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Last active February 25, 2024 16:21
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  • is a software development methodology
  • core: break workload in chunks of smaller projects => flexibility
  • 2 frameworks: Kanban & Scrum


  • story = smallest defined piece of work (e.g. new Jira ticket/GitHub issue)
    • "As a I want to " => context
    • Add details in description for the requirements (so they can be verified)
    • number of story points express how much effort is expected (difficulty, risk...) - they are based on the Fibonacci sequence (1,2,3,5,8,13,...). It's best to have small numbers (better division of tasks)
  • epic = group of stories
    • represent a feature
    • no Δt defined
  • sprint = the way of planning how work gets done
    • the Δt
    • usually 2 weeks of work
    • team velocity = number of story points = Σ(avg velocity of devs)
    • points/sprint may vary based on experience of devs
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