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Last active June 6, 2022 17:47
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AviSynth CopyFromMe Template
#load video
#load normal video,
#FFM2 does not handle yuv422p or yuv444p video well, regardless of codec, or 10-12 bit-depth.
FFIndex(vid) AudioDub(FFVideoSource(vid), FFAudioSource(aud))
FFIndex(vid) AudioDub(FFVideoSource(vid,fpsnum=24000,fpsden=1001,colorspace="yv12"), FFAudioSource(aud,track=0))
#load .ts or .m2ts, Note: Try LibAV if FFVideoSource does not work.
AudioDub(LWLibavVideoSource(vid), LWLibavAudioSource(aud))
AudioDub(LWLibavVideoSource(vid), LWLibavAudioSource(aud,stream_index=0))
LWLibavVideoSource(vid,format="YUY2") #4:2:2 interleaved, use to load interlaced video
#load raw video (uses vfw codecs), Note: Not usually frame accurate. Convert to MKV and use FF/LibAV source filters instead.
#Note: x264 VFW encoder has various issues. Do not use if at all possible.
#load .vob (via DGIndex index)
#Load existing VapourSynth (.vpy) script
#Either Import:
VSImport(source=vid, stacked=false)
#Or interleave .vpy script into AviSynth script
script = """
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.get_core()
video = core.ffms2.Source(source=vidPath)
video2 = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(source=vidPath,format='YUV420P8')
video3 = core.avsr.Import(r'script.avs')
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video ,bits=32)
#video = core.caffe.Waifu2x(video, scale=1, noise=1, model=3, block_w=128, cudnn=True)
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video ,bits=8)
video.set_output() #or
VSEval(script, index=1)
#Above example uses waifu2x-caffe. Remember that .vpy files do not support audio.
#For additional filters see:
#Notable vapoursynth exclusives are: waifu2x (GPU), BM3D (CPU)
#Same as above but simpler .vpy script into AviSynth script
script = """
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.get_core()
video = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(source=vidPath,format='YUV420P8')
video = core.edgefixer.ContinuityFixer(video, [2,2,2], [2,2,2], [2,2,2], [2,2,2], [10,5,5]) #magic
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video ,bits=32)
#video = core.caffe.Waifu2x(video, scale=2, noise=1, model=3, block_w=128, cudnn=True)
#video = core.resize.Spline36(video ,width=1024,height=576)
video = core.fmtc.bitdepth(video ,bits=8)
VSEval(script, index=0)
#Working with Groups of Pictures (GOPs):
#To create: ffmpeg -i "myvideo.avs" "out\video-%06d.png"
#To encode directly: ffmpeg -r 24000/1001 -i "out\image-%06d.png" -c:v huffyuv out.huffyuv.mkv
#To load: (basic)
ImageReader(images,start=1,end=2734) #be sure to specify last frame
AssumeFPS(24000,1001) #adjust framerate to fit actual source
ConvertToYV12(matrix="Rec709") #be sure to specify a color matrix: (Rec601), PC.601, Rec709, PC.709
#load from series of pictures (more flexible), but requires
CoronaSequence(images,start=1,stop=2206) #always outputs rgb32 at 25fps
ConvertToYV12(matrix="Rec709") #be sure to specify a color matrix: (Rec601), PC.601, Rec709, PC.709
#IVTC if source was FILM, but was tecelined to interlace it (to conform to NTSC standards)
#Note: Do not IVTC if "Force FILM" is enabled in DGIndex for DVDs (which is for progressive streams labeled as interlaced)
Telecide() #basic, all that is needed sometimes
TFM(slow=2, pp=6, clip2=TDeint(mode=2, type=3))
TFM(cthresh=8) #default settings, higher quality than Telecide
tdecimate(mode=1) #use mode=0 or mode=1 to remove extra frames
tdecimate(mode=1,hybrid=0) #use hybrid=0 for NTSC Anime
#Or deinterlace if source really is interlaced VIDEO and IVTC fails, pick one of the following:
#AssumeFrameBased() #Prerequisites if interlaced video was encoded as progressive, Use SelectEven() after
bob() #Vanilla bob(), completely removes all interlacing, but doubles fps
TDeint(mode=2, type=3) #does excellent job while keeping original FPS
