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Last active February 15, 2016 16:24
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package chat
//Native Golang packages
import (
//Global chat html template file. Ensure it parses by calling template.Must. Calls Panic if template does not render correctly. Redirect to err page.
var homeTemplate = template.Must(template.ParseFiles("./chat/templates/home.html"))
//A room struct that will serve as a simple chat room. A room has fields: connections, a register connection channel, an unregister connection channel, a message channel, and an outgoing channel.
type Room struct {
// A room will have client-connections. Connections is a map-field used to monitor connections
connections map[*connection]bool
// Channel of type byte slice. Slices are similar to dynamic arrays. Channels are like queues. They're used to communicate between goroutines(threads).
outgoing chan []byte
// This channel will be used to register connections to the connections map. When there is a new connection it will be placed in the register channel to be placed on the map.
register chan *connection
// If a connection is inactive, it will be placed in the unregister channel, and dropped from the connection map.
unregister chan *connection
//Slice of messages currently in the chat room. All messages are appended to the chat when a new connection is made.
messages []byte
// Render the html template
func (*Room) RenderRoom(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
homeTemplate.Execute(w, r.Host)
// Makes and returns an initialized room struct.
func (*Room) AddRoom() Room {
room := Room{
broadcast: make(chan []byte),
register: make(chan *connection),
unregister: make(chan *connection),
connections: make(map[*connection]bool),
messages: make([]byte, 0),
return room
// Method to run the room. Makes it go into an infinite for loop, when a new connection connects to the chat, registers the connection, appends messages in message slice to the connection's chat
// if the connection sends messages, places the messages in the outgoing channel and sends to all connections in connection map. When a connection isn't active, places it in the unregister channel
// to be deleted from the connection map.
func (R *Room) Run() {
// This is a for select pattern. The for is an infinite loop. The select acts almost like a switch statement, and keeps checking each "case".
// A case evaluates to true in a for select pattern when a channel has an item inside of it.
for {
select {
// This is triggered when there is a connection that is waiting to be registered, in the register channel.
case c := <-R.register:
// Add the connection c to the connections map
R.connections[c] = true
// When there is an inactive connection it is placed in the unregister channel.
case c := <-R.unregister:
// Delete the connection c from the map of connections
if _, ok := R.connections[c]; ok {
delete(R.connections, c)
// If there is message in channel outgoing, send to all connections in the connection map
case m := <-R.outgoing:
// Append an outgoing message to our messages slice
m = append(m, []byte("\n")...)
R.messages = append(R.messages, m...)
// Loop over all connections currently in the connection map, grab each one, send the chat message to it.
for c := range R.connections {
select {
case c.send <- m:
delete(R.connections, c)
// When running the program it would look something like this
func main() {
// Create a new room
room := Room.AddRoom();
// With the room.Run() call below the room would be placed into the infinite for loop waiting for new connections, messages etc.
// The go here in front of the function call, is placing the function in a goroutine. In a typical program, execution would stall here waiting for the infinite for loop.
// However the go keyword allows the function to run in parallel to the execution to the rest of the program.
go room.Run();
// In a similar fashion it is possible to create ten more rooms, all running in parallel
for (i:=0; i<10; i++) {
room := Room.AddRoom();
go room.Run();
// And if we say wanted to delete a room, it would be possible to create a struct a level above the rooms, that would contain a map of rooms.
// In a similar fashion to the unregister channel, there could be a channel called delete, that would queue rooms to be deleted from a room map.
// These functions could be tied to a handler in order to create a chat room with API functionalities
// Golang makes concurrency super easy to pick up, and even more fun to implement
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