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Last active March 13, 2024 09:23
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Read an SPA file from Omnic
# Created 2015, Zack Gainsforth
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import struct
from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq
def LoadSPAInterferogram(FileName):
# Open the SPA file.
with open(FileName, 'rb') as f:
# Go to offset 294 in the header which tells us the number of sections in the file.
NumSections = struct.unpack('h',[0]
print('This spa file has ' + str(NumSections) + ' sections.')
# We will process each section in the spa file.
for n in range(NumSections):
# Go to the section start. Each section is 16 bytes, and starts after offset 304.*n)
SectionType = struct.unpack('h',[0]
SectionOffset = struct.unpack('i','\x00')[0]
SectionLength = struct.unpack('i','\x00')[0]
print('Section #%d, Type: %d, Offset: %d, Length %d' % (n, SectionType, SectionOffset, SectionLength))
# If this is section type 3, then it contains the result spectrum (interferogram, single beam, etc.) Note where it is in the file.
if SectionType==3:
print('Found raw spectrum section.')
Section3Offset = SectionOffset
Section3Length = SectionLength
# If this is section type 102, then it contains a processed spectrum.
if SectionType==102:
print('Found processed spectrum section.')
Section102Offset = SectionOffset
Section102Length = SectionLength
# We will default to using section 102 (processed data) if it exists. Otherwise, we read section 3 (raw data).
if 'Section102Length' in locals():
print('Using processed spectrum.')
SectionOffset = Section102Offset
SectionLength = Section102Length
print('Using raw spectrum.')
SectionOffset = Section3Offset
SectionLength = Section3Length
# Read in the data!
DataText =
Data = np.fromstring(DataText, dtype='float32')[:-5]
return Data
def PlotInterferogram(Interferogram):
# Apply the hamming window to smooth out the FT (we don't want ripples.)
H = np.hamming(len(Interferogram))
I = H*Interferogram
plt.title('Hamminged Interferogram')
# Compute the FFT
F = fft(I)
# Make the magnitude spectrum.
Mag = np.abs(F)
Mag = Mag[:int(len(Mag)/2)]
LaserFreq = 15798.3 # cm-1, this is the sampling distance for the interferogram.
#dE = 1/(2*LaserFreq)
E = fftfreq(len(Interferogram), 1/(2*LaserFreq))
plt.plot(E, Mag)
plt.title('Magnitude spectrum')
# Make the phase spectrum.
Phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(F))
Phase = Phase[:int(len(Phase)/2)]
plt.plot(E, Phase)
plt.title('Phase spectrum')
def GetMagAndPhaseFromInterferogram(Interferogram, SamplingLaserFreq=15798.3):
# Returns:
# Wavenumbers is the energy axis in cm-1
# Mag is the magnitude spectrum
# Phase is the phase spectrum.
# Apply the hamming window to smooth out the FT (we don't want ripples.)
H = np.hamming(len(Interferogram))
I = H*Interferogram
# Compute the FFT
F = fft(I)
# Make the magnitude spectrum.
Mag = np.abs(F)
Mag = Mag[:int(len(Mag)/2)]
LaserFreq = SamplingLaserFreq #15798.3 # cm-1, this is the sampling distance for the interferogram.
#dE = 1/(2*LaserFreq)
E = fftfreq(len(Interferogram), 1/(2*LaserFreq))
# Make the phase spectrum.
Phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(F))
Phase = Phase[:int(len(Phase)/2)]
return E, Mag, Phase
if __name__ == '__main__':
# FileName = ''
FileName = 'background/'
# FileName = 'section5/scan2/'
Interferogram = LoadSPAInterferogram(FileName)
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tungcua66 commented May 4, 2021

I'm using your code to read the spa file and draw it. The problem is when i print the Interferogram, the output is not expected result(csv file).
You can test with files in this link
How can you know the spa format file ?

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ZGainsforth commented May 4, 2021 via email

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