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pkulak /
Last active December 12, 2021 22:38
My Arch Encrypted, BTRFS with Snapper Install Notes
# This is mostly here for my reference. If someone on the internet finds this, I hope it's
# helpful, but don't trust it! I'm pretty new at this, which is why I have to keep exhaustive
# notes like this. The corollary then, is that if you're a pro at this, and notice something
# dumb I'm doing, please let me know.
# The idea here is to end up with an ecrypted BTRFS filesystem running Snapper in a way that
# makes rollbacks super easy. I tried to keep things simple, so the swap is a file, not a
# partition (that would have to be encryped separately). The subvolume layout is totally flat,
# to make rollbacks a simple matter of moving the volumes around. When this is all done, a
# simple ls of either .snapshots directory will show you your live filesystem right alongside