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Last active May 3, 2023 05:40
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  • Save ZaK3939/5a98bcf4b3ada648daac6df7b0aa5f2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Updated 2023/5/3
// This note is a memo to share the method of verifying quest objects.
// If any correction is needed in the logic, please contact the PHI team.
-------------- PHI --------------
// Related Contract links
// PhiMap: '0xe8b6395d223C9D3D85e162f2cb2023bC9088a908',
// Polygonscan:
// Registry: '0x6532B97295a0728880AE81D5CD7248f32E24e39a',
// Polygonscan:
// PhiClaim: '0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C'
// Polygonscan:
// QuestObject: '0x3D8C06e65ebf06A9d40F313a35353be06BD46038',
// Polygonscan:
//// PHIDemoPlayonStarkNet
- QuestName: PHI Demo Play on StarkNet
- Description: Only the initial demo (closed) app users. You must have participated in Phi's Demo on Starknet and created land.
- TokenId: 100001
- TokenURI:
- Network: Goerli (Starknet)
- ContractAddress: 0xBA1B85D16E2Dbe023e980C9E00B655E4e3ec81AB
- Method/Event: check logCreatePhilands address
- Count:1
- Others: -
//// CreateTestnetPhiland
- QuestName: PHI Trial Play on Mumbai
- Description: You must have participated in Phi's Testnet on Mumbai and created land.
- TokenId: 100002
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon Mumbai
- ContractAddress: 0xD2bF37B9690a1ee0CFF9Df9826aC49056eccCDD3
- Method/Event: check createdMaps address
- Count: -
- Others: -
//// Top30LandPowerScore
- QuestName: Master Architect
- Description: Reach Top 30 in the Land Power Leaderboard.
- TokenId: 100003
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 30
- Others: -
//// Top30SocialScore
- QuestName: Social Butterfly
- Description: Reach Top 30 in the Social Leaderboard.
- TokenId: 100004
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Others: -
//// Top30AttentionScore
- QuestName: Key Opinion Leader
- Description: Reach Top 30 in the Attention Leaderboard.
- TokenId: 100005
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 30
- Others: -
//// GitcoinPHISupporter
- QuestName: Gitcoin GR15 PHI Contributor
- Description: You have contributed to Phi's Project in Gitcoin Grants Round 15.
- TokenId: 100007
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: -
- Others: (If you set PIA, you cant claim. Ref.
//// GotEXP
- QuestName: Iron Architect~Platinum Architect
- Description: Earned 10,000~130,000 Total Land Power
- TokenId: 100011~100015
- TokenURI: (100011)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0xe8b6395d223C9D3D85e162f2cb2023bC9088a908
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 10,000~130,000
- Others: -
//// LinkToFriends
- QuestName: Newbie Socializer~Expert Socializer
- Description: Create 1~10 hyperlink of a different Philand on your land
- TokenId: 100041~100043
- TokenURI: (100041)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0xe8b6395d223C9D3D85e162f2cb2023bC9088a908
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1~10
- Others: -
//// LinkToNotPhi
- QuestName: Newbie Persona~Master Persona
- Description: Create 1~10 hyperlink on your land. Hyperlinks to Philands and Phi related websites are excluded
- TokenId: 100051~100053
- TokenURI: (100051)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0xe8b6395d223C9D3D85e162f2cb2023bC9088a908
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1~10
- Others: -
//// ChangePhilandOwner
- QuestName: Lift and Shift
- Description: Receive ENS from another owne and create a Philand by using changePhilandOwners method.
- TokenId: 100061
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x6532B97295a0728880AE81D5CD7248f32E24e39a
- Method/Event: changePhilandOwners
- Count: 1
- Others: -
//// PicnicWallpaper
- QuestName: DeFi Picnic
- Description: Claim the following objects "100401", "100501", "100701" (USDC Seesaw, Uniswap Chess Piece, Polygon Bridge to complete this quest.)
