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Last active February 3, 2023 15:58
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GitHub Repository Checklist (C#)

GitHub Repository Checklist (C#)

Have a repository on GitHub? Planning on making a repository on GitHub? This checklist is intended to introduce you to various features that may help you make the most of your GitHub repository with specific recommendations for C# repositories.


These are only suggestions.
They may not be appropriate for all repositories.
They are in no particular order.
Click each item to expand for more information.

Are you happy with the current URL (account, name, default branch)?

Make sure you are happy with the name of your repo and the account your repo is under. You can rename and transfer ownership of repositories, but that will change the URL of your repo, which may cause confusion for your community.

GitHub has organization accounts, so if you already have a group of dedicated developers or intend to grow a community around the repository, having the repository be under an organization's account may be more appropriate than a personal account.
See more information on GitHub organization here.

Also, make sure you are happy with the name of your default branch. "master" has been a common name for default branches, but most repositories are using "main" now. Changing branch names in GitHub is very easy, but it is still easier to start out with your prefered default branch name rather than having to change to it.
Here is GitHub's documentation on changing branch names.

Do you have a LICENSE?

If you don't already have one, you should add a LICENSE file to the root of your repository.
See GitHub's guide on licensing here.

Do you have a .gitignore?

Don't include unnecessary content in your repository. Your repository should include the source code for your project. It should not include compilation results (the bin and obj folders), compiler generated .xml files, user-specific IDE settings (such as the .vs directory created by Visual Studio), etc. The binaries (compilation results) belong in releases and/or packages rather than the files of your repository.

The .gitignore file is how you can control what files are included or excluded from your repository. For C# repsoitories, if you use GitHub's online interface, you want to choose the Visual Studio option when you create your repository:


If you need to add or update a .gitignore file to an existing repsoitory, you copy the latest version of the Visual Studio template here:

See git's documentation on .gitignore here.

Do you have a .gitattributes?

.gitattributes is a settings file for git. The most common use is to standardize line endings, so that when the code is cloned it will have the appropriate line endings based on the environment from which it is cloned. For C# repositories, you generally just want to use this as your .gitattributes:

* text=auto

However, if you do have any binary files you should add explicit entries for those types of files to make sure they do not get corrupted. For example, if you have a .png image file in your repository you could add this line to your .gitattributes:

*.png binary

.gitattributes files can especially help if you have content that requires specific line endings such as Linux shell scripts.

See git's documentation on .gitattributes here.

Do you have a

If you don't already have one, you should add a file to the root of your repository. GitHub will show the contents of the file located in the current directory without users having to open that file explicitily. So, if you have a in the root of your project, GitHub will show that content on the landing page of your repository. If you put a file in a sudirectory like Test A/Test B/, than the content of that file will be shown by GitHub when a user accesses the Test A/Test B/ directory.

GitHub supports other formats for README files such as .txt, but markdown .md is the prefered format as it supports formatting features other formats do not.
Here is GitHub's documentation on markdown.

Do you have a description?

Your repository's description is often the first text people will see since it appears on most searching and exploring views on GitHub. Having an concise yet informative description will help you grab the attention of users that may be interested in your repository. However, if you have issues labeled good first issue or help wanted, GitHub often shows those issues instead of your description as a way to encourage potential contributors to give your repository a look.

You can edit the description by clicking the gear in the upper right corner of a repository's landing page.

Do you have a .editorconfig?

An .editorconfig file is a settings file supported by most common C# IDEs and editors. It includes settings like tabs vs spaces, indentation size, suppressing compiler warnings, and more. You can have multiple .editorconfig files in various directories if you need directory specific settings.

Here is .editorconfig infromation on

Here is .editorconfig infromation on

Here is the .editorconfig plugin for Visual Studio Code.

Do you have "dotnet test" projects?

If you don't already have a unit testing project, consider making one. Unit tests help with regression testing, validate code works on different environments, doing test-driven development, etc. Unit tests can also serve as examples of how to use the code.

