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Created August 20, 2021 18:47
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namespace SafeAlert.Fircosoft.Net.Diagnostics
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Diagnostics
open System
open System.Text
/// <summary>
/// Allows ad-hoc timing of any delegate method, or more robust parallel timing of multiple named tasks.
/// </summary>
type PerformanceTimer() =
// Dictionary of named watches.
let watches = new Dictionary<string, Stopwatch>();
/// Dictionary of named watches
member x.Watches = watches
/// Starts a timer with a given name
member x.StartTimer(name: string) =
match watches.TryGetValue(name) with
| true, w -> w.Restart()
| _ -> watches.Add(name, Stopwatch.StartNew())
/// Stops a named timer (if one exists) and returns the time elapsed.
member x.StopTimer(name: string) =
match watches.TryGetValue(name) with
| true, w ->
| _ -> TimeSpan.Zero
/// Stops all timers
member x.StopAllTimers() =
for watch in watches do
/// Clears all timers from the report
member x.ClearAllTimers() =
/// Dumps a report of all timers and their elapsed times.
member x.GetReport(showMilliseconds : bool) =
let sb = new StringBuilder()
|> Seq.iteri (fun i watch ->
match watch.Value.IsRunning, showMilliseconds with
| true, true -> sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1:0.00}ms (In Progress)", watch.Key, watch.Value.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds) |> ignore
| true, false -> sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1} (In Progress)", watch.Value.Elapsed, watch.Key) |> ignore
| false, true -> sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1:0.00}ms", watch.Key, watch.Value.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds) |> ignore
| false, false -> sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", watch.Value.Elapsed, watch.Key) |> ignore
if (not <| (i = watches.Count - 1))
then sb.Append("\r\n") |> ignore )
/// Executes the given delegate and returns the elapsed time
member x.TimedAction(action : Action) =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
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