- TokenId: 100062
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 1
- Others: -
//// ActiveScore
- QuestName: Iron I ~ Gold V
- Description: Earn 5,000 ~ 250,000 EXP on Active Score
- TokenId: 100151 ~ 100170
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 5,000 ~ 250,000
- Others: -
-------------- PHI Adventure --------------
// Related Contract links
// PhiClaim: '0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C'
// Polygonscan:
//// BeginnerQuest
- QuestName: Completionist: Beginner I ~ III
- Description: true if the address have "already" cliamed these conditions objects
// - 100201: # Own an ENS domain
// - 100501: # Swap once on Uniswap V3
// - 100602: # Buy or Sell a NFT once on OpenSea
// - 100801: # Vote once on Snapshot
- TokenId: 100101 ~ 100103
- TokenURI: (100101)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 1
- Others: user can mint all token 100101 ~ 100103
//// DeFiQuest
- QuestName: Completionist: DeFi I ~ III
- Description: true if the address have "already" cliamed these conditions objects
// - 100502: # Swap 5 times on Uniswap V3
// - 101101: # Swap once on Curve
// - 100505: # Provided to Liquidity Pool with at least 100 $DAI on Uniswap V3
- TokenId: 100111 ~ 100113
- TokenURI: (100111)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 1
- Others: user can mint all token 100111 ~ 100113
//// NFTQuest
- QuestName: Completionist: NFT I ~ III
- Description: true if the address have "already" cliamed these conditions objects
// - 102101: # Buy 1 NFT on sudoswap
// - 100603: # Buy or Sell NFTs 5 times on OpenSea
// - 100606: # Create an NFT on OpenSea and sell it on OpenSea
- TokenId: 100121 ~ 100123
- TokenURI: (100121)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 1
- Others: user can mint all token 100121 ~ 100123
//// DAOQuest
- QuestName: Completionist: DAO I ~ III
- Description: true if the address have "already" cliamed these conditions objects
// - 100803: # Vote 5 times on Snapshot
// - 101501: # Own 1 POAP
// - 101701: # Create a Multisig Wallet on Gnosis Safe
- TokenId: 100131 ~ 100133
- TokenURI: (100131)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 1
- Others: user can mint all token 100131 ~ 100133
//// PHIQuest
- QuestName: Completionist: Phi-nisher I ~ III
- Description: true if the address have "already" cliamed these conditions objects
// - 100013: # Earn 48,000 Total Land Power
// - 100043: # Create 10 hyperlinks of other Philands on your land
// - 100053: # Create 10 hyperlinks on your land. Hyperlinks to Philands and Phi related websites are excluded
- TokenId: 100141 ~ 100143
- TokenURI: (100141)
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x754e78bC0f7B487D304552810A5254497084970C
- Method/Event: checkClaimedStatus
- Count: 1
- Others: user can mint all token 100141 ~ 100143
-------------- Ethereum Name Service --------------
// URL:
//// ENSOwner
- QuestName: Web3 ENS Owner
- Description: Own an ENS domain
- TokenId: 100201
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: -
//// ENSAvatar
- QuestName: Web3 ENS Avatar
- Description: Configured the 'avatar' record in your primary ENS
// ensAvatarUrl = await provider.getAvatar(ensName);
- TokenId: 100203
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: -
- Others: we are using ethers.provider.getAvatar. and found a issue for some nft not valid.
//// ENSWebsite
- QuestName: Web3 ENS Website
- Description: Configured the 'url' record in your primary ENS with your philand URL
// const resolver = await provider.getResolver(ensName);
// ensRecordUrl = await resolver.getText("url");
- TokenId: 100204
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x4976fb03c32e5b8cfe2b6ccb31c09ba78ebaba41
- Method/Event: Set Text
- Count: -
- Others: Need to set primary ENS.
