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Last active March 25, 2017 01:44
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Suggested WIP crafting format revision
"type": "crafting", //Recipe type
"ingredients": [
{ //An item group that can be moved seperately from other groups
"pattern": [
" B"
"fixed": "BOOLEAN, optional (default: false): if this item group cannot be moved in the recipe (if fixed, the placement of the item group is always at the top left corner of the crafting grid)",
"can_flip_horizontally": "BOOLEAN, optional (default: false): if this item group can be flipped horizontally in the recipe",
"can_flip_vertically": "BOOLEAN, optional (default: false): if this item group can be flipped upside down in the recipe"
"modifier_ingredients": [ //Special, sometimes optional ingredient groups - example: dyes in dyed leather armor recipes
{ //An item group that can be moved seperately from other groups
"pattern": [
" ",
" ",
"B "
"fixed": "BOOLEAN, optional (default: false): if this item group cannot be moved in the recipe (if fixed, the placement of the item group is always at the top left corner of the crafting grid)",
"can_flip_horizontally": "BOOLEAN, optional (default: false): if this item group can be flipped horizontally in the recipe",
"can_flip_vertically": "BOOLEAN, optional (default: false): if this item group can be flipped upside down in the recipe",
"min_groups": "INTEGER, optional (default: 1): the minimum amount of this item group that can be used in the recipe",
"max_groups": "INTEGER, optional (default: -1 (unlimited)): the maximum amount of this item group that can be used in the recipe"
"modifier_ingredients_required": { //Optional, if absent, no modifier ingredients are required, except
"min": "INTEGER: the minimum amount of optional ingredient groups that can be used in the recipe",
"max": "INTEGER: the maximum amount of optional ingredient groups that can be used in the recipe (-1 = unlimited)"
"key": {
"A": {
"item": "STRING: The item ID",
"data": "INTEGER, optional (default: 0): the item damage/metadata value",
//"states": { "NAME_OF_STATE": "VALUE" }, <-- Will replace "data" when item states are implemented
"count": "INTEGER, optional (default: 1): the stack size required"
"B": "STRING: the item ID" //Shorthand - same as "B": { "item": "item ID" }
"result": { //Alternative shorthand -> "result": "item ID"
"item": "STRING: The ID of the item crafted"
//"data" & "count" parameters can also be used
"functions": [ //Optional, for special modifications
"function": "minecraft:return_items", //For keeping/replacing items in certain slots, like the buckets when making a cake
"item_keys": [ "A", "B" ], //STRING or STRING[]: the keys of the items to keep/replace
"return": { //the item to replace the original item with, leaving as a empty will give the player the item it had put in - Alternative shorthand -> "return": "item ID"
"item": "STRING: The ID of the item crafted"
//"data" & "count" parameters can also be used
"nbt": "STRING, optional: what tags to keep - empty means all tags, {} means none"
"function": "minecraft:zoom_map", //For Zooming in/out a map
"zoom_level": "INTEGER: How much the map should zoom in - negative values means zooming out",
"zoom_from": "STRING: Where the map should be zoomed in/out from, allowed values are: 'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'top_left', 'top_right', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right'"
"function": "minecraft:repair", //For setting damage value compared to the other ingredients (only useable on items with durability)
"item_keys": [ "A", "B" ], //STRING or STRING[]: The keys of the items that get the durability combined into the final item
"bonus": "INTEGER (or FLOAT?), optional (default: 0): Additional percentage of bonus durability the returned item gets"
"function": "minecraft:copy_nbt", //For adding NBT data from the 'tag' tag to the returning item
"item_key": "A", //STRING: the keys of the items to copy the NBT from as integer - note, this runs before "return" runs, meaning the NBT from "return" is adding/replacing on top of the copied NBT
"copy": "STRING, optional: What tag to copy, empty/absent means all tags",
"paste": "STRING, optional: Where to paste the tag, empty/absent for same path as copy"
"function": "minecraft:add_nbt", //For adding nbt, only used with modifier_ingredients
"item_keys": [ "A", "B" ], //STRING or STRING[]: The keys of the items to add NBT data to
"nbt": "STRING: The tag(s) it adds",
"overwrite": "STRING, optional: what existing tags to overwrite if already present - empty means all tags, {} means none"
"function": "minecraft:color", //For coloring armor and fireworks
"coloring": "STRING: What exactly gets colored, so the correct calculation gets used, allowed values are: armor, fireworks, fireworks_fade, potion",
"item_keys": [ "A", "B" ], //STRING or STRING[]: The keys of the items to color
"color": [ 255, 255, 0 ] //INTEGER[]: The color value to add in RGB"
// Notes:
// First runs copy_nbt, then the nbt of return and then the nbt of add_nbt
// When NBT is copied, and a list which already exists is being specified in return, it adds to the end of the list, unless the returned list is empty.
// If the same id is found multiple times in the same recipe, it'll apply the function to all of them
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