TDeint(mode=1, type=3) #smart bobing, doubles fps
TempGaussMC_beta2() #slower than TDeint but better quality
QTGMC(Preset="Slower") #better quality than TempGuassMC()
QTGMC(Preset="Very Slow",SourceMatch=2,Sharpness=1.0,TR2=2) #Does not stack well with TemporalDegrain()
#If using bob() or similar to completely remove interlacing, remember to remove the duplicate frames:
SelectEven() #blindly pick every other frame
srestore(frate=30000/1001,omode=6).decimate(cycle=2,quality=0) #for use with blended frames, it nearly does an okay job, still needs decimation after
#Dealing with blended sources
#To check if source material is blended, look for blended frames after using SeparateFields().selectEven()
srestore(frate=23.976)#used after IVTC and decimation to deal with blended material, reliably causes ghosting in very dark frames/scenes especially during scene changes
#use virtualDub's Deshaker
#Settings: Either default or Scale=full, pixels=all, deep analysis if <55%, skip <15%, edge compenstation: none, stabLevel=8000, max: hor=0.3-1;vert=0.3-1;rot=.001;zoom=0.0001
#Export from vdub using Lagarith/Huffyuv/x264(lossless) and import using LWLibavVideoSource("myvideo_stabalized.h264.crf0.mkv") or FFSource().
#merge stabalized video and original video per-scene using fclip(original,234,653) or scene filtering syntax
#Denoise (temporal)
TemporalDegrain() #Best temporal denoiser period. But very slow. Works well <720p or when sole filter in a script. But can cause ghosting in very grainy scenes. Does include a minor spatial denoising component.
FluxSmoothT(3).FluxSmoothT(3) #fast, even when stacked. Removes rain but otherwise works well. Disable for low contrast grainy scenes due to line blurring.
FluxSmoothT() #default=7, consider using this to generate a preclip for use with a masking scipt with SMDegrain
MCTemporalDenoise(sigma=20) #chroma noise?
MCDegrainSharp(frames=3) #very light grain removal and causes ghosting, unimpressive
SMDegrain(tr=6,thSad=1000,refinemotion=true) #can work very well but needs tuning for each source and a preclip, defaults: tr=3 and thSad=400,refinemotion=off
#SMDegrain preclip example
preClip=FluxSmoothT().removegrain(11) #The more denoising on the preclip, the more noise SMDegrain will remove. Make sure all details are not lost in the preclip.
SMDegrain(tr=6,thSAD=500,str=1.2,contrasharp=40,prefilter=pre,refinemotion=true) #very similar to TemporalDegrain(), but with less ghosting
#Denoise (spatial, spatial-temporal)
MSmooth(threshold=2,strength=2,mask=false,chroma=true) #Do not go above 3/3 or 4/2. Messes up the chroma. Does not have a temporal component.
FluxSmoothST(temporal_threshold=7, spatial_threshold=7) #Do not increase spatial_threshold.
dfttest(sigma=16,tbsize=1) #Pretty on some sources, ugly on others. tbsize=1 disables temporal aspect. Default=16, 4-32 is okay depending on scene. Works well with scenefiltering techniques.
dfttest(sigma=8,tbsize=5) #tbsize>1 enables temporal filtering. Makes unstabalized video and scenes with high motion can look bad, esp with a high sigma (>=8).
dfttestMC(sigma=4) #motion compensated wrapper script for dfttest. Looks very nice. Do not go much higher than sigma=4 without scenefiltering.
KNLMeansCL(h=1.2,device_type="gpu") #very high quality and very fast, low values (h=0.6) can look very nice, this and bm3d for vapoursynth are "go to" filters, Wiki:
KNLMeansCL(h=2,device_type="gpu",a=8,d=1) #Try not to go much above h=3-4 depending on source, a is pixel radius, d is temporal radius (quadradic)
#Crop pixels from resolution.
#crop left-top-right-bottom
crop(8,0,-8,0) #NTSC spec
crop(2,0,-2,0) #typical, Alternative to cropping is VapourSynth's core.edgefixer.ContinuityFixer()
#Resize (spline)
Spline64Resize(1280,720) #might want to sharpen->downscale instead of downscale->sharpen
#Resize (nnedi3)
#Resize (waifu2)
#Use vapoursynth implementation of waifu2x and import as source.