// Example:
//// ENSSubdomain
- QuestName: Web3 ENS Subdomain
- Description: Setup an ENS subdomain
- TokenId: 100205
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e
- Method/Event: setSubnodeRecord
- Count: 1
- Others:
//// ENSSubdomain
- QuestName: Web3 ENS Subdomain
- Description: Setup an ENS subdomain
- TokenId: 100205
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x00000000000c2e074ec69a0dfb2997ba6c7d2e1e
- Method/Event: setSubnodeRecord
- Count: 1
- Others:
//// ENSHolding
- QuestName: Silver $ENS Hodler ~ Gold $ENS Hodler
- Description: Hold at least 100 ~ 1000 $ENS
// const balanceInEns = ethers.utils.formatUnits(balanceBn, 18)
- TokenId: 100206 ~ 100207
- TokenURI: (100206)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xc18360217d8f7ab5e7c516566761ea12ce7f9d72
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 100 ~ 1000
- Others: -
-------------- Ethereum Chain --------------
//// ETHHolding
- QuestName: Wood $ETH Hodler ~ Epic $ETH Hodler
- Description: Hold at least 0.1 ~ 1000 ETH
// const balance = await provider.getBalance(address);
// const balanceInEth = Number(ethers.utils.formatEther(balance));
- TokenId: 100301 ~ 100309
- TokenURI: (100301)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 0.1 ~ 1,000
- Others: -
//// ContractDepolyed
- QuestName: Newbie Deployer ~ Master Deployer
- Description: Deployed 1 ~ 30 smart contracts
// tx to.length === 0
- TokenId: 100310 ~ 100313
- TokenURI: (100310)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1 ~ 30
- Others:
//// CumulativeGasFee
- QuestName: Gas Guzzler
- Description: Spent a cumulative of 1.0 $ETH or more on gas
// any) => {
// if ( != address) {
// const gasUsed = parseInt(tx.gasUsed);
// const gasPrice = parseInt(tx.gasPrice);
// const ethValue = gasUsed * gasPrice;
// precount += ethValue;
// count = precount / 1e18;
// }
// if (count >= value) {
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// });
// if (count >= value) {
// return [true, count];
// }
- TokenId: 100321
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1
- Others: Use etherscan api, Only chack latest 10000 tx
//// SpentGasFee
- QuestName: Gas Spender
- Description: Spent at least 200 gwei on gas in a single transaction
// txs.every((txdata: any) => {
// gweiValue = Number(ethers.utils.formatUnits(txdata.gasPrice, "gwei"));
// if (gweiValue >= counter) {
// counter = gweiValue;
// }
// if (counter >= gasFeeGweiThreshold) {
// // break the loop
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// });
// return {
// qualify: counter >= gasFeeGweiThreshold,
// counter: counter,
// };
- TokenId: 100322
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 200
- Others: Use etherscan api, Only chack latest 10000 tx
//// OldestTransactionDateTillXXXX
- QuestName: History: Xerox Alto ~ History: Apple iMac G3
- Description: Oldest Transaction Date is before 31 Dec 20xx (Block Number: XXXXX)
// 2016: Block Number: 2912406
// 2018: Block Number: 6985879
// 2020: Block Number: 11565019
- TokenId: 100331 ~ 100333
- TokenURI: (100331)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: -
- Others: Use etherscan api
-------------- USDC --------------
//// USDCHolding
- QuestName: Bronze $USDC Hodler ~ Gold $USDC Hodler
- Description: Hold at least 100 ~ 10,000 $USDC
// const balance = Number(ethers.utils.formatUnits(balanceBn, 6));
- TokenId: 100401 ~ 100403
- TokenURI: (100401)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 100 ~ 10,000
- Others: -
-------------- Uniswap --------------
//// SwapOnUniswap
- QuestName: Uniswap Barter ~ Uniswap Wholesaler
- Description: Swap 1 ~ 30 times on Uniswap V3
- TokenId: 100501 ~ 100503
- TokenURI: (100501)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress:
"0xe592427a0aece92de3edee1f18e0157c05861564"; // v3 only
"0x68b3465833fb72a70ecdf485e0e4c7bd8665fc45"; // auto router (v2+v3 aggregation)
- Method/Event: execute these method
swapMethods: any = {
"0xac9650d8": true, // multicall(bytes[] data)
"0x414bf389": true, // exactInputSingle(tuple params)
"0xdb3e2198": true, // exactOutputSingle(tuple params)
"0xc04b8d59": true, // exactInput(tuple params)
"0xf28c0498": true, // exactOutput(tuple params)
"0x5ae401dc": true, // multicall(uint256 deadline, bytes[] data)
- ContractAddress:
"0xef1c6e67703c7bd7107eed8303fbe6ec2554bf6b"; // Universal Router
- Method/Event: check UniswapCommand
// const buffer = Buffer.from(hexString.slice(2), "hex");
