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Created August 3, 2015 01:58
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[R] Quandl RevolutionR Modified Example (Currencies)
# Modified from RevolutionR
##### API Key #####
token <- 'Your Private API' # Sign up with Quandl to get a token
library(Quandl) # Quandl package
library(ggplot2) # Package for plotting
library(reshape2) # Package for reshaping data
Quandl.auth(token) # Authenticate your token
# Build vector of currencies
currencies <- c("CHF", "CAD","EUR","GBP")
# Function to fetch major currency rates
rdQcurr <- function(currencies){
# Construct Quandl code for first currency
codes <- paste("CURRFX/",currencies,"USD",sep="")
for(i in 1:length(currencies)){
if (i == 1){
# Select the date from the first currency
d <- Quandl(codes[1],start_date="2003-01-01",end_date="2015-06-07" )[,1]
A <- array(0,dim=c(length(d),length(codes)))
# Get the rate fom the first curency
A[,1] <- Quandl(codes[1],start_date="2003-01-01",end_date="2015-06-07" )[,2]
# Just get the rates for the remaining currencies
A[,i] <- Quandl(codes[i],start_date="2003-01-01",end_date="2015-06-07" )[,2]
df <- data.frame(d,A)
names(df) <- c("DATE", currencies)
rates <- rdQcurr(currencies) # Fetch the currency rates
rates$DATE <- as.Date(rates$DATE) # Make DATE into type Date
rates4 <- rates[,c(1,1:length(currencies)+1)] # Pick out some rates to plot
meltdf <- melt(rates4, id="DATE") # Shape data for plottting
ggplot(meltdf,aes(x=DATE,y=value,colour=variable,group=variable)) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle("Major Currency Exchange Rates in USD")
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