#Alternative: -end script here, 1) output as series of pictures 2) use waifu2x-caffe with nvidia-gpu cudnn accel 3) reimport as series of pictures
# - Do not crop before using waifu2 to upscale, crop after.
#Note: waifu2 can also do spatial denoising instead of or in addition to upscaling.
#To create: ffmpeg -i "myvideo.avs" "out_waifu2_ed1\video-%06d.png"
#Resize (lazy)
#Line Darkeners
Hysteria(strength=3,lowthresh=2,highthresh=5,showmask=false,luma_cap=255).Spline64Resize(1280,720) #preferred
#Sharpen (line)
UnFilter(100,100) #introduces massive amounts of noise
MSharpen(threshold=4,strength=200,mask=false) #causes haloing and some noise, so might want to supersample or downsample afterwards
LSFmod(strength=300,edgemaskHQ=true,ss_x=1.0,ss_y=1.0) #Disables super sampling, causes artifacts
LSFmod(strength=300,edgemaskHQ=true) #less prone to artifacting
LSFmod(strength=200,edgemaskHQ=true).LSFmod(strength=60,edgemaskHQ=true) #Stacking can look better, esp when mixed with AA
#op/ed credit wizardry by 06_taro
#Line sharpeners tend to distort op/ed credits. Combine the following with scene filtering techniques to avoid filtering them.
m_credit = mt_lut("x 235 > 255 0 ?") # "x > 235 ? 255 : 0"
m_credit=m_credit.mt_expand(mode= mt_circle(6)) #raise or lower the radius for the mask
#Sharpen (warp) #thin lines and can help with AA, Avoid unless you know what you are doing.
aWarpSharp2(blur=8,depth=8,type=1,thresh=160) #Do not go above 8/8, even 4/4 is somewhat high
WarpSharp() #a very low thresh can also help
#Halo remover (white around black lines caused by sharpening or sharpening+upscaling)
#Uses warping internally. Do not use aWarpSharp2 if using a halo remover. Suggestion: Do not cause halos in the first place.
DeHalo_Alpha(rx=1.7,ry=1.7) #lower than default
FineDehalo(darkstr=0,rx=1.5,ry=1.5) #wrapper script for DeHalo_Alpha
#AA filters
HiAA(threads=8) #, preferred, HiAA can use sangnom2 (default), eedi3, nnedi3, or eedi3+sangnom2
HiAA(ssf=1.0,threads=8,aa=nnedi3) #ssf=1.0 looks better but can cause artifacts
maa2(aa=100, threads=4)
#Fix colour
Levels(0, 0.95, 255, 0, 255) #the second value is the luma, "0.95" means "lower the luma by 5%"
#Fix Colour Example:
#Fix Colour Example2:
#Levels can also create all white/black clips for masks, e.g. mt_merge(x=,y=,xOffset=,yOffset=...
blackClip=originalClip.Levels(0, 1.0, 255, 0, 0,coring=false)
whiteClip=originalClip.Levels(255, 10.0, 0, 255, 255,coring=false)
#Deband (random dithering)
gradfun2db(thr=1.3) #works and never causes artifacts
#deband (ordered dithering) #preferred
gradfun3() #"flat" look, compresses better, careful with fine lines at higher settings
f3kdb(dither_algo=2) #"grainy" look, increases required bitrate
#reduce number of total frames to those below (inclusive)
##Scenefiltering syntax (RemapFrames) #preferred
KNLMeansCL().LSFMod().gradfun3() #base filtering
ReplaceFramesSimple(last, original.TemporalDegrain(), mappings="
[4 433]
[434 725]
ReplaceFramesSimple(last, KNLMeansClip, mappings="
[4 433]
[434 725]
ReplaceFramesSimple(last, original.LSFmod(), mappings="
[4 433]
[434 725]
#run gradfun3() twice on this section of video, the second time at high settings
ReplaceFramesSimple(last, last.gradfun3(thr=1.1), mappings="
[434 725]
##Scenefiltering syntax (frametools)
function ncop(clip clip2){last=clip2
function fixLuma1(clip clip2){last=clip2
Levels(0, 0.95, 255, 0, 255)
function ed(clip clip2){last=clip2
""" #start frametools documentation#
Notice: Merging clips is possible only if both clips have audio, or if neither do. Load audio for both or wait until after merging to AudioDub(vid,aud).