// const bytes = [];
// for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
// bytes.push(buffer.readUInt8(i).toString(16));
// }
// if (bytes.some(byte => ["0", "1", "8", "9"].includes(byte))) {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
- Count: 1 ~ 30
- Others: you can refer "0", "1", "8", "9" (
//// DAILiquidityProvidingOnUniswap
- QuestName: Uniswap Liquidity Village ~ Uniswap Liquidity City
- Description: Provided to Liquidity Pool with at least 100 ~ 10,000 $DAI on Uniswap V3
// Get Liquidity position
// const balanceResult = await contract.balanceOf(address);
// const balanceArray = [...(Array(Number(balanceResult)).keys() as any)];
// await Promise.all(
// (i: number) => {
// const tokenOfOwnerByIndexResult = await contract.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address, i);
// const { position: positionDetails } = await useV3PositionFromTokenId(tokenOfOwnerByIndexResult, contract);
// const {
// token0: token0Address,
// token1: token1Address,
// fee: feeAmount,
// liquidity,
// tickLower,
// tickUpper,
// } = positionDetails || {};
// // Get token0 & token1 pool from uniswap pool contract
// const uniswapContract = new ethers.Contract(uniswapContractAddress, UniswapV3Factory_ABI.abi, provider);
// const poolAddress = await uniswapContract.getPool(token0Address, token1Address, feeAmount);
// const poolContract = new ethers.Contract(poolAddress, IUniswapV3PoolABI.abi, provider);
// const tempAddress = token0Address == daiAddress ? token1Address : token0Address;
// // Fetching State Data: token0Address & token1Address pool contract
// const [liq, slot] = await Promise.all([poolContract.liquidity(), poolContract.slot0()]);
// const TEMP = new Token(1, tempAddress, 18, "temp", "temp coin");
// const tempPool = new Pool(TEMP, DAI, feeAmount, slot[0].toString(), liq.toString(), slot[1]);
// // Create user address position: use tempPool / params liquidity, tickLower, tickUpper (from NONFUNGIBLE_POSITION_MANAGER_ADDRESSES)
// // ref.
// // get DAI amount from position's liquidity burned for at the current tempPool price
// const position = new Position({ pool: tempPool, liquidity: liquidity.toString(), tickLower, tickUpper });
// if (position.amount0.currency.symbol == "DAI") {
// maxAmount = Number(position.amount0.toSignificant(4));
// counter = counter + maxAmount;
// } else if (position.amount1.currency.symbol == "DAI") {
// maxAmount = Number(position.amount1.toSignificant(4));
// counter = counter + maxAmount;
// }
// }
// }),
// );
// if (counter >= value) {
// return [true, counter];
// }
- TokenId: 100505 ~ 100507
- TokenURI: (100505)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress:
const daiAddress = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F";
const NONFUNGIBLE_POSITION_MANAGER_ADDRESSES = "0xC36442b4a4522E871399CD717aBDD847Ab11FE88";
const uniswapContractAddress = "0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984";
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 100 ~ 10,000
- Others: -
//// FirstUniqueUniswapUsers13804681
- QuestName: Uniswap Pioneer Trader
- Description: Swap on Uniswap V2 before Ethereum Block Number 13804681
- TokenId: 100508
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: swaps
- Count: 1
- Others:
//// DeployedSwapOnUniswapV1
- QuestName: Uniswap Pioneer Supplier
- Description: Deployed a Swap Pair on Uniswap V1
- TokenId: 100509
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95
- Method/Event: Create Exchange
- Count: 1
- Others:
-------------- Opensea --------------
//// SellOnOpenseaBy2021
- QuestName: Opensea Pioneer
- Description: Buy or Sell a NFT on OpenSea by 2021
// const axios = axiosBase.create({
// baseURL: "",
// headers: {
// "Content-Type": "application/json",
// },
// responseType: "json",
// });
// const getURL = `/events?only_opensea=true&account_address=${address}&event_type=successful&occurred_before=1640995199`;
- TokenId: 100601
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: "1640995199"; //Fri Dec 31 2021 23:59:59 GMT+0000
- Others: opensea api
//// NFTSellOnOpenSea
- QuestName: Opensea Newbie ~ Opensea Master
- Description: Buy or Sell NFTs 1 ~ 20 times on OpenSea
- TokenId: 100602 ~ 100605
- TokenURI: (100602)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1 ~ 20
- Others: opensea api
//// OpenseaCreator
- QuestName: Opensea Creator
