$rawFileName\" does not exist." ; exit 1 ; fi
#need to figure out how to pipe this properly at some point
#echo $cavOrClv | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' > temp.txt
#myvar2=$(cat temp.txt)
#rm temp.txt
#edit, moved to function, output gets assigned to variable via command substitution
cavOrClv=$(makeLowercaseFunct $cavOrClv)
if [ ! "$cavOrClv" = "cav" ] ; then \
if [ ! "$cavOrClv" = "clv" ] ; then \
echo Error: "cavOrClv" value is not "cav" or "clv"
echo Value:\"$cavOrClv\"
exit 1
fi fi
#ntscOrPal#ntsc, pal
ntscOrPal=$(makeLowercaseFunct $ntscOrPal)
if [ ! "$ntscOrPal" = "ntsc" ] && [ ! "ntscOrPal" = "pal" ] ; then \
echo Error: "ntscOrPal" value is not "ntsc" or "pal"
echo Value:\"$ntscOrPal\".
exit 1
#combFilter#ntsc1d, ntsc2d, ntsc3d, pal2d, transform2d, transform3d
combFilter=$(makeLowercaseFunct $combFilter)
if [ "$combFilterSpecified" = "false" ] ; then \
if [ ! "$ntscOrPal" = "ntsc" ] ; then \
combFilter=$defaultNtscCombFilter ; else \
fi fi
if [ ! "$combFilter" = "ntsc1d" ] && [ ! "$combFilter" = "ntsc2d" ] && [ ! "$combFilter" = "ntsc3d" ] && \
[ ! "$combFilter" = "pal2d" ] && [ ! "$combFilter" = "transform2d" ] && [ ! "$combFilter" = "transform3d" ] ; then \
echo Error: Selected "combFilter" is not valid.
echo Valid values: ntsc1d, ntsc2d, ntsc3d, pal2d, transform2d, transform3d
echo Actual Value:\"$ntscOrPal\"
exit 1
#digitalOrAnalogAudio#digital,analog, none
digitalOrAnalogAudio=$(makeLowercaseFunct $digitalOrAnalogAudio)
if [ ! "$digitalOrAnalogAudio" = "digital" ] && [ ! "$digitalOrAnalogAudio" = "analog" ] && [ ! "$digitalOrAnalogAudio" = "none" ] && [ ! "$digitalOrAnalogAudio" = "no" ] ; then \
echo Error: "digitalOrAnalogAudio" value is not "digital" or "analog" or "none"
echo Value:\"$digitalOrAnalogAudio\"
exit 1
if [ "$digitalOrAnalogAudio" = "no" ] ; then digitalOrAnalogAudio=none ; fi
#length#0, 1-1000+, full, all; maybe check if zero or an integer?
length=$(makeLowercaseFunct $length)
#check if integer, if an integer, assume it is valid, if not an integer, check for valid values, if integer, check if 0 and set to all
case $length in
''|*[!0-9]*) lengthIsInteger=false ;;
*) lengthIsInteger=true ;;
if [ ! "$lengthIsInteger" = "true" ] ; then \
if [ ! "$length" = "full" ] && [ ! "$length" = "all" ] && [ ! "$length" = "entire" ] && [ ! "$length" = "fullLength" ] ; then \
echo Error: Selected length is not valid.
echo Valid values: Any non-negative integer 0, 200, 500, 100 and "full", "all", "entire", "fullLength".
echo Selected length:\"$length\".
exit 1
fi fi
#check if integer, if an integer, assume it is valid, if not an integer, check for valid values, if integer, check if 0 and set to all
#Technically float values are valid so may not be able to check if a valid value was entered at all. 2.3=string in bash
startAt=$(makeLowercaseFunct $startAt)
case $startAt in
''|*[!0-9]*) startAtIsInteger=false ;;
*) startAtIsInteger=true ;;
if [ "$startAtIsInteger" = "false" ] ; then \
echo Error: Selected start/skip amount is not valid.
echo Entered skip amount \"$startAt\".
exit 1
##seekFrame, 0 or 1; 0 for CLV, 1 for CAV, must be an integer
#if [ "$seekFrameSpecified"="false" ]
#then , currently using $2 cavOrClv to determine this instead as mandatory always included option, code below is for optionally including it if specified (as hardcoded values)
#if [ "$seekFrameSpecified" = "true" ] ; then \
#if [ "$cavOrClv" = "clv" ] ; then miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--seek 0" ; else \
#miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--seek 1" ; fi fi
#white, boolean
white=$(makeLowercaseFunct $white)
if [ ! "$white" = "true" ] ; then \
if [ ! "$white" = "false" ] ; then \
echo Error: "white" value is not true or false.
echo Value:\"$white\"
exit 1
fi fi
#ntscj, boolean
if [ -z $ntscj ] ; then ntscj=$defaultNtscjSetting ; fi
ntscj=$(makeLowercaseFunct $ntscj)
if [ ! "$ntscj" = "true" ] ; then \
if [ ! "$ntscj" = "false" ] ; then \
echo Error: "ntscj" value is not true or false.
