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Last active February 15, 2018 21:29
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JavaScript Syntax Specifics

JavaScript @ Bluecore (for curious backend devs)


Shorthand madness

The newer javascript specs include many syntax shorthands. The following are all equivalent, defining a function that creates an object with a specified title and the option to define a non-default list.

Standard es5 function.

function createTodo(title, list) {
  return {
    title: title,
    list: list || 'default',
    status: 'incomplete'

Incorporating arrow function.

const createTodo = (title, list) => {
  return {
    title: title,
    list: list || 'default',
    status: 'incomplete'

Incorporating arrow function shorthand for returning an object

const createTodo = (title, list) => ({
  title: title,
  list: list || 'default',
  status: 'incomplete'

Incorporating a default argument (behaves just like Python's!)

const createTodo = (title, list = 'default') => ({
  title: title,
  list: list,
  status: 'incomplete'

Incorporating "object value shorthand", where the key name matches variable name

const createTodo = (title, list = 'default') => ({
  status: 'incomplete'

All these syntax shorthands combined with Flow typing can result in code that looks far from standard JavaScript.


More on handleActions

handleActions comes from the redux-actions library. It takes a handler Object and a default state, where the Object maps an action type to a function to run if the action is that specified type. For an easier mental model of how this works, see these redux docs for how a plain reducer function can be written without redux-actions.

Chaining promises vs async/await

Two syntaxes for the same thing: responding to asynchronous tasks. For example, if an API util fetchData exists, it would return a promise to which you can chain or await on. Here’s how you could do it using the different syntaxes.

function getRelevantData() {
  return dispatch => {
    APIUtils.fetchData().then(response => {
    console.log('action evaluated');
// Would print 'action evaluated', and later print response
function getRelevantData() {
  return async dispatch => {
    const response = await APIUtils.fetchData();
    console.log('action evaluated');
// Would print response, followed by 'action evaluated'

Essentially, choose whichever seems more readable for the situation.

Javascript & Functional Programming

Modern frontend development has a bias towards functional programming. Why? React and Redux require it, as React uses changes in object references to trigger a re-render. For example, consider updating an isLoading field in a reducer’s state. Setting state.isLoading = true would maintain the same object reference and React wouldn't know to trigger a re-render. To fix this, we instead return a new object like:

[Actions.requestData]: (state) => {
  return {
    ...state,  // carry over all other fields into this new object
    isLoading: true // overwrite the field we want to change

How do I test my changes?

CSS changes can only be manually verified.

Javascript tests live in a __tests__ directory immediately beside the files they’re testing. Testing a util function or reducer can be done with a jest unit test. Run yarn run test to verify

describe('newUtil', () => {
  it('returns one!', () => {

Changes to a component will be reflected in any snapshot tests. Run yarn run test -u to update an existing snapshot.

describe('SomeComponent', () => {
  it('matches snapshot', () => {
    const component = <SomeComponent />;

Formatting / Linting

Our code gets autoformatted by Prettier, and additional issues get flagged by eslint. You will not be able to commit code that has linting errors. It's recommended that you set up Prettier in your editor along with enabling format on save ( IDE extensions here). You can verify beforehand by running yarn run lint.

Further resources

  • A cartoon intro to Redux
  • Redux docs include a fleshed out Example showing everything you’d need to know
  • Want to play with React without worrying about setup or finding a spot in our codebase? Play around on CodeSandbox
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