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Last active February 11, 2020 15:19
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DIV2 syntax for VIM
" Vim syntax file
" Language: DIV2 language
" Maintainer: Luis Panadero Guardeño
" Latest Revision: 10-2-2020
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn region divString matchgroup=divString start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline
syn keyword divBoolean true false
syn match divNumber "\<\d\+\>"
"syn match divIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>"
syn match divMathOperator "-\|=\|[:<>+\*^/\\]"
syn match divLogicOperator "&&\|||\|or\|xor\|and\|neg"
syn region divComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=divTodo
syn region divCommentL start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=divTodo
syn keyword divConditional if else switch case
syn keyword divRepeat do for do repeat while to until loop step
syn keyword divHeaderStatement COMPILER_OPTIONS program import setup_program
syn keyword divBlockDeclaration const global local private
syn keyword divStartBlockStatement begin contained
syn keyword divEndBlockStatement end contained
syn keyword divStatement process function
syn keyword divStatement break return continue
syn keyword divStatement offset pointer
syn keyword divStruct struct
syn keyword divType byte int word string
syn keyword divTodo contained TODO FIXME NOTE contained
" Funtions
syn keyword divFunction signal key load_pal load_fpg start_scroll stop_scroll out_region
syn keyword divFunction graphic_info collision get_id get_distx get_disty get_angle get_dist fade
syn keyword divFunction load_fnt write write_int delete_text move_text unload_fpg rand define_region
syn keyword divFunction xput put put_screen map_xput map_put put_pixel get_pixel map_put_pixel
syn keyword divFunction map_get_pixel get_point clear_screen save load set_mode load_pcm unload_pcm
syn keyword divFunction sound stop_sound change_sound set_fps start_fli frame_fli end_fli reset_fli
syn keyword divFunction system refresh_scroll fget_dist fget_angle play_cd stop_cd is_playing_cd
syn keyword divFunction start_mode7 stop_mode7 advance abs fade_on fade_off rand_seed sqrt pow
syn keyword divFunction map_block_copy move_scroll near_angle let_me_alone exit roll_palette
syn keyword divFunction get_real_point get_joy_button get_joy_position convert_palette load_map
syn keyword divFunction reset_sound unload_map unload_fnt set_volume unload_wav load_wav load_pcx
syn keyword divFunction unload_pcx set_color net_join_game net_get_games stop_mode8 xadvance char
syn keyword divFunction path_find path_line path_free new_map load_wld start_mode8 go_to_flag
syn keyword divFunction set_sector_height get_sector_height set_point_m8 get_point_m8 set_fog
syn keyword divFunction set_sector_texture get_sector_texture set_wall_texture get_wall_texture
syn keyword divFunction set_env_color strcpy strcat strlen strcmp strchr strstr strset upper lower
syn keyword divFunction strdel screen_copy qsort load_song unload_song song stop_song set_song_pos
syn keyword divFunction get_song_pos get_song_line is_playing_sound is_playing_song fopen fclose
syn keyword divFunction fread fwrite fseek ftell filelength flush get_dirinfo get_fileinfo getdrive
syn keyword divFunction setdrive chdir mkdir remove disk_free memory_free ignore_error save_pcx
syn keyword divFunction sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2 draw delete_draw move_draw save_map
syn keyword divFunction write_in_map calculate itoa change_channel malloc free encode encode_file
syn keyword divFunction decode_file compress_file uncompress_file find_color load_screen force_pal
" Constants
syn keyword divConstants m320x200 m320x240 m320x400 m360x240 m360x360 m376x282 m640x400 m640x480 m800x600 m1024x768
syn keyword divConstants min_int max_int pi
syn keyword divConstants s_kill s_wakeup s_sleep s_freeze s_kill_tree s_wakeup_tree s_sleep_tree s_freeze_tree
syn keyword divConstants all_text all_drawing all_sound
syn keyword divConstants g_wide g_height g_x_center g_y_center c_screen c_scroll c_m7 c_m8
syn keyword divConstants partial_dump complete_dump no_restore partial_restore complete_restore
syn keyword divConstants c_0 c_1 c_2 c_3 c_4 c_5 c_6 c_7 c_8 c_9
syn keyword divConstants _max_process _extended_conditions _simple_conditions _case_sensitive _ignore_errors _free_sintax _no_check _no_strfix _no_optimization _no_range_check _no_id_check _no_null_check
syn keyword divConstants seek_set seek_cur seek_end _normal _hidden _system _volid _subdir
syn keyword divConstants fast_mixer quality_mixer sound_bits_8 sound_bits_16 _wave
syn keyword divConstants _esc _f1 _f2 _f3 _f4 _f5 _f6 _f7 _f8 _f9 _f10 _f11 _f12 _prn_scr _scroll_lock
syn keyword divConstants _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _0 _minus _plus _backspace _tab
syn keyword divConstants _q _w _e _r _t _y _u _i _o _p _l_brachet _r_brachet _enter _caps_lock
syn keyword divConstants _a _s _d _f _g _h _j _k _l _semicolon _apostrophe _backslash _l_shift
syn keyword divConstants _z _x _c _v _b _n _m _comma _point _slash _r_shift _control _alt _space
syn keyword divConstants _ins _home _pgup _del _end _pgdn _up _down _left _right _num_lock
syn keyword divConstants _c_backslash _c_asterisk _c_minus _c_home _c_up _c_pgup
syn keyword divConstants _c_left _c_center _c_right _c_end _c_down _c_pgdn _c_ins _c_del _c_plus _c_enter
"syn region divConstBlock start=+const+ end=+global\|local\|begin+ transparent contains=divType,divIdentifier,divBoolean,divNumber,divString,divStruct,divComment,divCommentL,divBlockDeclaration,divStartBlockStatement
"syn region divGlobalBlock start=+global+ end=+const\|local\|begin+ transparent contains=divType,divIdentifier,divBoolean,divNumber,divString,divStruct,divComment,divCommentL,divBlockDeclaration,divStartBlockStatement
"syn region divLocalBlock start=+local+ end=+const\|local\|begin+ transparent keepend contains=divType,divIdentifier,divBoolean,divNumber,divString,divStruct,divComment,divCommentL,divBlockDeclaration,divStartBlockStatement
syn region divBlock start=+begin+ end=+end+ transparent contains=ALLBUT,divBlockDeclaration,divHeaderStatement
"hi def link divIdentifier Identifier
hi def link divBoolean Boolean
hi def link divComment Comment
hi def link divCommentL Comment
hi def link divString String
hi def link divConditional Conditional
hi def link divNumber Number
hi def link divRepeat Repeat
hi def link divHeaderStatement Statement
hi def link divStatement Statement
hi def link divStruct Statement
hi def link divMathOperator Operator
hi def link divLogicOperator Operator
hi def link divTodo Todo
hi def link divType Type
"hi def link divUnclassified divStatement
"hi def link divDirective divStatement
hi def link divFunction Function
hi def link divConstants Constants
"hi def link divError Error
hi def link divBlockDeclaration Statement
hi def link divStartBlockStatement Statement
hi def link divEndBlockStatement Statement
let b:current_syntax = "div"
" vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=78 et :
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.prg set filetype=div2
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.PRG set filetype=div2
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