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Ping Sweep Scripts


for i in {1..254} ;do (ping -c 1 192.168.1.$i | grep "bytes from" &) ;done


for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @ping -n 1 -w 200 192.168.1.%i > nul && echo 192.168.1.%i is up

Box one

  • Nmap Scan first box
  • Run nmap scripts
  • check for robots.txt
  • SSH tunnel to web port

IN the browser

Enum all files!!!!

FILE TO Read - dircetory triverl

  • etc/passwd -take not of users
  • etc/host - network enum


  • Enumaeration for Privilege Escalation
    | tools to find weak sudo permissions, vulnerable suid/sgid executables, impoperly configured cron jobs, vulnerable services, and kernel exploits
  • Sudo
    | The switch user command "su" can be used to change user context, and can be used to become the superuser (root) in order to perform system administration
  • SUID/SGID | Allow users to preoform privileged actions.

Insecure Permissions

  • Cron Jobs | The Linux version of schedule tasks, give users the ability to run commands/scripts at specified times.


Identify and perform privilege escalation and integrity-level elevation

  • AutoElevate executables
    | Some core windows executables are able to auto-elevate to higher integrity level

      (Get-Command calc.exe).Path
      sigcheck -m C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe
  • Scheduled Tasks
    | vulnerable scheduled tasks will have a "Run as User" or "Task to Run"


SSH Keys
SSH keys are asymetric(public/private) key pairs that can be used to authenticate a user to a system in combination with or to replace the use of a password
If you are able to find a users private ssh key it can potentially be used to gain access to other systems

Using Stolen SSH Keys

Bring private key to your own box


  • Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol
    HTTP methods
    Response Codes
    HTTP Fields
wget -r -l2 -P /tmp ftp://ftpserver/
wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --post-data 'user=1&password=2' https://website
wget --load-cookies cookies.txt -p https://website/interesting/article.php


phase 1: Mission Definition

  • Define mission goals and targets
  • Define the Rules of engagement

phase 2: Recon

  • Gather publicy availble inforamtion.


  • Blocking types of data within a network


  • White-list
    explicitly specify the "good" traffic
    Blocks the rest
  • Black-lists
    Explicity specify the "bad" traffic
    Rest allowed

Intrusion Systems



  • identification of a remote system


  • a command line tool with will identify the type of system and browser.

Traffic Baselining

  • Snapshot of network traffic over a given amount of time.

Network data types