Unit testing projects are seperate projects from your source code. You should have multiple .csproj files in different directories. Unit tests can be run with the dotnet test command. There are several popular frameworks for unit testing: MSTest, NUnit, and XUnit. While there are minor feature differences between them, they can all get the job done.

It is fairly common for new .NET developers to implement unit testing as a console applications with Console.WriteLine rather than using a "dotnet test" supported framework. You should really use a "dotnet test" supported framework.

More information here. (unit testing guide)

More information here. (dotnet test)

Do you have unit testing code coverage on your

Have you seen a badge like this on other repositories?

That percentage represent how much of the source code is touched by unit tests. Generally, the higher the percentage of your code that is unit tested, the more robust/reliable your code is. However, try to write meaningful unit tests rather than slapping on unit tests to achieve 100% coverage. Just because you have a high coverage percentage does not mean your code is bug free. Having unreliable, excessive, or verbose unit testing can sometimes hinder a project more than help it.

How do I get my test coverage?

More information here (MS Docs code coverage).

Here are some common resources for producing code coverage reports:

Are your .NET target(s) on your

It is important to clearly display the .NET target(s) of your project on your landing page. Are you targetting .NET 5, .NET 6, .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Framework 4.8, or any other version? You don't want to make your community dig through your .csproj files or try to run your application only to find out it is dependent on .NET 9000 which they don't have installed yet.

This could be as simple as including a comment at the top of your file:

"This project targets .NET 5."

But an nicer way can be to make a badge. You can even make the badge dynamic so that if you change your .NET target (such as migrating from .NET 5 to .NET 6) the badge can automatically update for you. Here is an example of a .NET target badge:
.NET target

Here is a guide on how you can set up a dynamic .NET target badge for your repository.

Are your recommended build processes and IDEs on your

If you have any custom build processes, such as .cmd scripts like "Build.cmd" or "Restore.cmd", put it on your root Don't bury it on another page (such as a Wiki page) that new users may miss upon first glance.

Also put what IDEs are recommended for your project on your

  • Visual Studio?
  • JetBrains Rider?
  • Visual Studio Code? (see the .vscode/xxx.json bullet below)
  • Visual Studio for Mac?
  • other?

For example, if you have a Windows Forms Application (which is best to develop on Visual Studio), then it can help beginners if you explicitly recommend Visual Studio instead of Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac.

Badges can be useful for this topic as well. Here are some examples:

Source of the badge can be seen here.

Source of the badge can be seen here.

Source of the badge can be seen here.

Source of the badge can be seen here.

Do you have .github/workflows/xxx.yml files (GitHub Actions workflows)?

GitHub supports devops pipelines with GitHub Actions. You can create pipelines to do anything you need including running builds, running unit tests, deploying nuget packages, deploying GitHub Pages content, etc. All you need to do is create .yml files inside the .github/workflows/ directory of your repository, and you have workflows.

For C# repositories, you should at least have a continuous integration workflow that will build your code and run your unit tests. Here is an example of a C# continuous integration workflow for a project targetting .NET 5:

name: Continuous Integration
      - main
      - '.vscode/**'
      - '.github/**'
      - ''
      - main
      - '.vscode/**'
      - '.github/**'
      - ''
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: setup dotnet
      uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
        dotnet-version: 5.0.301
    - name: dotnet build
      run: dotnet build --configuration 'Release'
    - name: dotnet test
      run: dotnet test --configuration 'Release'

GitHub provides badges so you can display the results of the workflow. Here is what a badge from the above workflow looks like assuming it is successful:

More information here (GitHub Actions).

Are Issues and/or Discussions enabled on your repository?

Issues and Discussions are two seperate features on GitHub. Issues is enabled on GitHub repositories by default, but Discussions is not. You can enable or disable either feature from the settings of your repository. Discussions is a newer feature and is currently considered to be in a beta version.

For a C# repository, it is likely a good idea to have both Issues and Discussions enabled. Issues are a great place to track bugs and feature requests. Discussions are generally a better place to have conversations, such as users asking questions or showcasing projects. Discussions allow users to reply to other comments while in Issues users can only reply to the original post.

