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Last active January 5, 2024 20:48
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  • Save ZanzyTHEbar/9e754a57e9511847c26cd715879fb6cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Solid-UI tailwindcss
@layer base {
/* This style is REQUIRED due to how kobalte handles focus-visible state */
* {
@apply outline-none [&[data-focus-visible]]:outline-white;
:root {
--background: 0 0% 100%;
--foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
--muted: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
--muted-foreground: 240 3.8% 46.1%;
--popover: 0 0% 100%;
--popover-foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
--border: 240 5.9% 90%;
--input: 240 5.9% 90%;
--card: 0 0% 100%;
--card-foreground: 240 10% 3.9%;
--primary: 240 5.9% 10%;
--primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--secondary: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
--secondary-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
--accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
--accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
--destructive: 0 84.2% 60.2%;
--destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--info: 204 94% 94%;
--info-foreground: 199 89% 48%;
--success: 149 80% 90%;
--success-foreground: 160 84% 39%;
--warning: 48 96% 89%;
--warning-foreground: 25 95% 53%;
--error: 0 93% 94%;
--error-foreground: 0 84% 60%;
--ring: 240 5.9% 10%;
--radius: 0.5rem;
[data-kb-theme='dark'] {
--background: 240 10% 3.9%;
--foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--muted: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--muted-foreground: 240 5% 64.9%;
--accent: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--accent-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--popover: 240 10% 3.9%;
--popover-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--input: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--card: 240 10% 3.9%;
--card-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--primary: 0 0% 98%;
--primary-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
--secondary: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
--secondary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--destructive: 0 62.8% 30.6%;
--destructive-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
--info: 204 94% 94%;
--info-foreground: 199 89% 48%;
--success: 149 80% 90%;
--success-foreground: 160 84% 39%;
--warning: 48 96% 89%;
--warning-foreground: 25 95% 53%;
--error: 0 93% 94%;
--error-foreground: 0 84% 60%;
--ring: 240 4.9% 83.9%;
--radius: 0.5rem;
@layer base {
* {
@apply border-border;
body {
@apply bg-background text-foreground;
'rlig' 1,
'calt' 1;
@media (max-width: 640px) {
.container {
@apply px-4;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
module.exports = {
purge: {
options: {
safelist: [/data-theme$/, './index.html', './src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
plugins: {
'postcss-import': {},
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
import kobalte from '@kobalte/tailwindcss'
import forms from '@tailwindcss/forms'
import typography from '@tailwindcss/typography'
import daisyui from 'daisyui'
import defaultTheme from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme'
import brandColors from 'tailwindcss-brand-colors'
import debugScreens from 'tailwindcss-debug-screens'
import uiPreset from './ui.preset'
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'
const generateSizeClass = (upToSize: number, startAt = 80) => {
const classes = {}
for (let i = startAt; i < upToSize / 4; i += 4) {
classes[i] = `${(i * 4) / 16}rem`
return classes
const labelsClasses = ['indigo', 'gray', 'green', 'blue', 'red', 'purple']
// add class='dark' to <html> to enable dark mode -
const config = {
plugins: [kobalte, forms, typography, daisyui, brandColors, debugScreens, uiPreset],
content: ['./src/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
purge: {
//Because we made a dynamic class with the label we need to add those classes
// to the safe list so the purge does not remove that
safelist: [ => `bg-${lbl}-500`), => `bg-${lbl}-200`), => `text-${lbl}-400`),
theme: {
debugScreens: {
position: ['bottom', 'left'],
screens: {
xxs: '300px',
xs: '475px',
extend: {
width: generateSizeClass(1024),
minHeight: generateSizeClass(1024, 0),
maxHeight: generateSizeClass(1024, 0),
maxWidth: generateSizeClass(1024, 0),
minWidth: generateSizeClass(1024, 0),
borderWidth: {
1: '1px',
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Roboto', 'sans-serif'],
gridTemplateColumns: {
'1/5': '1fr 5fr',
// daisyUI config (optional - here are the default values)
daisyui: {
themes: true, // false: only light + dark | true: all themes | array: specific themes like this ["light", "dark", "cupcake"]
darkTheme: 'dark', // name of one of the included themes for dark mode
base: true, // applies background color and foreground color for root element by default
styled: true, // include daisyUI colors and design decisions for all components
utils: true, // adds responsive and modifier utility classes
prefix: '', // prefix for daisyUI classnames (components, modifiers and responsive class names. Not colors)
logs: true, // Shows info about daisyUI version and used config in the console when building your CSS
themeRoot: '*', // The element that receives theme color CSS variables
} satisfies Config
export default config
"tsx": true,
"componentDir": "./src/components/ui",
"tailwind": {
"config": "tailwind.config.ts",
"css": "src/styles/imports.css"
"aliases": {
"path": "@src"
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires, no-undef
const { fontFamily } = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
/**@type {import("tailwindcss").Config} */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
module.exports = {
darkMode: ['class', '[data-kb-theme="dark"]'],
content: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,md,mdx,ts,tsx}'],
theme: {
container: {
center: true,
padding: '2rem',
screens: {
'2xl': '1400px',
extend: {
colors: {
border: 'hsl(var(--border))',
input: 'hsl(var(--input))',
ring: 'hsl(var(--ring))',
background: 'hsl(var(--background))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--foreground))',
primary: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--primary))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--primary-foreground))',
secondary: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--secondary))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--secondary-foreground))',
destructive: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--destructive))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--destructive-foreground))',
info: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--info))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--info-foreground))',
success: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--success))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--success-foreground))',
warning: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--warning))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--warning-foreground))',
error: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--error))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--error-foreground))',
muted: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--muted))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--muted-foreground))',
accent: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--accent))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--accent-foreground))',
popover: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--popover))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--popover-foreground))',
card: {
DEFAULT: 'hsl(var(--card))',
foreground: 'hsl(var(--card-foreground))',
borderRadius: {
lg: 'var(--radius)',
md: 'calc(var(--radius) - 2px)',
sm: 'calc(var(--radius) - 4px)',
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Inter', ...fontFamily.sans],
keyframes: {
'accordion-down': {
from: { height: 0 },
to: { height: 'var(--kb-accordion-content-height)' },
'accordion-up': {
from: { height: 'var(--kb-accordion-content-height)' },
to: { height: 0 },
'content-show': {
from: { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.96)' },
to: { opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)' },
'content-hide': {
from: { opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)' },
to: { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.96)' },
animation: {
'accordion-down': 'accordion-down 0.2s ease-out',
'accordion-up': 'accordion-up 0.2s ease-out',
'content-show': 'content-show 0.2s ease-out',
'content-hide': 'content-hide 0.2s ease-out',
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
plugins: [require('tailwindcss-animate')],
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