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Created April 22, 2020 20:52
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Don't break the chain

PSA, don’t construct new CoroutineScopes and break structured concurrency in your classes.

class TransactionsDb(dispatchers: MyDispatchers) {
  private val scope = CoroutineScope(

This can cause tests to pass when an exception is thrown.

fun loadTransactionsDbTest() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val testScope: CoroutineScope = this
    val transactionsDb = TransactionsDb(
      _scope = testScope, 
      dispatchers = testScope.asDispatchers()
    // if this function throws an exception, the test will pass because the new scope constructed internally
    // in `TransactionsDb` will swallow the exception and prevent it from propagating to the `runBlocking { }`

Instead, you should inject a CoroutineScope that hopefully comes from an object graph (ex: MyFeatureGraph).

class MyFeatureGraph {
  val scope: CoroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)
  val dispatchers = MyDispatchers()
  val transactionsDb: TransactionsDb = TransactionsDb(scope, dispatchers)

If you wish to change the dispatcher used by TransactionsDb, you can do something like the following and maintain structured concurrency:

class TransactionsDb(
  _scope: CoroutineScope,
  dispatchers: MyDispatchers
) : CoroutineScope by _scope +

And now the previous example @Test will fail as expected if transactionsDb.refreshTransactions() throws an exception.

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