More information here. (GitHub Issues)

More information here. (GitHub Discussions)

Do you have clearly defined Labels for issues and pull requests?

Labels help you categorize and document issues and pull requests. You can create your own labels to match your projects needs. Examples of common custom labels include backlog, approved, needs approval, and needs more information.

If you want to encourage people to contribute to your repository, you should espcially use the good first issue and help wanted labels. Issues with those specific labels are tracked by GitHub and other resources that may help guide the open source community to helping you with your project.

More information here.

Do you have Milestones and/or Projects for issues?

Issues are great for documenting bugs an enhancements, but how do you document the the timelines/deadlines of them? That is where Milestones can help. If you are planning on a future release 3.0.0 it may be nice to create a milestone for that release, and put the relevant issues inside that milestone. That way your community can clearly see what all issues still need to be addressed for the upcoming 3.0.0 release. Milestones are built into Issues and thus are enabled if Issues are enabled.

More information here.

Projects is a seperate feature from Issues and can be enabled/disabled in the settings of the repository. Projects are enabled by default. Projects are an additional way to categorize and track Issues. While Milesteones are useful, they don't necessarily track the state of an Issue (has work on the Issue started or not). Projects are intended to fill in that need.

More information here (GitHub about project boards).

Do you have Issues templates, a .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml, and a .github/

You can set up Issues templates so that when creating a new issue, users can select from templates you make. Bug and Enhancement are common templates for example. With the templates, you can pre-populate issues with content such as labeling issues.
More information here.

When creating new GitHub issues on your repository, the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml file will let you add options that link to other locations. For example, you may want to direct questions to be opened as Discussions rather than Issues, or if you have multiple repositories you may want to have a message like, "If your issue involves XXX please open an issue here instead...".
More information here.

When a pull request is opened, GitHub prepopulates the content of the pull request with the .github/ file. This allows you to instruct the community on how you expect pull requests to be written.
More information here.

Do you have packages (preferably NuGet)?

If you are making a library in which you intend for other developers to use your code as a dependency, you should be using packages.

GitHub has package hosting, but most .NET developers use for hosting packages rather than GitHub, because is the default source of the NuGet Package Explorer in Visual Studio when users search for packages.

More information here (dotnet pack).

More information here (publishing NuGet packages).

More information here (GitHub Packages)

A great way to handle the creation and deployment of NuGet packages is to make a GitHub Action that triggers when you publish a Release on your repository. Here is an example GitHub Action for that:

If you host your packages on rather than GitHub, be sure to disable the Packages feature on your GitHub repo so that it doesn't confuse your community by saying "No packages published". lets you create dynamic badges that will display the latest version of your nuget package. Here is an example of a nuget badge:

<img src="" title="Go To Nuget Package" />

Are you using GitHub Pages?

You can host static websites on GitHub for free. That feature is called GitHub Pages.
More information here.

GitHub Pages can host the output of documentation generators like docfx. (see the "documentation generation" bullet below)

You can even host Blazor webassembly projects on GitHub Pages. Here is an example:
Source Code:
GitHub Pages:

Do you have documentation generation (such as docfx)?

For .NET repositories, there are tools for generating static documentation websites. One of the most popular tools is docfx. You can use docfx to generate a documenation website, and you can host the generated website on GitHub Pages for free. Here are some key features of docfx:

  • it will generate an api reference using the xml comments on your source code
    • the api references include links back to the source code
    • it allows additional content on top of the xml comments (via the Improve this doc links in docfx output)
  • supports articles in markdown format
  • is easy to customize (including custom stylings)
  • is easy to include in GitHub Actions so it can automatically trigger when you push changes

Here is an example output of docfx:

Here is an example of a GitHub Action that runs docfx and deploys it to GitHub Pages on code pushes:

More information here (docfx github repository).

More information here (docfx tutorial).

Do you have a change log? Are you using Releases?

Your community can see your code changes in the git history, but having a summarized change log is really important. Besides informing your community of changes between versions, it can also be useful reference for potential new contributors by summarizing what topics are involved in active development.

