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Created April 6, 2021 12:19
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You are writing simple budgeting softare. A Budget consists of a total limit,
represented as a positive integer, and a dictionary of category limits,
represented as a map from strings to integers. For example:
"total_limit": 50,
"category_limits": {
"food": 10,
"rent": 11,
"candles": 49
(You can assume that no category will have a higher limit than the total,
but you don't have to enforce this.)
A Bill is an array of Items. Each Item has a cost (positive integer), an optional
count (positive integer), and optional categories (array of strings). For example:
{"cost": 5},
{"cost": 1, "count": 3},
{"cost": 2, "categories": ["food", "gym"]},
{"cost": 1, "count": 2, "categories": ["transit"]}
The goal is to write can_afford(budget, bill).
You do not need to use the same names for anything, or the same data layout,
as long as the requirements are satisfied.
Challenge from
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain, repeat
from typing import Dict, List
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
class Budget(TypedDict):
total_limit: int
category_limits: Dict[str, int]
class Item(TypedDict, total=False):
cost: int # Required
count: int
categories: List[str]
def can_afford(budget: Budget, bill: List[Item]) -> bool:
"""Affordability is calculated under the following rules:
- The cost of every item is subtracted from total_limit.
- If an item shares a category with the budget's category_limits, then price of
that item is also subtracted from said category in addition to the total_limit.
- The item might not share a category with the budget, or it might not have a
category field at all. In both cases, no special rules apply.
- If an item shares multiple categories with the budget, the cost is applied
to only one category limit of your choice.
- If an item has a count, the cost of the item is included count times.
This applies to both total_limit and the category limits.
If the count field is missing, you can assume a count of 1.
can_afford is true if, after all items are accounted for, total_limit and all category
limits are non-negative. If the total_limit or any category limits are below 0, then
can_afford is false.
can_afford should be as permissive as possible.
total_limit = budget["total_limit"]
category_limits = dict(budget["category_limits"])
multi_category = []
# "count" is a pointless complication, so let's erase it from our datamodel:
flat_bill = chain(*(repeat(x, x.pop("count", 1)) for x in deepcopy(bill)))
# Implemented in two passes: first, we handle the simple cases with no discretion
# about which category (if any) to charge; and then we go back for the interacting
# items. If at any point we're over budget, return False immediately.
for item in flat_bill:
total_limit -= item["cost"]
if total_limit < 0:
return False
item_cats = set(item.get("categories", [])).intersection(category_limits)
if len(item_cats) == 1:
(cat,) = item_cats
category_limits[cat] -= item["cost"]
if category_limits[cat] < 0:
return False
elif len(item_cats) >= 2:
item["categories"] = sorted(item_cats)
# If the simple first-pass handled every item, we're done.
assert total_limit >= 0
if not multi_category:
return True
# We now have a list of items which could be charged against any of several
# categories, and have to find a maximally-permissive set of assignments.
# This sounds a lot like a Knapsack problem, so I'll just use a greedy
# algorithm and let the property-testing framework show me counterexamples.
for cost, cats in sorted(
((item["cost"], item["categories"]) for item in multi_category),
highest_remaining_cat = max(cats, key=category_limits.__getitem__)
category_limits[highest_remaining_cat] -= cost
if category_limits[highest_remaining_cat] < 0:
return False
assert min(category_limits.values()) >= 0
return True
# While the sole item in the bill is greater than category_limits[a],
# it is less than category_limits[b], so the bill is affordable.
assert can_afford(
{"total_limit": 5, "category_limits": {"a": 1, "b": 3}},
[{"cost": 2, "categories": ["a", "b"]}],
# Now, let's test with properties!
from hypothesis import event, given, settings, strategies as st
# We'll set some arbitrary limits - three known and one unknown category,
# prices in [1..10], budgets in [1..100], counts in [1..5] - just to ensure
# that we generate plenty of overlap while being expressive enough to find
# most bugs. (If I'm wrong, that's an interesting data point!)
_categories = ("food", "rent", "misc", "unknown")
budgets: st.SearchStrategy[Dict[str, object]] = st.fixed_dictionaries(
"total_limit": st.integers(1, 100),
"category_limits": st.dictionaries(
values=st.integers(1, 100),
bills: st.SearchStrategy[List[Dict[str, object]]] = st.lists(
{"cost": st.integers(1, 10)},
"count": st.integers(1, 5),
"categories": st.lists(st.sampled_from(_categories), unique=True),
@given(budgets, bills)
def test_can_afford(budget, bill):
allowed = can_afford(budget, bill)
event(f"allowed: {allowed}")
total_should_be_allowed = budget["total_limit"] >= sum(
item["cost"] * item.get("count", 1) for item in bill
if allowed:
assert total_should_be_allowed
elif total_should_be_allowed:
# Instead of checking whether there's any satisfying assignment, we check
# whether a few simple assignments of items to categories are satisfying.
# Specifically, it must be impossible to assign every item to the n'th
# category (of those in the budget) it could be placed in.
assert budget["category_limits"]
for n in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
cats = dict(budget["category_limits"])
for item in bill:
allowed_cats = [c for c in item.get("categories", []) if c in cats]
if allowed_cats:
c = allowed_cats[n % len(allowed_cats)]
cats[c] -= item["cost"] * item.get("count", 1)
assert min(cats.values()) < 0
def test_can_always_afford_a_bill_with_no_items(budget):
# This kind of thing is a classic trap, and it's easier to reason about
# the performance of the main test if we handle empty bills separately.
assert can_afford(budget, [])
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Zac-HD commented Apr 6, 2021

As an author of Hypothesis I'd usually advocate for between 5% and 80% property-based tests depending on the project and domain, but in this case I'm happy with 2 PBTs and zero example-based tests (aside from the spec example, if that counts).

I don't expect that these two tests can catch bugs in all implementations, but they're enough of a demo for this exercise.

For a serious project I'd want to actually prove that the greedy approach works; but for something quick-and-dirty generating a few million examples where it doesn't fail on a focussed test is a good start! It's at least not obviously-broken before starting a proof 🙂

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Zac-HD commented Apr 7, 2021

Note that it's trivial for the test I actually wrote to find a case where the greedy approach fails, just by tuning the strategies a bit: require that budgets have a limit for each category and that all items in a bill have two or more categories, and you promptly get this counterexample:

Falsifying example: test_can_afford(
        {"categories": ["food", "rent", "misc"], "cost": 3},
        {"categories": ["food", "rent"], "cost": 2},
    budget={"category_limits": {"food": 1, "misc": 3, "rent": 4}, "total_limit": 5},

It's affordable if we charge the first item to misc and the second to rent; but the greedy approach charges the first to rent (higher remaining budget) and then can't afford the second.

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