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Last active April 25, 2022 15:43
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Falling gems animation with PyGame
import pygame
from random import randint, choice
# RGB colours
BLACK = (0, 0,0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (44, 205, 23)
RED = (216, 10, 0)
BLUE = (27, 64, 255)
PURPLE = (121, 0, 234)
YELLOW = (236, 197, 0)
SILVER = (217, 217, 220)
# Flag to run main loop
done = False
# Number of gems to draw initially
num_gems = 285
# Set window size
size = (900, 600)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
# Used to control frame rate
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
#Start the engine
# Each gem is a 6-sided polygon with 6 (x,y) cooridnates
def generate_gem(first_gen=False):
# First generation places gems all over the screen
if first_gen == True:
top_left = [randint(0, size[0]), randint(0, size[1])]
# Other generations place gems at the top of the screen
# top_left = [randint(0,size[0]), randint(-50,100)]
top_left = [randint(0, size[0]), randint(-50, 0)]
top_right = [top_left[0] + 16, top_left[1]]
top_middle = [(top_left[0] + top_right[0]) // 2, (top_left[1] + top_right[1]) // 2 - 10]
bottom_left = [top_left[0], top_left[1] + 20]
bottom_right = [top_right[0], top_right[1] + 20]
bottom_middle = [top_middle[0], top_middle[1] + 40]
# Randomise colour
colour = choice(COLOUR_OPTIONS)
# The gem is 6-sided, but the 7th list element is the gem colour
return [top_left, top_middle, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_middle, bottom_left, colour]
# Running list of gems, initially populated with the first set of gems
gems_list = [generate_gem(first_gen=True) for gem in range(num_gems)]
# Main loop - each iteration is a frame
while not done:
# Check for new user events and finish the animation if the user quits
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
# Fill screen black on every frame
# Draw each gem
for i in range(len(gems_list)):
gem_coordinates = gems_list[i][:6]
gem_colour = gems_list[i][6]
# Last parameter as 0 fills the polygon with the given colour
pygame.draw.polygon(screen, gem_colour, gem_coordinates, 0)
# Increment Y coordinate of each vertex to move gem down
gems_list[i] = [
[gem_coordinates[vertex][0], gem_coordinates[vertex][1] + 4]
for vertex in range(6)
] + [gem_colour]
# Replace gems going out of bounds by new ones placed at the top of the screen
gem_middle_bottom_y = gems_list[i][4][1]
if gem_middle_bottom_y > size[1]:
gems_list[i] = generate_gem()
# Wait until everything is drawn to display on screen
# FPS count
#Quit the program properly
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