- Description: Create an NFT on OpenSea and sell it on OpenSea
const axios = axiosBase.create({
// baseURL: "",
// headers: {
// "Content-Type": "application/json",
// },
// responseType: "json",
// });
// const getURL = `/events?only_opensea=true&collection_editor=${address}&account_address=${address}&event_type=transfer`;
// const response = await retryableAsyncRequest(async () => {
// return await axios.get(getURL);
// });
// const result =;
// console.log(result);
// for (const ac of result) {
// const symbol = ac.asset.asset_contract.symbol;
// const asset_contract_address = ac.asset.asset_contract.address;
// const from_account = ac.from_account.address;
// const to_account = ac.to_account.address;
// if (
// symbol === "OPENSTORE" &&
// asset_contract_address === "0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e" &&
// from_account === "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" &&
// to_account === address
// ) {
// counter = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (counter) {
// return true;
// }
- TokenId: 100606
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1
- Others: opensea api
-------------- Polygon --------------
//// ETHBridgeToPolygon
- QuestName: Polygon Proof of Stake Bridge
- Description: Bridge at least 1 $ETH from L1 to Polygon using Polygon PoS Bridge
// for (const txdata of newDataset) {
// ethValue += Number(ethers.utils.formatUnits(txdata.value));
// if (ethValue >= value) {
// return [true, ethValue];
// }
// }
- TokenId: 100701
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xa0c68c638235ee32657e8f720a23cec1bfc77c77
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1
- Others: -
-------------- Snapshot --------------
//// VoteOnSnapshot
- QuestName: Iron Snapshot Voter ~ Platinum Snapshot Voter
- Description: Vote 1 ~ 30 times on Snapshot
const query = `
// query Votes {
// votes (
// first: ${value}
// skip: 0
// where: {
// voter: "${address}"
// }
// ) {
// id
// voter
// }
// }
// `;
- TokenId: 100801 ~ 100805
- TokenURI: (100801)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1 ~ 30
- Others: snapshot api
-------------- Smoothie --------------
//// SmoothieVoter
- QuestName: Phi Smoothie Supporter
- Description: Upvote PHI on Smoothie
- TokenId: 100901
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Others: received by smoothie csv (voting period participant)
-------------- Aave --------------
- QuestName: Newbie Aave Lender ~ Advanced Aave Lender
- Description: Supply assets on Aave V3 Ethereum market 1 ~ 10 times
query {
deposits(where: { account: "${address}" }) {
account {
- TokenId: 101001 ~ 101003
- TokenURI: (101001)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1 ~ 10
- Others:
- QuestName: Newbie Aave Borrower ~ Advanced Aave Borrower
- Description: Borrow assets on Aave V3 Ethereum market 1 ~ 10 times
query {
borrows(where: { account: "${address}" }) {
account {
- TokenId: 101004 ~ 101006
- TokenURI: (101004)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1 ~ 10
- Others:
- QuestName: Bronze $stkAAVE Hodler ~ Gold $stkAAVE Hodler
- Description: Hold at least 1 ~ 100 $stkAAVE token
- TokenId: 101007 ~ 101009
- TokenURI: (101007)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x4da27a545c0c5b758a6ba100e3a049001de870f5
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1 ~ 100
- Others: -
-------------- Curve --------------
// getting pool list
// updated by monthly
//// CurveTrader
- QuestName: Curve Barter ~ Curve Merchant
- Description: Swap 1 ~ 10 times on Curve
- TokenId: 101101 ~ 101103
- TokenURI: (101101)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: curve pool list
- Method/Event: exchange/exchange_underlying/exchange_multiple
- Count: 1 ~ 10
- Others: -
//// CurveLiquidityProvider
- QuestName: Curve Liquidity Chalice
- Description: Provided to Liquidity Pool on Curve
- TokenId: 101104
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: curve pool list
- Method/Event: add_liquidity
- Count: -
- Others: -
//// CurveLocker
- QuestName: $veCRV Hodler
- Description: Iron Hold at least 100 $veCRV
- TokenId: 101108
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x5f3b5DfEb7B28CDbD7FAba78963EE202a494e2A2
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 100
- Others: -
-------------- Lido --------------
//// ETHStakingOnLido
- QuestName: Iron Lido ETH Staker ~ Gold Lido ETH Staker
- Description: Staked at least 0.1 ~ 10 $ETH on Lido
