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Created June 21, 2016 20:53
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Grid Crash
OregonCore Crash Report
Linux (4.6.2-1-ARCH) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 8 08:40:59 CEST 2016 x86_64
Date: 21-Jun-16_22:51:16
Version: OregonCore Rev: 3547+ Hash: abefe71+ (Unix,little-endian)
Build Type: Debug
Compiler: clang
ACE version: 6.3.3
Memory: 7831785472 / 8282845184 (94.5543% used)
SWAP: 143360 / 8184127488 (0.00175168% used)
Coredump file MAY be available.
Caught deadly signal: SIGSEGV
Fault at 0x1c00008 referenced from: 0xb0cc43: address not mapped to object
BackTrace Thread LWP 4627
#0 0xb0cc43 in std::__detail::_Hash_code_base<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int>, std::__detail::_Select1st, std::hash<unsigned int>, std::__detail::_Mod_range_hashing, std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash, false>::_M_bucket_index(std::__detail::_Hash_node<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int>, false> const*, unsigned long) const +0x73
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.1.1/../../../../include/c++/6.1.1/bits/hashtable_policy.h:1178
Source file is newer than the executable!
1177: (std::size_t)0)) )
1178: { return _M_h2()(_M_h1()(_M_extract()(__p->_M_v())), __n); }
#1 0xb0ca07 in std::_Hashtable<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int> >, std::__detail::_Select1st, std::equal_to<unsigned int>, std::hash<unsigned int>, std::__detail::_Mod_range_hashing, std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash, std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, std::__detail::_Hashtable_traits<false, false, true> >::_M_bucket_index(std::__detail::_Hash_node<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int>, false>*) const +0x27
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.1.1/../../../../include/c++/6.1.1/bits/hashtable.h:619
Source file is newer than the executable!
618: _M_bucket_index(__node_type* __n) const noexcept
619: { return __hash_code_base::_M_bucket_index(__n, _M_bucket_count); }
#2 0x11771ef in std::_Hashtable<unsigned int, std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int> >, std::__detail::_Select1st, std::equal_to<unsigned int>, std::hash<unsigned int>, std::__detail::_Mod_range_hashing, std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash, std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, std::__detail::_Hashtable_traits<false, false, true> >::count(unsigned int const&) const +0xdf
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.1.1/../../../../include/c++/6.1.1/bits/hashtable.h:1340
Source file is newer than the executable!
1339: break;
1340: if (!__p->_M_nxt || _M_bucket_index(__p->_M_next()) != __n)
1341: break;
#3 0x117522d in std::unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int, std::hash<unsigned int>, std::equal_to<unsigned int>, std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const, unsigned int> > >::count(unsigned int const&) const +0x1d
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.1.1/../../../../include/c++/6.1.1/bits/unordered_map.h:869
Source file is newer than the executable!
868: count(const key_type& __x) const
869: { return _M_h.count(__x); }
#4 0x1173916 in VMAP::StaticMapTree::UnloadMapTile(unsigned int, unsigned int, VMAP::VMapManager2*) +0x376
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/collision/MapTree.cpp:457
Source file is newer than the executable!
456: {
457: if (!iLoadedSpawns.count(referencedNode))
458: ERROR_LOG("StaticMapTree::UnloadMapTile() : trying to unload non-referenced model '%s' (ID:%u)",, spawn.ID);
#5 0x116135d in VMAP::VMapManager2::unloadMap(unsigned int, int, int) +0x9d
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/collision/VMapManager2.cpp:157
Source file is newer than the executable!
156: {
157: instanceTree->second->UnloadMapTile(x, y, this);
158: if (instanceTree->second->numLoadedTiles() == 0)
#6 0xa7407c in Map::UnloadGrid(NGrid<8u, Player, TypeList<Player, TypeList<Creature, TypeList<Corpse, TypeList<DynamicObject, TypeNull> > > >, TypeList<GameObject, TypeList<Creature, TypeList<DynamicObject, TypeList<Corpse, TypeNull> > > > >&, bool) +0x2ec
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/game/Map.cpp:967
Source file is newer than the executable!
966: VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager()->unloadMap(GetId(), gx, gy);
967: MMAP::MMapFactory::createOrGetMMapManager()->unloadMap(GetId(), gx, gy);
968: }
#7 0xe19678 in RemovalState::Update(Map&, NGrid<8u, Player, TypeList<Player, TypeList<Creature, TypeList<Corpse, TypeList<DynamicObject, TypeNull> > > >, TypeList<GameObject, TypeList<Creature, TypeList<DynamicObject, TypeList<Corpse, TypeNull> > > > >&, GridInfo&, unsigned int) const +0x68
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/game/GridStates.cpp:56
Source file is newer than the executable!
55: info.UpdateTimeTracker(diff);
56: if (info.getTimeTracker().Passed() && !map.UnloadGrid(grid, false))
57: {
#8 0xa76fa6 in Map::DelayedUpdate(unsigned int) +0x176
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/game/Map.cpp:2026
Source file is newer than the executable!