Handle your change log however you want: a markdown file in your repository, a page on your wiki, etc. However, probably the best place to keep your change log is the Releases of your GitHub repository. Here are some examples of change logs implemented in the Releases of several GitHub repositories:

If you have NuGet packages, you can link the release notes on the NuGet package back to your GitHub Releases, so that if you need to update any log, there is only one location that needs to be updated. Here is an example:
Notice that the "Release Notes" is a link back to the Release in GitHub:


That way there is only one change log that needs to be updated if there are typos, formatting errors, etc.

Releases can be enabled/disabled by clicking the gear in the upper right of your repository's landing page.

Do you have branch policies?

You can protect important branches by setting branch protection rules, which define whether collaborators can delete or force push to the branch and set requirements for any pushes to the branch, such as passing status checks or a linear commit history.

More information here.

Do you have a chat location (possibly an alternate platform than GitHub)?

GitHub is a great platform for what it does well, but one thing that it does not do very well is acting as a community chat. GitHub Issues and Discussions are not really intended to be real-time chat platforms. They are relatively slow, they notify everyone who is watching the repository, and they are intended to be permanently retained for future reference.

So, it can be nice to use a platform outside of GitHub where your community can have more laid-back discussions. Use whatever platform you prefer: Discord, Gitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. However Discord gets a special recommendation as it supports multiple channels, text and voice channels, it allows streaming, it supports bots, it support webhooks, it supports custom user roles and permissions, and much more. If you do set up another platform for your community, clearly document that on your root so your community can find it, such as having a badge. Here is an example of a badge for a Discord server:

Here is the markdown/HTML for that badge:

<a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Discord Server" /></a>

Do you have a logo?

Is a logo required? No, but logos help the community remember your project and associate it with content outside your GitHub repsoitory:

  • website
  • social media posts
  • discord, gitter, and other platforms
  • articles

Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg) is generally the prefered format for logos because vector formats will render cleanly on any resolution, unlike raster graphics formats such as .jpg, .png, .gif, and .tif.

However, if you plan on having nuget packages, nuget currently does not support the .svg format. You should still make your logo in the .svg format if you can, but you just need to convert it to a raster format (generally .png) in order to use it with nuget packages.

The .svg file format support animations, so if you want an animated logo, you can do that with the .svg file format. Here is an example:

That logo example is from this repository:

Do you have .vscode/xxx.json files?

Most .NET developers expect to use Visual Studio, but Visual Studio Code is gaining popularity too. If your project is compatible with Visual Studio Code consider adding the following files so Visual Studio Code users have an easier time getting started with your repository:

  • .vscode/extensions.json
    This file lets you recommend extensions to users that open your repository in Visual Studio Code.
    More information here.
  • .vscode/settings.json
    This is a settings file: enable semantic highlighting, exclude directories from the Explorer, show parameter hints, etc.
    More information here.
  • .vscode/tasks.json
    This file defines tasks that can be run in Visual Studio Code, such as building your project. Tasks are often referenced from the launch.json file.
    More information here.
  • .vscode/launch.json
    This file defines the options the users can select from the "Run and Debug" view in Visual Studio Code.
    More information here.

Do you have a "using my project" badge?

If you are making a project that is intended to be used by other developers such as a code library, consider making a badge that other developers can easily copy and display on their projects. Here is an example:
That example is from this repository:
Be sure to include the markdown/HTML of the badge in a code block so it can be easily copied:

<a href=""><img src="" title="Go To Towel"></a>

Do you have GitHub Sponsors set up (community financial support)?

Have you seen other projects with the Sponsor button at the top of their repsoitory?


Are you wanting the same for your repository? That feature is called GitHub Sponsors. You can also configure the sponsor button to link to alternate funding platforms like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, etc.

More information here (GitHub sponsors).

Disable GitHub Wikis?

Can GitHub Wikis be useful? Yes. However, they are often not the best place to put documentation, especially for .NET projects.