// const query = `
// query {
// lidoTransfers (
// where: {
// from: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
// to: "${address}"
// }
// ) {
// from
// to
// value
// block
// blockTime
// transactionHash
// }
// }
// `;
- TokenId: 101201 ~ 101204
- TokenURI: (101201)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 0.1 ~ 10
- Others:
-------------- Gitcoin --------------
//// GitcoinDonationCount
- QuestName: Gitcoin Newbie ~ Gitcoin Philanthropist
- Description: Donated in 1 ~ 8 Round of Gitcoin Grants till Round 15
- TokenId: 101301 ~ 101304
- TokenURI: (101301)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1 ~ 8
- Others:
//// GitcoinEarlySupporter
- QuestName: Gitcoin Pioneer
- Description: Donated in Gitcoin Grants Round 1-6 at Least 1 Round
- TokenId: 101305
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: -
- Count: 1
- Others:
-------------- Ledger --------------
- QuestName: LedgerOwner
- Description: Ledger Market Pass - Genesis Edition NFT Owner
- TokenId: 101401
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x33c6eec1723b12c46732f7ab41398de45641fa42
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others:
-------------- Poap --------------
//// PoapHolder
- QuestName: Class Participation ~ Doctorate of Participation
- Description: Own 1 ~ 100 POAPs
- TokenId: 101501 ~ 101506
- TokenURI: (101501)
- Network: xdai
- ContractAddress: 0x22c1f6050e56d2876009903609a2cc3fef83b415
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1 ~ 100
- Others: the address' holding of POAP >= value
-------------- GitPOAP --------------
//// GitPOAP
- QuestName: Code of Participation
- Description: Own 1 GitPOAP
// const axios = axiosBase.create({
// baseURL: "",
// headers: {
// "Content-Type": "application/json",
// },
// responseType: "json",
// });
// const getURL = `/v1/address/${address}/gitpoaps`;
- TokenId: 101601
- TokenURI:
- Network: -
- ContractAddress: -
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of GitPOAP >= value
-------------- Gunosis-Safe --------------
//// SafeCreator
- QuestName: Gnosis Safe
- Description: Setup a multi-sig wallet with Gnosis Safe with at least 2 signers
- TokenId: 101701
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xa6b71e26c5e0845f74c812102ca7114b6a896ab2/0x2236b3a9c23a2e7847a8d2125d1828bc8b9b9713
- Method/Event: createProxyWithNonce/createProxy
- Count: 1
- Others: -
//// SafeTxSender
- QuestName: Gnosis Safe Executor
- Description: Execute a transaction from a Multisig Wallet at least once with Gnosis Safe
- TokenId: 101702
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xa6b71e26c5e0845f74c812102ca7114b6a896ab2/0x2236b3a9c23a2e7847a8d2125d1828bc8b9b9713
- Method/Event: execTransaction
- Count: 1
- Others: -
-------------- DeveloperDAOOwner --------------
- QuestName: Developer DAO Associate
- Description: Developer DAO Member (Membership NFT Owner)
- TokenId: 101801
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x25ed58c027921E14D86380eA2646E3a1B5C55A8b
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Developer DAO >= value
-------------- BuildSpaceOwner --------------
- QuestName: buildspace Achiever
- Description: buildspace V2 NFT Owner
- TokenId: 101801
- TokenURI:
- Network: Polygon
- ContractAddress: 0x3CD266509D127d0Eac42f4474F57D0526804b44e
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of buildspace v2 >= value
-------------- Sudoswap --------------
//// SudoswapBuyer
- QuestName: sudoswap Newbie Buyer ~ sudoswap Intermediate Buyer
- Description: Perform 1 ~ 5 buy transaction on sudoswap
- TokenId: 102101 ~ 102102
- TokenURI: (102101)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x2b2e8cda09bba9660dca5cb6233787738ad68329
- Method/Event:
- ContractAddress: 0xb16c1342e617a5b6e4b631eb114483fdb289c0a4
- Method/Event: swapTokenForSpecificNFTs
- Count: 1 ~ 5
- Others: case2: contract deployed by user. we check isPair is true
//// SudoswapSeller
- QuestName: sudoswap Newbie Seller ~ sudoswap Intermediate Seller
- Description: Perform 1 ~ 5 sell transaction on sudoswap
- TokenId: 102103 ~ 102104
- TokenURI: (102103)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x2b2e8cda09bba9660dca5cb6233787738ad68329
- Method/Event: swapNFTsForToken/robustSwapNFTsForToken/robustSwapETHForSpecificNFTsAndNFTsToToken/
- Count: 1 ~ 5
- Others: -
//// SudoswapPoolCreator
- QuestName: sudoswap Liquidity Village
- Description: LP once on sudoswap