#fix frames by replacement - replace frame start for number of frames "length"
Syntax: ff(clip clp, int start, int "length")
Usage: ff(234,1)
#reverse fix frame - replaces frame from start backwards
Syntax: rff(clip clp, int start, int "length")
Usage: rff(234,2)
#merge fix frame - creates a hybrid frame from the adjacent frames
Syntax: mff(clip clp, int frame)
Usage: mff(234)
#fix scene change - replaces frame specified, and the one before with length specified by lengthPrior, lengthPost
Dependency: ff() and rff()
Syntax: fs(clip clp, int start, int "lengthPrior",int "lengthPost")
Usage1: fs(234,1,1)
Usage2: fs(456,1,2)
#replace the frames of the current clip with the frames of another clip starting from frame start/end
Syntax: function replaceClipFromStart(clip clip1, clip clip2, int start) #used to specify the first frame to replace
Syntax: function replaceClipFromEnd(clip clip1, clip clip2, int end) #used to specify the last frame to replace
FFVideoSource("my show.mkv")
ncop="my show ncop.mkv"
nced="my show nced.mkv"
#fixes clip - by replacing it's frames with the frames from another clip
Note: frame numbers/count must match from both clips - Meant for merging raw and stabalized video clips together.
- Can also be used to "undo" the filtering for a scene or apply a specific set of filters to portions of the video.
Syntax: function fclip(clip clip1, clip clip2, int start, int end)
fixed=last.crop(2,0,0,0).Spline64Resize(854, 576)
#sceneFilter - applies a set of filters to parts of a clip, from frameStart to frameEnd, defined by a function named "filterGroup"
Syntax: function sceneFilter(clip clip1, int frameStart, int frameEnd, string filterGroup)
function op(clip clip2){last=clip2
function scene1(clip clip2){last=clip2
#meant to "redo" the filtering for a scene seperately from entire video - useful for filtering specific scenes differently (like ops/eds)
Dependencies: fclip, sceneFilter
Syntax: redoSceneFilter(clip clip1, clip original, int frameStart, int frameEnd, string filterGroup)
function ed(clip clip2){last=clip2
#The idea is to define a rectangle area to replace. Can work similar to FreezeFrame() but for parts of a frame or can be used to embed one clip inside of another.
Dependencies: Masktools2
function ReplaceBox(clip clp, int "offsetX", int "offsetY", int "width", int "height", int "startFrame", int "endFrame", int "sourceFrame", clip "clip2", bool "show")
ReplaceBox(0, 0, 200, 300, show=true)
#Translation: Starting at coordinate (0,0) (top left), create a 200x300 pixel box.
ReplaceBox(250, 400, 200, 300, show=true)
#Translation: Start at coordinate (250,400) and use a 200x300 box. This means the bottom right corner of the box will extend to (450,700).
ReplaceBox(0, 0, 400, 500, startFrame=50, endFrame=250, sourceFrame=49)
#Translation: Start from the top left and use a 400x500 box. The contents displayed for frames 50-250 will be from frame 49.
ReplaceBox(250, 400, 200, 300, 100, 120, 50)
#Translation: Start at coordinate (250,400) and use a 200x300 box. The box only affects frames 100-120, using the contents from frame 50.
ReplaceBox(250, 400, 200, 300, clip2=last.Greyscale())
#Translation: Start at coordinate (250,400) and use a 200x300 box. The box contents are from a different clip with identical properties.
ReplaceBox(250, 400, 200, 300, 100, 120, 50, clip2=last.Greyscale())
#Translation: Start at coordinate (250,400) and use a 200x300 box. The box freezes frames 100-120, using the contents from frame 50 from clip2. The normal frames from clip2 are for replacements outside of [100-120]. Note: Specifying clip2 will always replace the contents for the entire clip regardless of the specified range of frames to freeze.
""" #end documentation#
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