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Created December 2, 2016 08:11
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using LanguageServer
import LanguageServer: Location, URIParser
import LanguageServer: get_docs, get_sym
const basenames = Symbol.(Base.REPLCompletions.completions("Base.",5)[1])
function cachemodule(modulename::AbstractString)
mdir = Pkg.dir(modulename)
!Base.isdir(mdir) && error("Module `$modulename` is not installed")
jlfiles = filter!(f->ismatch(r".jl$", f), readdir(joinpath(mdir,"src")))
@eval using $(Symbol(modulename))
smodule = get_sym(modulename)
allnames = Symbol.(Base.REPLCompletions.completions(modulename*".",endof(modulename)+1)[1])
exportednames = names(smodule)
cache = Dict{Symbol,Any}()
for name in allnames
!isdefined(smodule, name) && continue
sym = getfield(smodule, name)
if isa(sym, Function)
locations = map(methods(sym).ms) do m
(filename, line) = functionloc(m)
@static if is_windows()
filename_norm = normpath(filename)
filename_norm = replace(filename_norm, '\\', '/')
filename_escaped = URIParser.escape(filename_norm)
uri = "file:///$filename_escaped"
uri = "file:$filename"
return Location(uri, line-1)
locations = nothing
cache[name] = (get_docs(sym), locations, name in exportednames, name in basenames)
return cache
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