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Created July 9, 2021 02:38
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Mobile Listing JS Template
<script id="template-listing" type="text/template"><div class="pro"><a class="property-link" href="{{ permalink }}"><div class="thumbnails owl-carousel owl-theme"><div class="item"><img src="{{ thumb1 }}"></div><div class="item"><img src="{{ thumb2 }}"></div><div class="item"><img src="{{ thumb3 }}"></div></div><span class="heading-frame"><h3 class="property-title">{{ StreetNumber }} {{ StreetName }}, {{ City }}, {{ State }} {{ PostalCode }}</h3><span class="price overlay br">{{ ListPrice }}</span><span class="city overlay bl hide-medium">{{ City }}, {{ State }}</span></span>{{ DaysSinceListed }}<span class="prop-content details">{{ Bed }} Bed <span class="separator">~</span> {{ Bath }} Bath <span class="separator">~</span> {{ Acres }} acres<br>{{ PropertyType }} <span class="separator">~</span> {{ County }} County</span><div class="prop-content"><div class="desc collapse">{{ Description }}</div></a><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-danger btn-bg read-more hide-medium" data-target=".desc" data-toggle="collapse">Expand</button><div class="action-items">{{ VideoButton }}<a href="#frminquiry" class="contact btn btn-default btn-danger btn-bg">Contact Agent</a><a href="#print-flyer" class="print-flyer btn btn-default btn-danger btn-bg btn-half-sm">Print Flyer</a><a href="#share" class="share btn btn-default btn-danger btn-bg btn-half-sm">Share</a></div></div></div>
var listing = [];
listing['permalink'] = '#listing';
listing['StreetName']='CR 378';
listing['DaysSinceListed']='<span class="list-date overlay tr">Listed 3 days ago</span>';
listing['Description']='Introducing PIN OAK ESTATES! One of Burleson County\'s newest HOME SITE subdivisions just 8 miles north of Caldwell, water lines in place, boundary lines open, electric to each site, towering trees, small open areas, paved frontage, light rural restrictions, and a beautiful setting awaits your dream home! Multiple home sites available ranging from 2 acres to 16 acres.';
listing['VideoButton']='<a href="#video" class="video btn btn-default btn-danger btn-bg">Video</a>';
<div class="content"></div>
// Process template content.
var template_string = document.querySelector('#template-listing').innerHTML;
var listing_html = template_string.replace('{{ permalink }}', listing['permalink']).replace('{{ thumb1 }}', listing['thumb1']).replace('{{ thumb2 }}', listing['thumb2']).replace('{{ thumb3 }}', listing['thumb3']).replace('{{ StreetNumber }}', listing['StreetNumber']).replace('{{ StreetName }}', listing['StreetName']).replace(/{{ City }}/g, listing['City']).replace(/{{ State }}/g, listing['State']).replace(/{{ PostalCode }}/g, listing['PostalCode']).replace('{{ ListPrice }}', listing['ListPrice']).replace('{{ DaysSinceListed }}', listing['DaysSinceListed']).replace('{{ Bed }}', listing['Bed']).replace('{{ Bath }}', listing['Bath']).replace('{{ Acres }}', listing['Acres']).replace('{{ PropertyType }}', listing['PropertyType']).replace('{{ County }}', listing['County']).replace('{{ Description }}', listing['Description']).replace('{{ VideoButton }}', listing['VideoButton']);
document.querySelector('.content').innerHTML = listing_html;
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