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Created February 22, 2018 17:25
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import wavfile
from glob import glob
import cv2
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from os.path import basename
import gc
import h5py
import os
import wave
import pylab
max_edge = 600
#data_img = 'Dataset_5s_img_1/*.png'
data_img = 'Dataset_5s_img/*.png'
csv_file = 'train.csv'
img_file = glob(data_img)
csv_reader = pd.read_table(csv_file, sep=',', index_col='id')
wavs_imgs = []
genders = []
#ids = []
scores = []
n = 0
with h5py.File('Depression_dataset_600_5s_incremental.h5','w') as hf:
dsetZ = hf.create_dataset(
'z', (0,), dtype='uint8', data=genders, chunks=True, maxshape=(None,)
print('dsetZ: ', dsetZ.dtype, ' ', dsetZ.shape)
dsetX = hf.create_dataset(
'x', (0,max_edge,max_edge), dtype='uint8', data=wavs_imgs, chunks=True,
print('dsetX: ', dsetX.dtype, ' ', dsetX.shape)
dsetY = hf.create_dataset(
'y', (0,), dtype='uint8', data=scores, chunks=True, maxshape=(None,)
print('dsetY: ', dsetY.dtype, ' ', dsetY.shape)
print('Created empty H5 file')
# Magic number, but should be a code to get the smallest divisor, to work with primes
# Only works because I know the value beforehand...
chunks = 5
minimumPerChunk = len(img_file)/chunks
step = int(minimumPerChunk)
arrayStart = 0
arrayEnd = step
for i in range(0,chunks):
n = arrayStart
for x in img_file[arrayStart:arrayEnd]:
name = basename(x)
#print (name)
img_id, _ = name.split(sep='_')
#indice, _ = name.split(sep='.')
idx = int(img_id)
n = n + 1
img = cv2.imread(x, 0)
aspect_ratio = img.shape[0]*1./img.shape[1]
if np.argmax(img.shape) == 0:
c = int(max_edge*1./aspect_ratio)
new_shape = (c, max_edge)
pw = (max_edge - c)//2
pad_width = ((0,0), (pw, max_edge - c - pw))
r = int(max_edge*aspect_ratio)
new_shape = (max_edge, r)
pw = (max_edge - r)//2
pad_width = ((pw, max_edge - r - pw), (0,0))
img = cv2.resize(img, new_shape, cv2.INTER_AREA)
img = np.lib.pad(img, pad_width, 'constant')
score = csv_reader.get_value(idx, 'score')
gender = csv_reader.get_value(idx, 'gender')
print('OK: ', n)
print('Done: reshape for ', arrayStart,'-', arrayEnd)
with h5py.File('Depression_dataset_600_5s_incremental.h5','a') as hf:
dsetZ = hf['z']
dsetX = hf['x']
dsetY = hf['y']
print('dsetZ: ', dsetZ.dtype, ' ', dsetZ.shape)
print('dsetX: ', dsetX.dtype, ' ', dsetX.shape)
print('dsetY: ', dsetY.dtype, ' ', dsetY.shape)
dsetZ.resize(dsetZ.shape[0]+step, axis=0)
dsetZ[-step:] = genders
dsetY.resize(dsetY.shape[0]+step, axis=0)
dsetY[-step:] = scores
dsetX.resize(dsetX.shape[0]+step, axis=0)
dsetX[-step:] = wavs_imgs
print(dsetZ.shape, dsetZ.shape, dsetY.shape)
print(len(dsetZ.value), len(dsetZ.value), len(dsetY.value))
print('Done: write to h5')
# Free memory? No good way of doing this, apparently
del wavs_imgs, genders, scores
wavs_imgs = []
genders = []
#ids = []
scores = []
arrayStart += step
arrayEnd = arrayStart + step
print('End to create h5')
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