- TokenId: 102105
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xb16c1342e617a5b6e4b631eb114483fdb289c0a4
- Method/Event: createPairETH/createPairERC20
- Count: 1
- Others: -
-------------- Loot --------------
- QuestName: Loot Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Loot Owner
- TokenId: 102201
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xFF9C1b15B16263C61d017ee9F65C50e4AE0113D7
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Loot NFT >= value
-------------- HyperLoot --------------
- QuestName: HyperLoot Exhibit Hodler #1
- Description: HyperLoot 5 Owner
- TokenId: 102301
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x0290d49f53A8d186973B82faaFdaFe696B29AcBb
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 5
- Others: the address' holding of HyperLoot NFT >= value
- QuestName: HyperLoot Exhibit Hodler #2 ~ #5
- Description: HyperLoot 1 Owner
- TokenId: 102302 ~ 102305
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x0290d49f53A8d186973B82faaFdaFe696B29AcBb
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: -
-------------- Moonbirds --------------
- QuestName: Moonbirds Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Moonbirds Owner
- TokenId: 102401
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276D25e5C3e136a68b
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Moonbirds NFT >= value
-------------- Bitmap --------------
- QuestName: Bitmap Exhibit Hodler #1 ~ Bitmap Exhibit Hodler #4
- Description: Bitmap Owner
- TokenId: 102501 ~ 102504
- TokenURI: (102501)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x8d04a8c79cEB0889Bdd12acdF3Fa9D207eD3Ff63
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Bitmap NFT >= value
-------------- Blitnauts --------------
- QuestName: Blitnauts Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Blitnauts Owner
- TokenId: 102601
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x448f3219CF2A23b0527A7a0158e7264B87f635Db
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Blitnauts NFT >= value
-------------- Cryptoadz --------------
- QuestName: Cryptoadz Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Cryptoadz Owner
- TokenId: 102701
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x1CB1A5e65610AEFF2551A50f76a87a7d3fB649C6
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Cryptoadz NFT >= value
-------------- Goblintown --------------
- QuestName: Goblintown Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Goblintown Owner
- TokenId: 102801
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress:0xbCe3781ae7Ca1a5e050Bd9C4c77369867eBc307e
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Goblintown NFT >= value
-------------- Okpc --------------
- QuestName: Okpc Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Okpc Owner
- TokenId: 102901
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x7183209867489E1047f3A7c23ea1Aed9c4E236E8
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Okpc NFT >= value
-------------- tiny dinos --------------
- QuestName: tiny dinos Exhibit Hodler
- Description: tiny dinos Owner
- TokenId: 103001
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xd9b78A2F1dAFc8Bb9c60961790d2beefEBEE56f4
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of tiny dinos NFT >= value
-------------- Nouns --------------
- QuestName: Nouns Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Nouns Owner
- TokenId: 103101
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x9c8ff314c9bc7f6e59a9d9225fb22946427edc03
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Nouns NFT >= value
- QuestName: Nouns Auction Participant
- Description: Participate in Nouns Auction
- TokenId: 103102
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x830bd73e4184cef73443c15111a1df14e495c706
- Method/Event: createBid
- Count: 1
- Others: -
-------------- LilNouns --------------
- QuestName: Lil Nouns Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Lil Nouns Owner
- TokenId: 103201
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x4b10701bfd7bfedc47d50562b76b436fbb5bdb3b
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Lil Nouns NFT >= value
- QuestName: Lil Nouns Auction Participant
- Description: Lil Participate in Nouns Auction
- TokenId: 103202
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x55e0f7a3bb39a28bd7bcc458e04b3cf00ad3219e
- Method/Event: createBid
- Count: 1
