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Last active November 24, 2015 15:01
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This post is for people using a bash shell. I'm assuming you know about bash aliases and Sublime Text snippets. They make your life a lot easier. I'm also assuming you're like me: you're too lazy to set them up--at least the old-fashioned way. Let me show you how to make setting these up easier.

You can set up a bash alias with a command as easy as:

als gitpfom git\ push\ -f\ origin\ master

Bam. Your alias is made and ready to go:

gitpfom => git push -f origin master

This is possible with a bash function in your .bash_profile:

# Add alias and refresh source
# Ex. usage:
# $: als gpom git\ push\ origin\ master
# $: gpm
# => git push origin master 
als () {
  echo "alias" $1'="'$2'"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  source ~/.bash_profile

And to make a Sublime snippet, all I have to do is type this into my terminal:


...which: 1st) asks me how to name my new .sublime-snippet file, then 2nd) opens up that new .sublime-snippet file with example code:

  <content><![CDATA[reduce(function (${2:acc}, ${1:prop}) {
  ${2:acc}[${1:prop}] = ${3:fn(prop)};
  return ${2:acc};
}, {})]]></content>
  <description>array.reduce(function (…) {…})</description>

I edit this, and bam. New Sublime snippet.


I have this alias in my .bash_profile:

alias mksnip="sh /Users/zacharyryansmith/bin/"

which is this bash script:

read INPUT

cp /Users/zacharyryansmith/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/array-reduce.sublime-snippet /Users/zacharyryansmith/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/$INPUT.sublime-snippet

subl /Users/zacharyryansmith/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/$INPUT.sublime-snippet

If I want to change a snippet, I use this alias:

alias chsnip="subl /Users/zacharyryansmith/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/"

which opens up my snippets folder in Sublime.

I hope that you can use some of these tricks in your own workflow. Happy coding!

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