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Learning SML - Basic List Functions
(* Returns the head of a list. *)
fun head(xs) =
case xs of
[] => raise List.Empty
| (x::_) => x
(* Returns the tail of a list. *)
fun tail(xs) =
case xs of
[] => raise List.Empty
| (_::xs') => xs'
(* Determines if a list is empty *)
fun null(xs) =
case xs of
[] => true
| _ => false
(* Returns the las element of a list. *)
fun last(xs) =
case xs of
[] => raise List.Empty
| (x::[]) => x
| (_::xs') => last(xs')
(* Returns all elements but the last one. *)
fun init(xs) =
case xs of
[] => raise List.Empty
| (x::[]) => []
| (x::xs') => x::init(xs')
(* Returns an element of a list based on its index. *)
fun nth(xs, i) =
if i < 0
then raise Subscript
case xs of
[] => raise Subscript
| (x::xs') => if i=0 then x else nth(xs',i-1)
(* Returns the first n elements of a list. *)
fun take(xs, n) =
if n < 0
then raise Subscript
case xs of
[] => []
| (x::xs') => if n > 0 then x::take(xs',n-1) else []
(* Drops n elements from the list and returns the remaining. *)
fun drop(xs, n) =
if n < 0 then raise Subscript
else if n = 0 then xs
case xs of
[] => []
| (_::xs') => drop(xs', n-1)
(* Returns the length of a list. *)
fun len(xs) =
case xs of
[] => 0
| (_::xs') => 1 + len(xs')
(* Reverses the elements of a list. *)
fun reverse(xs) =
case xs of
[] => []
| (x::xs') => reverse(xs') @ [x]
(* A more efficent reverse using a helper/tail-recursive funcion
and using :: instead of @ -> courtesy of Juan Diego Hereñu. *)
fun reverse2(xs) =
fun aux(xs, acc) =
case xs of
[] => acc
| (x::xs') => aux(xs', x :: acc)
aux(xs, [])
(* Appends ys to xs. *)
fun append(xs, ys) =
case ys of
[] => xs
| (y::ys') => append(xs @ [y], ys')
(* A more efficent append using :: instead of @ -> courtesy of Juan Diego Hereñu*)
fun append2(xs, ys) =
case xs of
[] => ys
| x :: xs' => x :: append2(xs', ys)
(* Determines the sum of a list of elements *)
fun sum(xs) =
case xs of
[] => 0
| (x::xs') => x + sum(xs')
(* Determines the product of a list of elements *)
fun product(xs) =
case xs of
[] => 1
| (x::xs') => x * product(xs')
(* Concatenates a list of lists. [[1],[2,3],[4]] becomes [1,2,3,4]*)
fun concat(xss) =
case xss of
[] => []
| (xs::xss') => xs @ concat(xss')
(* Returns the maximum element of a list. *)
fun maximum(xs)=
case xs of
[] => NONE
| (head::[]) => SOME head
| (head::neck::rest) => if head > neck
then maximum (head::rest)
else maximum (neck::rest)
(* Returns the minimum element of a list. *)
fun minimum(xs)=
case xs of
[] => NONE
| (head::[]) => SOME head
| (head::neck::rest) => if head < neck
then minimum (head::rest)
else minimum (neck::rest)
(* Replicates an element x a number of n times and returns a list. *)
fun replicate(x, n) =
if n < 1
then []
else x::replicate(x, n-1)
(* Attempts to find x in xs. If found then SOME x else NONE *)
fun lookup(x, xs) =
case xs of
[] => NONE
| (x'::xs') => if x = x'
then SOME x
else lookup(x,xs')
(* Determines if x is present in xs. *)
fun elem(x, xs) =
case lookup(x,xs) of
NONE => false
| SOME _ => true
(* Prints the elements of a list to the main console *)
fun print1s(s) = ((print(s^"\n");true))
fun printsl([]) = true
| printsl(h::t) = print1s(h) andalso printsl(t)
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