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Created September 20, 2012 12:35
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Fluent query in EPiServer
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using EPiServer.Core;
using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.Filters;
using EPiServer.Globalization;
namespace M2B
public interface IFindPages
IFindPages And();
IFindPages NoAccess();
IFindPages ExcludeShortcuts();
IFindPages ByPageType(int[] pageTypes);
IFindPages ByShortCutType(int shortCutType);
IFindPages ByVisibleInMenu(bool visible);
IFindPages ByAllCategories(CategoryList categories);
IFindPages ByAnyCategory(CategoryList categories);
IFindPages ByProperty(string name, object value, PropertyDataType type);
IFindPages ByProperty(string name, object value, PropertyDataType type, CompareCondition condition);
IFindPages OrderByIndex(bool desc);
IFindPages OrderByDate(bool desc);
IFindPages OrderBy(string property, bool desc);
PageDataCollection Execute();
public class FindPages : IFindPages
private PageReference _PageLink;
private PropertyCriteriaCollection _Criterias;
private string _Lang = null;
private bool _And = false;
private string _OrderBy = null;
private bool _OrderByDesc = false;
private bool _NoAccess = false;
public FindPages(PageReference pageLink)
_PageLink = pageLink;
_Criterias = new PropertyCriteriaCollection();
public FindPages(PageReference pageLink, string lang)
_PageLink = pageLink;
_Lang = lang;
_Criterias = new PropertyCriteriaCollection();
public static IFindPages Query(PageReference pageLink)
return new FindPages(pageLink);
public static IFindPages Query(PageReference pageLink, string lang)
return new FindPages(pageLink, lang);
public IFindPages And()
_And = true;
return this;
public IFindPages NoAccess()
_NoAccess = true;
return this;
public IFindPages ExcludeShortcuts()
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = "PageShortcutType",
Type = PropertyDataType.Number,
Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.Equal,
Required = true,
Value = "0"
return this;
public IFindPages ByPageType(int[] pageTypes)
foreach (int i in pageTypes)
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = "PageTypeID",
Type = PropertyDataType.PageType,
Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.Equal,
Required = _And,
Value = i.ToString()
_And = false;
return this;
public IFindPages ByShortCutType(int shortCutType)
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = "PageShortcutType",
Type = PropertyDataType.Number,
Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.Equal,
Required = _And,
Value = shortCutType.ToString()
_And = false;
return this;
public IFindPages ByVisibleInMenu(bool visible)
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = "PageVisibleInMenu",
Type = PropertyDataType.Boolean,
Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.Equal,
Required = _And,
Value = visible.ToString()
_And = false;
return this;
public IFindPages ByAnyCategory(CategoryList categories)
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = "PageCategory",
Type = PropertyDataType.Category,
Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.Contained,
Required = _And,
Value = categories.ToString()
_And = false;
return this;
public IFindPages ByAllCategories(CategoryList categories)
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = "PageCategory",
Type = PropertyDataType.Category,
Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.Equal,
Required = _And,
Value = categories.ToString()
_And = false;
return this;
public IFindPages ByProperty(string name, object value, PropertyDataType type)
return ByProperty(name, value, type, CompareCondition.Equal);
public IFindPages ByProperty(string name, object value, PropertyDataType type, CompareCondition condition)
_Criterias.Add(new PropertyCriteria()
Name = name,
Type = type,
Condition = condition,
Required = _And,
Value = value.ToString()
_And = false;
return this;
public IFindPages OrderByIndex(bool desc)
_OrderBy = "PagePeerOrder";
_OrderByDesc = desc;
return this;
public IFindPages OrderByDate(bool desc)
_OrderBy = "PageStartPublish";
_OrderByDesc = desc;
return this;
public IFindPages OrderBy(string property, bool desc)
_OrderBy = property;
_OrderByDesc = desc;
return this;
public PageDataCollection Execute()
PageDataCollection result = null;
if (!_NoAccess)
//FindPagesWithCriteria Filters Out Pages User Does Not Have Access To
if (_Lang != null)
result = DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(_PageLink, _Criterias, _Lang);
result = DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(_PageLink, _Criterias);
if (_Lang != null)
result = DataFactory.Instance.FindAllPagesWithCriteria(_PageLink, _Criterias, _Lang, new LanguageSelector(_Lang));
result = DataFactory.Instance.FindAllPagesWithCriteria(_PageLink, _Criterias, ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, new LanguageSelector(ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName));
if (_OrderBy != null)
if (_OrderByDesc)
return new PageDataCollection(result.OrderByDescending(p => p[_OrderBy]));
return new PageDataCollection(result.OrderBy(p => p[_OrderBy]));
return result;
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