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Forked from trotsky1997/
Created February 27, 2024 06:53
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Fix JSON output of LLM agents
import re
import json
from half_json.core import JSONFixer
def json_fixer(data: str) -> str:
# define a mapping of full-width punctuation to half-width punctuation
punctuation_map = {
"!": "!",
"?": "?",
"。": ".",
",": ",",
":": ":",
";": ";",
"(": "(",
")": ")",
"【": "[",
"】": "]",
"{": "{",
"}": "}",
"‘": "'",
"’": "'",
"“": '"',
"”": '"',
# replace each full-width punctuation with its corresponding half-width punctuation
for full, half in punctuation_map.items():
data = data.replace(full, half)
# add / fix missing quotes around keys
data = re.sub(r'([{,]\s*)(\w+)(\s*:)', r'\1"\2"\3', data)
# add / fix missing escape characters
data = data.replace('\\', '\\\\')
# add / fix missing commas
data = re.sub(r'(\w)\s*([}\]])', r'\1,\2', data)
# add / fix missing closing brackets
stack = [] # a stack to store the opening brackets
for i, c in enumerate(data):
if c in '{[': # push the opening bracket to the stack
elif c in '}]': # pop the matching opening bracket from the stack
if not stack or stack[-1] != c.replace('}', '{').replace(']', '['):
return "Invalid input" # return an error if the brackets are not balanced
elif c in '"\'': # toggle the quotation mark flag
if not stack or stack[-1] not in '"\'':
# append the missing closing brackets,quotes according to the stack
while stack:
top = stack.pop()
data += top.replace('{', '}').replace('[', ']').replace('"','"').replace("'", "'")
# remove redundant text out of { }
data = re.sub(r'^[^{]*|[^}]*$', '', data)
# add / fix missing quotes around keys
data = re.sub(r'([{,]\s*)(\w+)(\s*:)', r'\1"\2"\3', data)
# add / fix missing escape characters
data = data.replace('\\', '\\\\')
# add / fix missing commas
data = re.sub(r'(\w)\s*([}\]])', r'\1,\2', data)
# add / fix missing closing brackets
data = re.sub(r'(\w)\s*$', r'\1}', data)
# replace with double quotes in place of single quotes
data = data.replace("'", '"')
# replace with regular double quotes in place of special quote characters like “...”
data = re.sub(r'[“”]', '"', data)
# replace with regular spaces in place of special white space characters
data = re.sub(r'\s', ' ', data)
# replace with null, true, and false in place of Python constants None, True, and False
data = re.sub(r'None|True|False', lambda m:, data)
# clean trailing commas
data = re.sub(r',\s*([}\]])', r'\1', data)
# clean comments like /* ... */ and // ...
data = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/|//.*$', '', data, flags=re.DOTALL)
# clean JSONP notation like callback({ ... })
data = re.sub(r'\w+\((.*)\)', r'\1', data, flags=re.DOTALL)
# clean escape characters from an escaped string like {\"stringified\": \"content\"}
data = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', data)
# clean MongoDB data types like NumberLong(2) and ISODate("2022-03-03T05:02:11.111Z")
data = re.sub(r'NumberLong\((\d+)\)', r'\1', data)
data = re.sub(r'ISODate\("(.+?)"\)', r'"\1"', data)
# concatenate strings like "longer text" + "more text on next line"
data = re.sub(r'"(.+?)"\s*\+\s*"(.+?)"', r'"\1\2"', data)
# replace any whitespace and newline between } and { with a single newline
data = re.sub(r'}\s*\n*\s*{', '}\n{', data)
datalist = data.splitlines()
data = datalist[0]
return data
def fixjson(badjson):
ans0 = json_fixer(badjson)
ans = JSONFixer().fix(ans0)
loaded_ans = json.loads(ans.line)
if loaded_ans is list:
return json.dumps(loaded_ans[0])
return json.dumps(loaded_ans)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(fixjson('{"reflection": "The experiment with the parameters [{"base": "CsOPiv", "concentration": "0.1", "ligand": "X-Phos", "solvent": "p-Xylene", "temperature": "105"}] resulted in a yield of 53.63. This indicates that the chosen parameters were effective in producing the desired reaction.", "differential analysis": "In the last two rounds of search, the parameters were selected based on a combination of previous experimental records, pre-training knowledge, and Bayesian optimization suggestions. The analysis of these choices is beyond the scope of the available information."}'))
print(fixjson(''',\;;,\nSubject:Subscribe to mailing lists,\nContent:\nHi,\n\nI hope this email finds you well. I wanted to remind you to subscribe to the following mailing lists:\n\n1. - This mailing list is for discussions and updates related to living arrangements and roommates. It will be a great platform for finding suitable roommates and sharing information about housing options.\n\n2. - This mailing list is for updates and discussions about the upcoming summer camp. It will provide information about the schedule, activities, and any important announcements related to the camp.\n\n3. - This mailing list is for coordinating meals and food options during work hours. It will help us plan and organize meals for the team, ensuring that everyone\'s dietary preferences and restrictions are taken into account.\n\nTo subscribe to any of these mailing lists, simply send an email to the respective list address with "subscribe" in the subject line. You will start receiving emails from the list once your subscription is confirmed.\n\nPlease let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.\n\nBest regards,\nJohn'''))
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