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Created August 12, 2019 12:30
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  • Save Zanark/9965f92fdae8d79cf3f6c96d9e763809 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Zanark/9965f92fdae8d79cf3f6c96d9e763809 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build jekyll static files in a temporary folder then copies changes to master branch and pushes changes to github.
import os
def jekyll_builder(cwd):
#first push to jekyll branch
#asks for build no
#asks for commit message
#creates a ../temp folder
#builds site inside that folder
#os.system("git push origin jekyll")
#print("\n * Pushed to jekyll branch" + "\n-------------------------\n-------------------------")
build_no = input("Enter the build number\t")
comm_message = input("Describe your changes\t")
print("\n * Creating temp dir at "+cwd+"/../temp/" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("mkdir "+cwd+"/../temp/")
print("\n * Building static pages to "+cwd+"/../temp/" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("bundle exec jekyll build -d ../temp/")
print("\n * Building done......\n=======================================\n\n")
repo_handler(build_no, comm_message)
def repo_handler(build_no, comm_message):
#checks out to master branch
#rm -rf everything inside
#commits with build no and message and appends p1
#copies stuff in ../temp to current dir
#deletes _site/ folder if created
#commits with build no and message and appends p2
#pushes to github
os.system("git checkout master")
os.system("rm -rf ./*")
print("\n * Removed files inside master branch......" + "\n-------------------------\n\n")
print("\n * Commiting changes......" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("git addcomm -m \"Build No.: "+build_no+" :: "+comm_message+" | part 1\"")
os.system("cp -r ../temp/* ./")
print("\n * Added build files inside master branch......" + "\n-------------------------\n\n")
print("\n * _site/ folder exists, deleting the folder......" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("rm -rf ./_site")
print("\n * _site/ deleted" + "\n-------------------------\n")
print("\n * _site/ folder does not exist" + "\n-------------------------\n\n")
print("\n * Commiting changes......" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("git addcomm -m \"Build No.: "+build_no+" :: "+comm_message+" | part 2\"")
print("\n * Pushing to GitHub" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("git push origin master")
print("\n * _site/ folder exists, deleting the folder......" + "\n-------------------------")
os.system("rm -rf ./_site")
print("\n * _site/ deleted" + "\n-------------------------\n")
print("\n * _site/ folder does not exist" + "\n-------------------------\n\n")
print("\n * switching back to jekyll branch" + "\n-------------------------\n\n")
os.system("git checkout jekyll")
if __name__ == '__main__':
cwd = os.getcwd()
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