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Created December 15, 2016 00:10
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ns = Expr(:module, true, :Namespace, Expr(:block))
meth = Expr(:type, true, :Meth, Expr(:block, :parameters, :(file::AbstractString), :(line::Int)))
func = Expr(:type, true, :Func, Expr(:block, :(methods::Vector{Meth})))
push!(ns.args[3].args, Expr(:type, true, :Meth, Expr(:block, :parameters, :(file::AbstractString), :(line::Int))))
push!(ns.args[3].args, Expr(:type, true, :Func, Expr(:block, :(methods::Vector{Meth}))))
M = Core
m = Expr(:module, true, Symbol(M), Expr(:block, meth, func))
for n in names(M, true, true)
x, exists = get_value(n, M)
if exists && first(string(n))!='#' && n!=:eval
t = typeof(x)
sigs = map(methods(x)) do met
decl = Base.arg_decl_parts(met)
Expr(:call, :Meth, [Expr(:(::), Symbol(v[1]), Symbol(v[2])) for v in decl[2][2:end]], string(decl[3]), decl[4])
if isa(x, Function) && length(sigs)>0
push!(m.args[3].args,Expr(:(=), n, string(sigs)))
elseif isa(x, DataType)
push!(m.args[3].args, Expr(:(=), n, Docs.doc(Docs.Binding(Core, n))))
push!(ns.args[3].args, m);
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