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Last active November 11, 2021 04:56
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Operasi perkalian pada GF(128) dengan VHDL
-- mpand and mplier is multiplicand and multiplier
-- modulus is modulus
-- product is the remainder
-- clk is clock
-- ds for D selector
-- reset is to go back to first state
-- ready mean that the value is product is the remainder of operation (final value)
-- only take the value when ready is true
-- note: the modulus is not yet validated as primitive polynomial (todo)
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following lines to use the declarations that are
-- provided for instantiating Xilinx primitive components.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity modmult is
Generic (MPWID: integer := 8);
Port ( mpand : in std_logic_vector(MPWID-1 downto 0);
mplier : in std_logic_vector(MPWID-1 downto 0);
modulus : in std_logic_vector(MPWID-1 downto 0);
product : out std_logic_vector(MPWID-1 downto 0);
clk : in std_logic;
ds : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
ready : out std_logic);
end modmult;
architecture modmult1 of modmult is
signal mpreg: std_logic_vector(MPWID-1 downto 0);
signal mcreg, mcreg1, mcreg2: std_logic_vector(MPWID+1 downto 0);
signal modreg1, modreg2: std_logic_vector(MPWID+1 downto 0);
signal prodreg, prodreg1, prodreg2, prodreg3, prodreg4: std_logic_vector(MPWID+1 downto 0);
--signal count: integer;
signal modstate: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal first: std_logic;
-- final result...
product <= prodreg4(MPWID-1 downto 0);
-- add shifted value if place bit is '1', copy original if place bit is '0'
with mpreg(0) select
prodreg1 <= prodreg + mcreg when '1',
prodreg when others;
-- subtract modulus and subtract modulus * 2.
prodreg2 <= prodreg1 - modreg1;
prodreg3 <= prodreg1 - modreg2;
-- negative results mean that we subtracted too much...
modstate <= prodreg3(mpwid+1) & prodreg2(mpwid+1);
-- select the correct modular result and copy it....
with modstate select
prodreg4 <= prodreg1 when "11",
prodreg2 when "10",
prodreg3 when others;
-- meanwhile, subtract the modulus from the shifted multiplicand...
mcreg1 <= mcreg - modreg1;
-- select the correct modular value and copy it.
with mcreg1(MPWID) select
mcreg2 <= mcreg when '1',
mcreg1 when others;
ready <= first;
combine: process (clk, first, ds, mpreg, reset) is
if reset = '1' then
first <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if first = '1' then
-- First time through, set up registers to start multiplication procedure
-- Input values are sampled only once
if ds = '1' then
mpreg <= mplier;
mcreg <= "00" & mpand;
modreg1 <= "00" & modulus;
modreg2 <= '0' & modulus & '0';
prodreg <= (others => '0');
first <= '0';
end if;
-- when all bits have been shifted out of the multiplicand, operation is over
-- Note: this leads to at least one waste cycle per multiplication
if mpreg = 0 then
first <= '1';
-- shift the multiplicand left one bit
mcreg <= mcreg2(MPWID downto 0) & '0';
-- shift the multiplier right one bit
mpreg <= '0' & mpreg(MPWID-1 downto 1);
-- copy intermediate product
prodreg <= prodreg4;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process combine;
end modmult1;
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