echo Value:\"$ntscj\"
exit 1
fi fi
#wibble, boolean
if [ -z $wibble ] ; then wibble=$defaultWibbleSetting ; fi
wibble=$(makeLowercaseFunct $wibble)
if [ ! "$wibble" = "true" ] ; then \
if [ ! "$wibble" = "false" ] ; then \
echo Error: "wibble" value is not true or false.
echo Value:\"$wibble\".
exit 1
fi fi
#calculate variable names
#might want to remove the .tbc extension from the rawFileName
fileNameNoExt=$(basename -s .lds $rawFileName) #myfile.ldf->myfile.ldf;>myfile
fileNameNoExt=$(basename -s .ldf $fileNameNoExt) #myfile.ldf->myfile; myfile->myfile
#.tbc gets appended to tbcOutputFileName and it becomes tbcFileName
#VDIjson="$LDSjson".vdi.json #wrong name
#if --output-json is not specified when using "ld-process-vbi", then a "...tbc.json.bup" file is created as a backup and the original json is overwritten
#chapters file is also known as "ffmetadata"
#determine additional variables
#use seek=0 for CLV, or --seek 1 for CAV, append to miscLdDecodeSettings
#miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings "--seek
if [ "$cavOrClv" = "clv" ] ; then miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--seek 0"
else miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--seek 1" ; fi
if [ "$ntscOrPal" = "ntsc" ] ; then \
else \
#append length to ld-decode settings if it was specified
#if [ "$length" eq "0" ] ; then miscLdDecodeSettings=$miscLdDecodeSettings" --length $length" ; fi
if [ "$lengthIsInteger" = "true" ] ; then \
if [ "$length" = "0" ] ; then \
length=fullLength #pointless
#else if an non-zero integer, append --length $length to ld-decode
else miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--length $length"
fi fi
if [ ! "$startAtIsInteger" = "false" ] ; then \
if [ "$startAtSpecified" = "true" ] ; then \
miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--start $startAt"
fi fi
#miscLdChromaDecodeSettings --white, #white, boolean
if [ "$white" = "true" ] ; then miscLdChromaDecodeSettings="$miscLdChromaDecodeSettings ""--white" ; fi
#miscLdDecodeSettings --NTSCJ, #ntscj, boolean
if [ "$ntscj" = "true" ] ; then miscLdDecodeSettings="$miscLdDecodeSettings ""--NTSCJ" ; fi
#debug code, print out all variables
#debug code, exit early
#exit 0
#might want to also check if ld-decode is invokable first
#also, might want to skip running ld-decode, ld-process-vbi and ls-export-metadata if $tbcFileName already exists
#extract out 1) .tbc raw video, 2) .wav audio, 3) .efm data and 4) .json metadata
if [ -e "$tbcFileName" ] ; then \
echo \"$tbcFileName\" already exists. Will reuse existing .tbc file.
echo Delete/move/rename .tbc file if reuse is not desired.
else \
echo Starting LD-Decode....
echo ld-decode "$miscLdDecodeSettings" -t $cpuThreads --$ntscOrPal "$rawFileName" "$tbcOutputFileName"
ld-decode $miscLdDecodeSettings -t $cpuThreads --$ntscOrPal "$rawFileName" "$tbcOutputFileName"
#update vbi data
echo Updating VBI metadata...
echo ld-process-vbi --threads $cpuThreads --input-json "$ldsJson" "$tbcFileName"
ld-process-vbi --threads $cpuThreads --input-json "$ldsJson" "$tbcFileName"
echo Extracting ffmetadata chapters...
#extract out LD chapters (if present), how to check if present? how to exclude from next command if not present?
ld-export-metadata "$ldsJson" --ffmetadata "$chaptersFile"
#merge pieces and encode a/v losslessly
#ffmpeg -f $rawVideoFormat - | \ #this is used...when?
echo ld-dropout-correct --intra --overcorrect --input-json "$ldsJson" --output-json /dev/null --quiet "$tbcFileName" - \| \\
echo ld-chroma-decoder -t $cpuThreads --decoder $combFilter --luma-nr $lumaNoiseReduction --chroma-nr $chromaNoiseReduction --input-json "$ldsJson" -q $miscLdChromaDecodeSettings - - \| \\
echo ffmpeg -f $rawVideoFormatAfterChroma -i - -f $rawAudioFormat -i "$audioTrackName" -i "$chaptersFile" -c:v $videoCodec -pix_fmt yuv"$outputColorspace"p -y -c:a $audioCodec "$outputFileName"
#debug code
#echo end
#exit 0
echo Performing magic on black and white signal...
ld-dropout-correct --intra --overcorrect --input-json "$ldsJson" --output-json /dev/null --quiet "$tbcFileName" - | \
ld-chroma-decoder -t $cpuThreads --decoder $combFilter --luma-nr $lumaNoiseReduction --chroma-nr $chromaNoiseReduction --input-json "$ldsJson" -q $miscLdChromaDecodeSettings - - | \
ffmpeg -f $rawVideoFormatAfterChroma -i - -f $rawAudioFormat -i "$audioTrackName" -i "$chaptersFile" -c:v $videoCodec -pix_fmt yuv"$outputColorspace"p -y -c:a $audioCodec "$outputFileName"
#-aspect 4:3
#for flac use "-compression_level 5", higher is more compression, max is 12, default is 5, consider using 11
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