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Created February 10, 2019 22:38
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# the standard implementation of ARS
# Importing the libraries
import datetime
import os
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import wrappers
import pybullet_envs
# Setting the Hyper Parameters
class Hp():
def __init__(self):
self.nb_steps = 1000
self.episode_length = 1000
self.learning_rate = 0.02
self.nb_directions = 16
self.nb_best_directions = 16
assert self.nb_best_directions <= self.nb_directions
self.noise = 0.03
self.seed = 1
self.env_name = 'HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0'
# Normalizing the states
class Normalizer():
def __init__(self, nb_inputs):
self.n = np.zeros(nb_inputs)
self.mean = np.zeros(nb_inputs)
self.mean_diff = np.zeros(nb_inputs)
self.var = np.zeros(nb_inputs)
def observe(self, x):
self.n += 1.
last_mean = self.mean.copy()
self.mean += (x - self.mean) / self.n
self.mean_diff += (x - last_mean) * (x - self.mean)
self.var = (self.mean_diff / self.n).clip(min=1e-2)
def normalize(self, inputs):
obs_mean = self.mean
obs_std = np.sqrt(self.var)
return (inputs - obs_mean) / obs_std
# Building the AI
class Policy():
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size):
self.theta = np.zeros((output_size, input_size))
def evaluate(self, input, delta=None, direction=None):
if direction is None:
elif direction == "positive":
return (self.theta + hp.noise * delta).dot(input)
return (self.theta - hp.noise * delta).dot(input)
def sample_deltas(self):
return [np.random.randn(*self.theta.shape) for _ in range(hp.nb_directions)]
def update(self, rollouts, sigma_r):
step = np.zeros(self.theta.shape)
for r_pos, r_neg, d in rollouts:
step += (r_pos - r_neg) * d
self.theta += hp.learning_rate / (hp.nb_best_directions * sigma_r) * step
# Exploring the policy on one specific direction and over one episode
def explore(env, normalizer, policy, direction=None, delta=None):
state = env.reset()
done = False
num_plays = 0.
sum_rewards = 0
while not done and num_plays < hp.episode_length:
state = normalizer.normalize(state)
action = policy.evaluate(state, delta, direction)
state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
reward = max(min(reward, 1), -1)
sum_rewards += reward
num_plays += 1
return sum_rewards
# Training the AI
def train(env, policy, normalizer, hp):
for step in range(hp.nb_steps):
# Initializing the perturbations deltas and the positive/negative rewards
deltas = policy.sample_deltas()
positive_rewards = [0] * hp.nb_directions
negative_rewards = [0] * hp.nb_directions
# Getting the positive rewards in the positive directions
for k in range(hp.nb_directions):
positive_rewards[k] = explore(env, normalizer, policy, direction="positive", delta=deltas[k])
# Getting the negative rewards in the negative/opposite directions
for k in range(hp.nb_directions):
negative_rewards[k] = explore(env, normalizer, policy, direction="negative", delta=deltas[k])
# Gathering all the positive/negative rewards to compute the standard deviation of these rewards
all_rewards = np.array(positive_rewards + negative_rewards)
sigma_r = all_rewards.std()
# Sorting the rollouts by the max(r_pos, r_neg) and selecting the best directions
scores = {k: max(r_pos, r_neg) for k, (r_pos, r_neg) in enumerate(zip(positive_rewards, negative_rewards))}
order = sorted(scores.keys(), key=lambda x: scores[x], reverse=True)[:hp.nb_best_directions]
rollouts = [(positive_rewards[k], negative_rewards[k], deltas[k]) for k in order]
# Updating our policy
policy.update(rollouts, sigma_r)
# Printing the final reward of the policy after the update
reward_evaluation = explore(env, normalizer, policy)
print('Step:', step, 'Reward:', reward_evaluation)
# Running the main code
def mkdir(base, name):
path = os.path.join(base, name)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return path
work_dir = mkdir('exp', 'brs')
monitor_dir = mkdir(work_dir, 'monitor')
hp = Hp()
env = gym.make(hp.env_name)
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, monitor_dir, force=True)
nb_inputs = env.observation_space.shape[0]
nb_outputs = env.action_space.shape[0]
policy = Policy(nb_inputs, nb_outputs)
normalizer = Normalizer(nb_inputs)
train(env, policy, normalizer, hp)
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Zeino97 commented Jun 29, 2020

is there any way to add a log file so that it saves every step with its respected reward value.

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