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Last active February 9, 2023 01:28
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BigQuery — Nested WITH clause ( WITH is like a Subquery )

BigQuery — Nested WITH clause ( WITH is like a Subquery )

Query Example

WITH result AS (
   WITH example AS ( SELECT * FROM `dataset.table` )
   SELECT * FROM example

SELECT * FROM result

Public Dataset Query Example

WITH result AS (
   WITH games_wide_limitted AS ( SELECT * FROM `` LIMIT 100 )
   SELECT * FROM games_wide_limitted

SELECT * FROM result

Deeper nest

WITH result AS (
   WITH reg_season AS (
     WITH  year_2016 AS (
       SELECT * FROM `` WHERE year = 2016
     SELECT * FROM year_2016 WHERE seasonType = 'REG'
   SELECT * FROM reg_season

SELECT * FROM result


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