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Last active August 25, 2018 05:56
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Zsh — Incremental search from command history with up arrow key

Zsh — Incremental search from command history with up arrow key


You need zsh and peco.

peco/peco: Simplistic interactive filtering tool


Put below script to your ~/.zsh and source it.

incremental-select-command-history() {
   if [ ! $(which peco) ]; then echo "You need peco" && exit 1; fi

   local original_buffer="$BUFFER"

   BUFFER=$( \
      history 1 | \
      sort -k1,1nr | \
      perl -ne 'BEGIN { my @lines = (); } s/^\s*\d+\*?\s*//; $in=$_; if (!(grep {$in eq $_} @lines)) { push(@lines, $in); print $in; }' | \
      peco --layout=bottom-up --on-cancel=error

   # Keep original input when escape from select
   if [ -z "$BUFFER" ]; then


zle -N incremental-select-command-history
bindkey '^[[A' incremental-select-command-history


  • Push up arrow key and start incremental search
  • Keep original input when incremental search canceled ( with Esc key )
  • Select some command to input string to your console and hit Enter one more time to execute command.


So comfortable.


  • zsh 5.5.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0)
  • peco version v0.5.1
  • Mac OS X High sierra


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