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Zachary Nemeroff ZaneMeroff

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ZaneMeroff /
Created September 11, 2021 15:16
Remove remote and squash git history

Remove local remote

git remote remove origin

Squash all git history into one commit

git checkout --orphan some-branch
git commit -m "First commit"
git branch -f master

Git Styleguide

Feature Branch Names

Feature branch names should start with the developers initials, followed by a / character, and then a descriptive snake case string, e.g.:


Do not use camel case for branch names please!

For Vue create a new file in your project root named vue.config.js (Docs) and specify the publicPath (Docs).

NOTE if using a custom subdomain like change publicPath to '/'

module.exports = {
  publicPath: '/name-of-your-project/'
  1. Now commit and push your changes and run npm run build

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

How to deploy React app to GitHub Pages

Install the gh-pages package as a "dev-dependency" of the app.

$ npm install gh-pages --save-dev
  • The commands shown in the following steps can all be issued from within the app's folder.

Deploying a React App* to GitHub Pages

* created using create-react-app


In this tutorial, I'll show you how I deployed a React app—which I created using create-react-app—to GitHub Pages.

You can visit the deployed app, at

Write a recursive function that converts an integer into a string such that the number is represented in Roman Numerals in the most efficient way.
eg, the number 4 could be written as 'IIII' but it's more efficient to use 'IV' since that's a shorter string
Assume no number is greater than 4,000
Here are the Roman Numeral equivalents you'll need to know:
M=1000, CM=900, D=500, CD=400,

Round Up - mod4 cross-poll project

A group project by Zack Nemeroff & Phil Delong & Jordan Holtkamp & Ryan Novak


Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

  • We wish to gain a better understanding for Python, Flask, and React Native.

Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here):


How well did you stick to your calendar this past week?
Better than last week regarding the project work and Top Talk slides. Still need to direct more attention to the job search.

Do you need to change anything in your calendar for the upcoming week?
Need to reinforce the times set aside for job search and applications.

What wins or appreciations do you have for this past week?
My team completed all the base functionality for the current project (WOOOHOOO!). I appreciate all the hard work our team has put into digging into an unfamiliar code base and finding clever ways to implement new features.