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Last active January 17, 2019 05:37
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Unity GC Alloc Examples (Unity2018.3.0f2 PlayMode Test)
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.TestTools.Constraints;
using Is = UnityEngine.TestTools.Constraints.Is;
enum Language
Ruby, CSharp, Elixir
class SampleClass
public int X;
struct SampleStruct
public int X;
interface ISampleA
void SampleA();
interface ISampleB
void SampleB();
struct SampleA : ISampleA
void ISampleA.SampleA()
struct SampleB : ISampleB
void ISampleB.SampleB()
static class SampleExtension
public static void InvokeSampleA(this ISampleA x)
public static void InvokeSampleB<T>(this T x) where T : ISampleB
public class SimpleTest
[Test(Description = "enumをEqualsで比較")]
public void Test1()
Assert.That(() =>
if (Language.Ruby.Equals(Language.Elixir))
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "enumを==で比較")]
public void Test2()
Assert.That(() =>
if (Language.Ruby == Language.Elixir)
}, Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
private static readonly string CSharp = "CSharp";
private static readonly string Ruby = "Ruby";
[Test(Description = "enumキーのDictionary")]
public void Test_EnumKeyDictionary_Add()
var dic = new Dictionary<Language, string>();
Assert.That(() => dic.Add(Language.CSharp, CSharp), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => dic.Add(Language.Ruby, Ruby), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "intキーのDictionaryをenumをキャストして使う")]
public void Test_EnumKeyDictionary_Add_Cast()
var dic = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Assert.That(() => dic.Add((int)Language.CSharp, CSharp), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => dic.Add((int)Language.Ruby, Ruby), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
private const string ConstString = "";
private static readonly string StaticReadOnlyString = "";
[Test(Description = "const stringとstatic readonly string")]
public void Test_ConstStringAndStaticReadOnlyString()
Assert.That(() =>
var s = ConstString;
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() =>
var s = StaticReadOnlyString;
}, Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "配列")]
public void Test_AllocateArray()
Assert.That(() =>
var array = new byte[10];
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "クラスの確保")]
public void Test_AllocateClass()
Assert.That(() =>
var value = new SampleClass();
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "構造体の確保")]
public void Test_AllocateStruct()
Assert.That(() =>
var value = new SampleStruct();
}, Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "値型のボクシング")]
public void Test_BoxingValueType()
Assert.That(() =>
object value = 10;
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
private void Method1(object x) { }
[Test(Description = "object型引数によるボクシング")]
public void Test_BoxingObjectArgument()
Assert.That(() =>
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "nullableによるボクシング")]
public void Test_BoxingNullable()
Assert.That(() =>
int? x = 10;
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "文字列補完(=string.Format)によるボクシング")]
public void Test_Boxing_StringInterpolation()
Assert.That(() =>
var s = $"{1}";
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
private T CreateByDefault<T>() where T : struct
return default;
private T CreateByNew<T>() where T : struct
return new T();
[Test(Description = "ジェネリクス経由での構造体の値生成")]
public void Test_InstantiateGenericValueType()
Assert.That(() =>
}, Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() =>
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "interfaceと拡張メソッドによるボクシング")]
public void Test_ExtensionMethodForInterfaceBoxing()
Assert.That(() =>
new SampleA().InvokeSampleA();
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() =>
new SampleB().InvokeSampleB();
}, Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "Linq")]
public void Test_Linq()
var array = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
Assert.That(() =>
foreach (var x in array.Where(x => x % 2 == 0))
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() =>
foreach (var x in array)
if (x % 2 == 0)
}, Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "配列に対するforeachによるIEnumerable.GetEnumerator()呼び出し")]
public void Test_ForEachIEnumerable()
IEnumerable<int> array = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
Assert.That(() =>
foreach (var x in array)
}, Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
private void InstanceMethod()
private static void StaticMethod()
private static void Invoke(Action action)
private void InvokeLambdaInstance()
Invoke(() => InstanceMethod());
private void InvokeLambdaStatic()
Invoke(() => StaticMethod());
[Test(Description = "デリゲートとラムダ式")]
public void Test_CreateDelegate_CallTwice()
Assert.That(() => Invoke(InstanceMethod), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => Invoke(InstanceMethod), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => Invoke(StaticMethod), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => Invoke(StaticMethod), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => InvokeLambdaInstance(), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => InvokeLambdaInstance(), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => InvokeLambdaStatic(), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => InvokeLambdaStatic(), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "LinkedListNode")]
public void Test_LinkedListNode()
var list = new LinkedList<int>();
Assert.That(() => list.AddLast(1), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
[Test(Description = "List Capacity")]
public void Test_ListCapacity()
var list = new List<int>(4);
Assert.That(() => list.Add(1), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => list.Add(2), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => list.Add(3), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => list.Add(4), Is.Not.AllocatingGCMemory());
Assert.That(() => list.Add(5), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
private void MethodParams(params int[] args)
[Test(Description = "params")]
public void Test_ParamsCausesArrayAllocation()
Assert.That(() => MethodParams(1, 2, 3), Is.AllocatingGCMemory());
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