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Last active February 3, 2023 15:08
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  • Save YuriGor/5e0dc379a340e5d13b53c5501892ab14 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Vec vs HashMap read performance (ObjectId keys + rustc_hash)
name = "indexed_hash_map"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
mongodb = "2.3.0"
rustc-hash = "1.1.0"
rand = "0.8.5"
criterion = "0.4.0"
opt-level = 0
opt-level = 3
use core::cell::RefCell;
use mongodb::bson::oid;
use rand::prelude::*;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
// use std::hint::black_box;
use criterion::black_box;
use std::time::Instant;
pub struct Item {
pub id: oid::ObjectId,
pub idx: usize,
pub out_id: Vec<oid::ObjectId>,
pub out_idx: Vec<usize>,
pub struct Edge {
pub id: oid::ObjectId,
pub idx: usize,
pub from_id: oid::ObjectId,
pub from_idx: usize,
pub to_id: oid::ObjectId,
pub to_idx: usize,
pub struct ItemRef {
pub id: oid::ObjectId,
pub idx: usize,
pub out: Vec<Rc<RefCell<EdgeRef>>>,
pub struct EdgeRef {
pub id: oid::ObjectId,
pub from_idx: usize,
pub from: Rc<RefCell<ItemRef>>,
pub to_idx: usize,
pub to: Rc<RefCell<ItemRef>>,
const TOTAL: usize = 3000;
const NODE_EDGES: usize = 3;
const READS: usize = 1 + NODE_EDGES * 2;
fn main() {
fn hash() {
let mut item_map = FxHashMap::default(); // HashMap with rustc_hash, should be fast?
let mut edge_map = FxHashMap::default(); // HashMap with rustc_hash, should be fast?
let mut item_keys = Vec::new(); // remember used keys
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for idx in 0..TOTAL {
// generate 1K records same way
let item = Item {
id: oid::ObjectId::new(),
out_idx: Vec::new(),
out_id: Vec::new(),
item_keys.push(; // push rec to map this time
item_map.insert(, item); // remember key used
let mut ridx = 0;
for idx in 0..TOTAL {
// generate total random edges
for _ in 0..NODE_EDGES {
let from_idx = idx;
let to_idx = rng.gen_range(0..TOTAL);
let from_id = &item_keys[from_idx];
let to_id = &item_keys[to_idx];
let edge = Edge {
id: oid::ObjectId::new(), // new random UUID
idx: ridx, // index
from_idx: item_map[from_id].idx,
to_idx: item_map[to_id].idx,
from_id: item_map[from_id].id,
to_id: item_map[to_id].id,
let from = item_map.get_mut(from_id).unwrap();
edge_map.insert(, edge);
ridx += 1;
let now = Instant::now();
for _ in 0..TOTAL {
// total runs x total records = 1M reads
for idx in &item_keys {
let item = &item_map[&idx];
for ri in 0..NODE_EDGES {
black_box(&item_map[&edge_map[&item.out_id[ri]].to_id]); // just to not let compiler skip this code
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
"{:.2?}M HashMap (rustc_hash) read time: {:.2?}",
READS * TOTAL * TOTAL / 1000000,
fn vec() {
let mut item_vec = Vec::new(); // items registry
let mut edge_vec = Vec::new(); // items registry
let mut item_indexes = Vec::new(); // list of used item indexes (just to iterate over Vec of key when benching same as for HashMap)
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for idx in 0..TOTAL {
// generate total records
let item = Item {
id: oid::ObjectId::new(), // new random UUID
idx, // index
out_id: Vec::new(),
out_idx: Vec::new(),
item_vec.push(item); //push to Vec as main storage
item_indexes.push(idx); // remember indexes used
let mut ridx = 0;
for idx in 0..TOTAL {
// generate total random edges
for _ in 0..NODE_EDGES {
let from_idx = idx;
let to_idx = rng.gen_range(0..TOTAL);
let edge = Edge {
id: oid::ObjectId::new(), // new random UUID
idx: ridx, // index
from_id: item_vec[from_idx].id,
to_id: item_vec[to_idx].id,
ridx += 1;
let now = Instant::now();
item_indexes.shuffle(&mut rng);
for _ in 0..TOTAL {
// total runs x total records = 1M reads
for idx in &item_indexes {
let item = &item_vec[*idx]; // noob here, not sure if doing nice here with ref/deref
for ri in 0..NODE_EDGES {
black_box(&item_vec[edge_vec[item.out_idx[ri]].to_idx]); // just to not let compiler skip this code
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
"{:.2?}M Vec read time: {:.2?}",
READS * TOTAL * TOTAL / 1000000,
fn cell() {
let mut item_vec = Vec::new();
let mut edge_vec = Vec::new(); // HashMap with rustc_hash, should be fast?
let mut item_indexes = Vec::new(); // remember used keys
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for idx in 0..TOTAL {
// generate 1K records same way
let item = Rc::new(RefCell::new(ItemRef {
id: oid::ObjectId::new(),
out: Vec::new(),
item_indexes.push(item.borrow().idx); // push rec to map this time
item_vec.push(item); // remember key used
for idx in 0..TOTAL {
// generate total random edges
for _ in 0..NODE_EDGES {
let from_idx = idx;
let to_idx = rng.gen_range(0..TOTAL);
let edge = Rc::new(RefCell::new(EdgeRef {
id: oid::ObjectId::new(), // new random UUID
from: item_vec[from_idx].clone(),
to: item_vec[to_idx].clone(),
let now = Instant::now();
for _ in 0..TOTAL {
// total runs x total records = 1M reads
for idx in &item_indexes {
let item = &item_vec[*idx];
for ri in 0..NODE_EDGES {
black_box(&item.borrow().out[ri].borrow().to); // just to not let compiler skip this code
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
"{:.2?}M Vec/Rc/RefCell read time: {:.2?}",
READS * TOTAL * TOTAL / 1000000,
63M HashMap (rustc_hash) read time: 22,645s
63M Vec read time: 103,53ms
63M Vec/Rc/RefCell read time: 65.88ms
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You should use criterion for benchmarks

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YuriGor commented Jan 29, 2023

Thanks, switched to criterion but with no visible effect.
Also added 3d approach using Rc+RefCell - it's even faster and more readable, and also it's kind of recommended by Rust docs for Graphs, so looks like I'll pick it finally.

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Oh, I meant not blackbox itself, but whole lobrary/harness to perform measurements.

It is really smart, and it would measure each funtion hundreds of times and then calculate average result. And even would apply statistical methods to throw out wierd results, that don't match.

Say you have 98 measurements with similar time and two outstanding, coz your computer was doing something in background, it woud throw out that 2 measirements.

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I can try uploading my test project with criterion somewhere tomorrow, if you like.

Today is late, and electricity was just disabled.

Feel free to ping me, if I forget to upload it tomorrow.

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YuriGor commented Feb 2, 2023

This exact case is ultimately simple and isolated, so my approach is good enough, but will pay attention to this crate, thanks.
Take care of electricity and yourself!

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I've uploaded this as example

But I don't know perhaps it's to complex example. You could try examples from documtation of criterion from link of my original comment

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This exact case is ultimately simple and isolated, so my approach is good enough.

That's bold claim.

You can't guarante that it would give same results on each execution.

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