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Last active July 10, 2017 08:17
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iOS Missions
func distance(ax : Int, ay : Int, bx :Int, by :Int)-> Float {
let a = pow(Float(bx-ax), 2)
let b = pow(Float(by-ay), 2)
let sol2 : Float = a + b
return sol2.squareRoot()
print(distance(ax: 1, ay: 1, bx: 5, by: 6))
//print 6.40312
typealias Point = (a : Double, b : Double)
func distance2(a : Point, b : Point) -> Double {
let x = pow(Double(b.a-a.a), 2)
let y = pow(Double(b.b-a.b), 2)
let sol2 : Double = x + y
return sol2.squareRoot()
distance2(a: (1,1), b: (5,6))
//print 6.403124237432849..
func age(from: String ) -> Int{
let index = from.index(from.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)
let sol = from.substring(to : index)
let integerYear : Int = Int(sol)!
let sol2 = 11707 - integerYear
return sol2/100
print( age(from: "881201"))
//print 28.
let arr: [Int?] = [1,4,-1,3,2]
var index : Int = 0
func enumerateList(A:[Int?]){
while true{
if arr[index] == -1{
print(arr[index]!,terminator: " -> ")
index = arr[index]!
func countOfList( A: [Int?])->Int{
return arr.count
func isFullList(A : [Int?]) -> Bool{
for index in arr{
if index == nil{
return false
else {
return true
return true
countOfList(A: arr)
isFullList(A: arr)
enumerateList(A: arr)
//print 5
//print true
//print 1 -> 4 -> 2 -> -1
func complex(from array:[Int]) -> Int{
let filtered = array.filter { index in index%2==0 || index%3==0 }.map{ $0 * 5 }.reduce(0, { $0 + $1})
return filtered
complex(from : [1,2,3,4,5,6])
//prints 75
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