  • If you are going to use Wikis, don't let Wikis get verbose. The extra real estate that Wikis provide often lead to bloat verbage. No one likes unnecessary filler content. Also don't spread the information too thin. A handful of more dense pages are often preferred to dozens of pages with very little content in them.
  • Often times Wiki content could be put on the root rather than distributed among dozens of seperate (often barren) pages in a Wiki. Expanders are especially useful so that your has a lot of content but is not overwhelming at first glance.
  • If you are using GitHub Pages (website), why not include your documentation on there rather than on a GitHub Wiki? Having documentation in multiple places will only cause confusion. Especially if you are using a documentation generator like docfx, then you should probably put on your documentation in your docfx content rather than a GitHub Wiki. No reason to have both.
  • You can just include markdown files in your repository rather than using the GitHub Wikis. This makes it easier to add markdown linting (validation), it will be easier for the community to contribute to, there will only be one history (rather than Wiki + Repository history), and users who clone the repo will have the documentation even if they are offline (without having to have cloned the Wiki too).

Wikis are one of the few features in GitHub that might be better to ignore/disable. You can enable/disable Wikis in the settings of your repository.

If you have benchmarking, are you using BenchmarkDotNet?

Writing a console application using Stopwatch or DateTime is not a reliable way to gather benchmarking data. If you want to include benchmarking in your repository, you should be using the BenchmarkDotNet. BenchmarkDotNet outputs results in a format that is supported by GitHub markdown. You can copy-paste the results directly into GitHub markdown.

More information here (BenchmarkDotNet github repo).

If you are using dotnet test with GitHub Actions, are you using Tyrrrz/GitHubActionsTestLogger for cleaner output?

More information here (Tyrrrz/GitHubActionsTestLogger GitHub repository).

Do you have a

If you want to have a file detailing the code of conduct you expect out of your community, the best place to document that is in a file in the root of your repository. That is just the file path/name recommended by GitHub, and many repositories follow that convention, so if you also put for community guidelines in the same file it will be easier for your community to find it.

Do you have a

GitHub recommends you make a file in the root of your repository that documents how your community can contribute to your project. If you write similar documentation you should likely put it in that file name/path so it is easy for your community to find it.

Are you using GitHub Topics?

You can label your repository with various topics, which can make it easier for users to find your repository when searching/exploring GitHub.

Once added, your repository will appear in the search results on pages like

Do you have a ".sln" file in the root of your repository?

Try to have a single solution ".sln" file in the root directory of your repository. That way newcomers to your project have a clear entry point for how to get started even without reading your documentation.

Do you have a social preview?

The social preview is a banner image that will be displayed on some platforms with links to your repsoitory.

More information here (GitHub social media preview).

Are you using GitHub webhooks?

GitHub webhooks are a way to send notifications to other platforms when various changes occur on your repository such as code pushes, issues being opened, or pull requests being opened. This can be especially useful if you set up a Discord server for your repository.

More information here (GitHub webhooks).

Is the Automatically delete head branches setting enabled?

The Automatically delete head branches setting is disabled by default. Depending on your branching strategy enabling that setting may help you keep the number of branches on your repository relatively low. For example, if a branch is created for "feature1", and "feature1" is completed and merged into "main", the branch used to develop "feature1" has served its purpose and can likely be deleted. Keeping unnecessary branches only causes confusion because developers will assume it is still being actively developed if the branch hasn't been deleted. This setting can be enabled/disabled in the repository settings.

Are you using Source Link?

Source Link is a project that allows your binaries to support source code debugging. That way you and/or your users can debug your project without having to pull down the source code and referencing it directly.

If you want to enforce C# code style, are you using StyleCopAnalyzers?

StyleCopAnalyzers is a project with roslyn analyzers that will enforce code style via compiler warnings. Here are a few examples of analyzers it includes:

  • loops and if statments must contain scoping brackets { ... }
  • must name generic type parameters starting with "T" (example: "TKey")
  • no extra white space after code
  • using directives must be in alphabetical order
  • parameters must be on same line

StyleCopAnalyzers can be rather intrusive/aggressive when you first add it to a project because it may show a lot of warnings for topics that you do not care about. However, you can easily enabled/disable any analyzer with assembly attribute or the .editorconfig suppressions. So you can customize StyleCopAnalyzers to fit your needs.