2025: {
2026: for (GridRefManager<NGridType>::iterator i = GridRefManager<NGridType>::begin(); i != GridRefManager<NGridType>::end();)
2027: {
#9 0xae0527 in MapManager::Update(long) +0x247
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/game/MapManager.cpp:243
Source file is newer than the executable!
242: for (iter = i_maps.begin(); iter != i_maps.end(); ++iter)
243: iter->second->DelayedUpdate(uint32(i_timer.GetCurrent()));
#10 0xb62e6c in World::Update(unsigned int) +0x56c
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/game/World.cpp:1913
Source file is newer than the executable!
1914: {
#11 0x9e5c3c in WorldRunnable::run() +0x8c
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/oregoncore/WorldRunnable.cpp:53
Source file is newer than the executable!
52: sWorld.Update(diff);
53: realPrevTime = realCurrTime;
#12 0x9e4a5f in Master::Run() +0x84f
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/oregoncore/Master.cpp:233
Source file is newer than the executable!
232: because it we need the highest priority possible */
233: WorldRunnable().run();
#13 0x9ec75f in main +0x51f
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/oregoncore/Main.cpp:164
Source file is newer than the executable!
163: // todo - Why do we need this 'Master'? Can't all of this be in the Main as for Realmd?
164: int exitcode = sMaster.Run();
165: if (exitcode == 2)
#14 0x7fb699d5c741 in __libc_start_main +0xf1
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#15 0x9d90d9 in _start +0x29
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at ??:0
BackTrace Thread LWP 4632
#0 0x7fb69a0ea0af in pthread_cond_wait +0xbf
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#1 0x7fb69c13a579 in ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>::wait(ACE_Time_Value const*) +0x39
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#2 0x7fb69c12345f in ?? +0xaf45f
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#3 0x7fb69c122281 in ?? +0xae281
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#4 0x7fb69c121c33 in ACE_Activation_Queue::dequeue(ACE_Time_Value*) +0x23
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#5 0xf5be0c in SqlDelayThread::run() +0x5c
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/shared/Database/SqlDelayThread.cpp:37
Source file is newer than the executable!
36: // empty the queue before exiting
37: s = dynamic_cast<SqlAsyncTask*> (m_sqlQueue.dequeue());
38: if (s)
#6 0xf77047 in ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask(void*) +0x67
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/shared/Threading.cpp:190
Source file is newer than the executable!
190: UnixDebugger::RemoveThread(currentId());
191: #endif
#7 0x7fb69c16ef98 in ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke() +0xf8
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#8 0x7fb69a0e4484 in __errno_location +0x7484
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#9 0x7fb699e236dd in clone +0x6d
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
BackTrace Thread LWP 4630
#0 0x7fb69a0ea0af in pthread_cond_wait +0xbf
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#1 0x7fb69c13a579 in ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>::wait(ACE_Time_Value const*) +0x39
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#2 0x7fb69c12345f in ?? +0xaf45f
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#3 0x7fb69c122281 in ?? +0xae281
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#4 0x7fb69c121c33 in ACE_Activation_Queue::dequeue(ACE_Time_Value*) +0x23
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#5 0xf5be0c in SqlDelayThread::run() +0x5c
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/shared/Database/SqlDelayThread.cpp:37
Source file is newer than the executable!
36: // empty the queue before exiting
37: s = dynamic_cast<SqlAsyncTask*> (m_sqlQueue.dequeue());
38: if (s)
#6 0xf77047 in ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask(void*) +0x67
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/shared/Threading.cpp:190
Source file is newer than the executable!
190: UnixDebugger::RemoveThread(currentId());
191: #endif
#7 0x7fb69c16ef98 in ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke() +0xf8
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#8 0x7fb69a0e4484 in __errno_location +0x7484
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#9 0x7fb699e236dd in clone +0x6d
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
BackTrace Thread LWP 4628
#0 0x7fb69a0ea0af in pthread_cond_wait +0xbf
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#1 0x7fb69c13a579 in ACE_Condition<ACE_Thread_Mutex>::wait(ACE_Time_Value const*) +0x39
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#2 0x7fb69c12345f in ?? +0xaf45f
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#3 0x7fb69c122281 in ?? +0xae281
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#4 0x7fb69c121c33 in ACE_Activation_Queue::dequeue(ACE_Time_Value*) +0x23
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#5 0xf5be0c in SqlDelayThread::run() +0x5c
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/shared/Database/SqlDelayThread.cpp:37
Source file is newer than the executable!
36: // empty the queue before exiting
37: s = dynamic_cast<SqlAsyncTask*> (m_sqlQueue.dequeue());
38: if (s)
#6 0xf77047 in ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask(void*) +0x67
from /home/oregon/bin/oregon-core
at /home/oregon/git/OregonCore/src/shared/Threading.cpp:190
Source file is newer than the executable!
190: UnixDebugger::RemoveThread(currentId());
191: #endif
#7 0x7fb69c16ef98 in ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke() +0xf8
from /usr/lib/
at /usr/lib/
#8 0x7fb69a0e4484 in __errno_location +0x7484
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
#9 0x7fb699e236dd in clone +0x6d
from /usr/lib/
at ??:0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
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