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Created August 6, 2022 09:25
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  • Save ZaptorZap/e8881170180f7d61b9efe71aee288861 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ZaptorZap/e8881170180f7d61b9efe71aee288861 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate TR cutoffs or "thresholds" for the TETR.IO webgame's ranked "TETRA LEAGUE" by interfacing with its public TETRA CHANNEL API. • Output is in valid JSON format.
wget --output-document ~/Downloads/all.json
originalranks=( "x" "u" "ss" "s+" "s" "s-" "a+" "a" "a-" "b+" "b" "b-" "c+" "c" "c-" "d+" )
originaltuiiranks=( "x" "u" "ss" "sp" "s" "sm" "ap" "a" "am" "bp" "b" "bm" "cp" "c" "cm" "dp" )
# short for Original Tenchi Ultra Improved Indistinguishable Ranks • created this way for compatibility with applications that depended on the output of data found on
printf "{\"date\":\"$(date --utc +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")\",\"thresholds\":[" > ~/Downloads/thresholds.json # begin the JSON object
for index in {0..15}; do
printf "{\"rank\":\"${originaltuiiranks[$index]}\",\"threshold\":" >> ~/Downloads/thresholds.json # STEP ONE: starting the threshold with tenchi's special name
rankplayercount="$(jq --raw-output "[.data.users[] | select(.league.rank == \"${originalranks[$index]}\")] | length" ~/Downloads/all.json)" # how many people are in this rank?
rankmiddlemostplayerid="$(jq --raw-output "[.data.users[] | select(.league.rank == \"${originalranks[$index]}\")] | .[$(( $rankplayercount / 2 ))]._id" ~/Downloads/all.json)" # who's straight in the middle, guaranteed to be in the rank we're querying?
sleep 1s # to comply with osk's 1-second API wait time—although processing all of this jq is likely going to take longer than a second
lowerplacement="$(curl -s$rankmiddlemostplayerid | jq --join-output ".data.user.league.prev_at")" # what's their users stats say about the cutoff of this rank? we'll only be referencing this once, so no need for more temporary files
jq --join-output ".data.users[$lowerplacement].league.rating | floor" ~/Downloads/all.json >> ~/Downloads/thresholds.json # STEP TWO: combine our work from before and get the cutoff
printf "}," >> ~/Downloads/thresholds.json # STEP THREE: closing this part and starting the next one
printf "{\"rank\":\"d\",\"threshold\":" >> ~/Downloads/thresholds.json
jq --join-output '[.data.users[] | select(.league.rank == "d")] | .[-1].league.rating | floor' ~/Downloads/all.json >> ~/Downloads/thresholds.json
printf "}]}" >> ~/Downloads/thresholds.json
rm ~/Downloads/all.json
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