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Last active February 25, 2024 16:23
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Classical vs Quantum Comms


  • -1900
  • macroscopic
  • deterministic
  • intuitive


  • 1900-
  • microscopic
  • probabilistic
  • observer = central role
  • superposition
  • not very intuitive

Fundamental Quantum Properties

  • a single photon constitutes an elementary quantum system - cannot be split
  • semi transparent mirror
    • in classic physics: light enters, 50% reflected, 50% passes through
    • in quantum physics: particle enters, unknown % reflected or through
  • a pure qubit is a coherent superposition of the basic states:
    • |0> outside
    • |1> inside
    • |0> + |1> = quantum/unknown state => |ψ> = a|0> + b|1> where a, b complex numbers so that |a|2 + |b|2 = 1
| bits            | qubits                                    |
| b_0             | c_0 |0> + c_1 |1>                         |
| b_0b_1          | c_0 |00> + c_1 |01> + c_2 |10> + c_3 |11> |
| ...             | ...                                       |
| specific n bits | all 2^n possible qubits                   |


  • 100-200 qubits: chemistry
  • 100s-1000s: optimization, ML, material science
  • more than 100.000s: unknown problems

Technology Options

Why use photons?

  • robust
  • easy to manipulate
  • fast to measure
  • carrier of quantum info
  • works at any temperature (not mk)
  • is manufacturable

Light Properties

  • wavelength
  • frequency
  • phase
  • polarization (time bin encoding)
  • direction

Single Photon Source (SPS)

  • repetition rate & proability of collection
  • P1 = probability of exactly i photons (per pulse)
  • we want P1 >> P0, P2+
  • but temperature is the issue so we try to use laser (photon generation based on Poisson)

Single Photon Detectors (1-1)

1550 nm (photon) = 1.28 × 10-19 J

ERP Paradox

Einstein, Podolsky, Rsoen: they tried to prove Heisenberg's uncertainty principle wrong & instead proved it right.

Σύζευξη Φωτωνίων


Man-mad randomness is fake because it's deterministic.

A true random generator should have something from physics as input (e.g. quantum ones)

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