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Created December 27, 2016 15:12
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co is awesome!!!!!
insertOrderItem(req, reply) {
const order_id = req.payload.order_id;
const product_id = req.payload.product_id;
const msg = new message();
co(function*() {
const product = yield Product.get({ _id: product_id });
const menu = yield Menu.get({ _id: product.menu_id });
const order_item_doc = yield new Orderitem({
is_add: true,
order_id: order_id,
menu_id: menu._id,
product_id: product._id,
price: product.price,
img: product.img_url,
spec: product.unit,
total: product.price,
actual_payment: product.price,
printer_num: menu.printer_num
const order_item = yield;
const total = yield this.updateOrderTotal(order_id);
return reply(msg.success(total));
}).catch(err => {
return reply(
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