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Created July 2, 2017 12:17
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class-names for ClojureScript
(defn class-names [& args]
(clojure.string/join " "
(mapv name
(reduce (fn [arr arg]
(or (string? arg)
(symbol? arg)
(keyword? arg)) (conj arr arg)
(vector? arg) (vec (concat arr arg))
(map? arg) (vec (concat arr
(reduce-kv (fn [map-arr key value]
(if (true? value)
(conj map-arr key)
map-arr)) [] arg)))
:else arr)) [] args))))
; (class-names "foo" "bar" :bax { :active true :seleced false })
; -> "foo bar bax active"
; (class-names "foo" "bar" nil)
; -> "foo bar"
; (class-names "foo" "bar" :bax { :active true :seleced false } 'nox { :more-classes-in-map true })
; -> "foo bar bax active nox more-classes-in-map"
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