- Others: -
- QuestName: Lil Nouns Voter
- Description: Vote at least once on Lil Nouns Proposal
- TokenId: 103203
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x5d2c31ce16924c2a71d317e5bbfd5ce387854039
- Method/Event: castVote/castVoteWithReason
- Count: 1
- Others: -
-------------- Blockbob --------------
- QuestName: Blockbob Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Blockbob Owner
- TokenId: 103301
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xE7AFb4189603A901b74f8085F775931A60996166
- Method/Event: balanceOfbatch
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of BlockbobOwner NFT >= value
-------------- Balancer --------------
- QuestName: Swap at least 1 ~ 5 times on Balancer V2
- Description:
- TokenId: 103701 ~ 103702
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xba12222222228d8ba445958a75a0704d566bf2c8
- Method/Event: batchSwap/swap
- Count: 1 ~ 5
- Others: swap count >= value. including, gasless swap with CoW Protocol: GPv2Settlement
- QuestName: Balancer Liquidity Village
- Description: Add liquidity at least once on Balancer V2
- TokenId: 103703
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xba12222222228d8ba445958a75a0704d566bf2c8
- Method/Event: joinPool
- Count: 1
- Others: join pool count >= value.
- QuestName: Balancer Voter
- Description: Balancer Gauge Voter (Vote at least once)
- TokenId: 103704
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xba12222222228d8ba445958a75a0704d566bf2c8
- Method/Event: vote_for_gauge_weights
- Count: 1
- Others: vote count >= value.
-------------- BAYC --------------
- QuestName: BAYC Exhibit Hodler #1 ~ BAYC Exhibit Hodler #3
- Description: BAYC Owner
- TokenId: 103901 ~ 103903
- TokenURI: (103901)
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of BAYC NFT >= value
-------------- MAYC --------------
- QuestName: MAYC Exhibit Hodler
- Description: MAYC Owner
- TokenId: 104001
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x60E4d786628Fea6478F785A6d7e704777c86a7c6
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of MAYC NFT >= value
-------------- CryptoPunks --------------
- QuestName: CryptoPunks Exhibit Hodler
- Description: CryptoPunks Owner
- TokenId: 104101
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xb47e3cd837dDF8e4c57F05d70Ab865de6e193BBB
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of CryptoPunks NFT >= value
-------------- Doodles --------------
- QuestName: Doodles Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Doodles Owner
- TokenId: 104201
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x8a90CAb2b38dba80c64b7734e58Ee1dB38B8992e
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Doodles NFT >= value
-------------- Azuki --------------
- QuestName: Azuki Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Azuki Owner
- TokenId: 104601
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0xED5AF388653567Af2F388E6224dC7C4b3241C544
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Azuki NFT >= value
- QuestName: Beanz Exhibit Hodler
- Description: Beanz Owner
- TokenId: 104602
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x306b1ea3ecdf94aB739F1910bbda052Ed4A9f949
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: the address' holding of Beanz NFT >= value
-------------- Zerion --------------
- QuestName: ZerionNFTOwner
- Description: Zerion DNA 1.0 NFT Owner
- TokenId: 104901
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x932261f9Fc8DA46C4a22e31B45c4De60623848bF
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 1
- Others: return true if the address' holding of zerionNFT >= value
-------------- Blur --------------
- QuestName: BlurDepositoor
- Description: Deposit at least 0.1 ~ 5 $ETH balance into Blur Bidding Pool
- TokenId: 105101 ~ 105103
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x0000000000a39bb272e79075ade125fd351887ac
- Method/Event: balanceOf
- Count: 0.1 ~ 5
- Others: the address' pool balance >= value
- QuestName: BlurBuyoor
- Description: Make 1 ~ 5 buy transaction on NFTs listed on Blur marketplace
- TokenId: 105104 ~ 105106
- TokenURI:
- Network: Ethereum
- ContractAddress: 0x000000000000ad05ccc4f10045630fb830b95127/0x39da41747a83aee658334415666f3ef92dd0d541
- Method/Event: execute/bulkExecute batchBuyWithERC20s/batchBuyWithETH
- Count: 1 ~ 5
- Others: the address' buy count >= value
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