If you want to enforce markdown code style, are you using markdownlint? Do you have a .markdownlint.json?

markdownlint is a style checker for markdown files. It is supported by various markdown editors and is easy to integrate into pipelines such as GitHub Actions.

.markdownlint.json is a settings file used by markdownlint when validating markdown (.md) files. For example, by default markdownlint will report errors if inline HTML is used in markdown, but if you want to allow inline HTML the .markdownlint.json file can be used to suppress the MD033 no-inline-html - Inline HTML errors.

Even if you do not use markdownlint on your project, members of your community might (such as the extension for Visual Studio Code), and if they open your markdown files they may see a lot of notifications if you do not include a .markdownlint.json with suppressions.

Here is the markdownlint extension for Visual Studio Code.

Tips & Tricks

Here is a guide on GitHub markdown.

More information here (GitHub mastering markdown).

Use <br/> for line breaks in GitHub markdown.


Use to make badges. is a great website you can use to make badges. The badges are in .svg file format and are easy to customize if needed such as adding custom logos.

Use expanders in GitHub markdown.

You can make drop downs on markdown with the following:




Use <sub> to nearly vertically center badges and images with text in GitHub markdown.

Unfortunately there is no way to vertically center badges and images with text in GitHub's markdown. Badges and images are rendered slightly above the midline of the text. However, you can force the badges and images to be slightly lower by wrapping them in <sub> tags (which is subscript).

Without <sub>: .NET target

Without <sub>: .NET target

Use <p align="center"> to horizontally center content in GitHub markdown.

You can horizontally center content in GitHub markdown with the following:

<p align="center">

This is particularly nice for logos and badges.

You can't mix normal markdwon syntax with inline HTML syntax. So rather than using markdown images like ![IMAGE](SOURCE) you need to use HTML like <a href="LINK"><img src="SOURCE"/></a>.

Use <a href="#"> to help prevent image links.

Unfortunately in GitHub markdown, there is no way to prevent an image from being a click-able link. GitHub adds links to images and <a> tags that wrap images. This is a problem in multiple scenarios such as when you want an image to be in the <summary> of a expander. Clicking the <summary> should toggle the exander rather than being a link.. The best thing you can currently do is wrap images with <a href="#">IMAGE</a> and then at least the images will link to the current page rather opening the URL of the image.

🎉 GitHub markdown has emojis.

See this link.

Emojis are especially useful inside of expanders, since images and expanders in GitHub markdown do not play well.

GitHub's icons are open source.

GitHub's icons are open source so you can use them in your content.

There are lots of things you can do with the icons. Here is an example where the icons were used to document the file structure of a repository:
That screenshot was taken from this repository:

Another example of using the github icons is for making links to GitHub queries. Here is an example of a GitHub profile that uses the icons in links to topics authored by that user:
That screenshot was taken from this GitHub profile:

Links to GitHub queries.

You can create links to queries in GitHub. One use case for this could be linking to all Q/A discussions that have not yet been answered so you can make sure they get help quickly.

Here is the base URL you want to use: Avoid using other URLs like, because those are only accessible by users who are logged into their GitHub. The URL works even for users who are not logged into GitHub.

You can add parameters such as q=author%3Azacharypatten and is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen to adjust the resulting query of the link. For example this link results in a query of all Issues opened by the zacharypatten user:

Just modify the parameters to adjust your query as needed.

Don't forget to check your graphics on all themes in GitHub!

Make sure you check out what your repository looks like in all of GitHub's themes. Currently GitHub supports the following themes:

  • Default light
  • Default dark
  • Dark dimmed

Your logo may look good in one theme, but it may blend into the background in another.

You can change themes from the settings of your GitHub account.

Missed anything important?

I'm sure I skipped/missed some important topics when compiling this list. If you know of anything that should have been included, please comment below. :)

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